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Commit d5ab0ae4 authored by Robert Kloefkorn's avatar Robert Kloefkorn
Browse files

copy poisson implementation from dglagrange.

Not working yet.
parent 03dc996e
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# install these headers
poisson_HEADERS = models.hh problemcreator.hh steppertraits.hh
FLUX = 1 # LLF 1, HLL 2
# 1. define PRIMALDG for IP, BR2, CDG, CDG2
# 2. define DUALDG for LDG
# 1. define LOCALDEBUG to calculate \sum_e\int_Omega(r_e*l_e) and
# \sum_e\int_Omega(r_e*l_e). They will be output to std::cout from the Stepper
# 1. define TESTOPERATOR for linear advdiff equation to output various
# information on space operator
EXTRA_PROGRAMS = advdiff pulse # quasiadvdiff quasiadvdiff12 plaplace plaplace12
check_PROGRAMS = advdiffonep pulseonep # quasiadvdiff quasiadvdiff12 plaplace plaplace12
advdiffonep_SOURCES = $(BASEDIR)/ $(BASEDIR)/
pulseonep_SOURCES = $(BASEDIR)/ $(BASEDIR)/
AM_CPPFLAGS = $(USE_OMP) -I../../problems/advdiff $(ALL_PKG_CPPFLAGS) -DGRIDDIM=$(GRIDDIM) \
EXTRA_DIST = parameter
CLEANFILES=manager.*.log eoc_*.tex
# codegeneration
$(MAKE) -i clean
./$(PROG) femhowto.maximaltimesteps:1 codegenparameter
# compile fast code
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) generatecode
$(MAKE) compilecode
include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/functionspace.hh>
// local includes
#include "../common/probleminterfaces.hh"
#include "benchmark.hh"
namespace Dune {
template <class GridType> /*@LST0S@*/
struct BenchmarkProblems : public ProblemInterface<
Dune :: Fem :: FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimension, DIMRANGE> >
{ /*@LST0E@*/
typedef ProblemInterface<
Dune :: Fem::FunctionSpace< double, double,
GridType::dimension, DIMRANGE >
> BaseType;
enum{ dimDomain = BaseType :: dimDomain };
enum{ dim = dimDomain };
typedef typename BaseType :: DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename BaseType :: RangeType RangeType;
typedef typename BaseType :: JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
typedef typename BaseType :: DiffusionMatrixType DiffusionMatrixType;
typedef typename GridType :: ctype FieldType ;
typedef DataFunctionIF< dimDomain, FieldType, FieldType > DataFunctionType;
* @brief define problem parameters
BenchmarkProblems (const int problemNumber) :
BaseType (),
FieldType shift = Dune :: Fem::Parameter :: getValue< double > ("femhowto.globalshift", 0);
FieldType factor = Dune :: Fem::Parameter :: getValue< double > ("femhowto.factor", 1);
if( problemNumber == 0 )
data_ = new BenchMark_1<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 1 )
data_ = new BenchMark_1_2<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 2 )
data_ = new BenchMark_2<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 3 )
data_ = new BenchMark_3<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 4 )
data_ = new BenchMark_4<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 5 )
data_ = new BenchMark_5<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 6 )
data_ = new BenchMark_6<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 7 )
data_ = new BenchMark_7<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 8 )
//DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"Problem 8 not available");
data_ = new CurvedRidges< dim, FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 9 )
data_ = new BenchMark_9<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 10 )
data_ = new SinSin<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 11 )
data_ = new Excercise2_3< dim, FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 12 )
data_ = new CastilloProblem<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 13 )
data_ = new InSpringingCorner<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 14 )
data_ = new RiviereProblem<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 15 )
data_ = new HeatProblem<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 16 )
data_ = new AlbertaProblem<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 17 )
data_ = new SinSin<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 18 )
data_ = new CosCos<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 19 )
data_ = new SinSinSin<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 20 )
data_ = new Hump<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 21 )
data_ = new BenchMark3d_1<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 23 )
data_ = new BenchMark3d_3<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 24 )
data_ = new BenchMark3d_4<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 25 )
data_ = new BenchMark3d_5<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 31 )
data_ = new BoundaryLayerProblem<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( problemNumber == 32 )
data_ = new FicheraCorner<dim,FieldType,FieldType> (shift,factor);
if( data_ == 0 )
std::cerr << "ERROR: wrong problem number " << std::endl;
myName = "Poisson Eqn.";
const DataFunctionType& data() const { assert( data_ ); return *data_; }
//! this problem has no source term
bool hasStiffSource() const { return true; }
bool hasNonStiffSource() const { return false; }
void f(const DomainType& arg,
RangeType& res) const
res = data().rhs( &arg[ 0 ] );
double stiffSource(const DomainType& arg,
const double t,
const RangeType& u,
RangeType& res) const
res = data().rhs( &arg[ 0 ] );
return 0;
double nonStiffSource(const DomainType& arg,
const double t,
const RangeType& u,
RangeType& res) const
return 0.0;
//! return start time
double startTime() const { return 0; }
bool constantK() const { return data().constantLocalK(); }
void K(const DomainType& x, DiffusionMatrixType& m) const
double k[ dimDomain ][ dimDomain ];
data().K( &x[0], k );
for(int i=0; i<dimDomain; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<dimDomain; ++j)
m[i][j] = k[i][j];
* @brief getter for the velocity
void velocity(const DomainType& x, DomainType& v) const
double vv[ dimDomain ];
data().velocity( &x[0], vv );
for (int i=0;i<dimDomain; ++i)
v[i] = vv[i];
void u(const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const /*@LST0S@@LST0E@*/
evaluate(arg, res );
* @brief evaluates \f$ u_0(x) \f$
void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const /*@LST0S@@LST0E@*/
evaluate(arg, 0, res);
* @brief evaluate exact solution
void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, const double t, RangeType& res) const /*@LST0S@@LST0E@*/
res = data().exact( &arg[ 0 ] );
void gradient(const DomainType& x,
JacobianRangeType& grad) const
for (int i=0;i<RangeType::dimension;++i)
data().gradExact( &x[ 0 ], &grad[ i ][ 0 ] );
* @brief latex output for EocOutput
std::string description() const
std::ostringstream ofs;
ofs << "Problem: " << myName ;
ofs << ", End time: " << Dune:: Fem :: Parameter::getValue<double>("femhowto.endTime");
return ofs.str();
DataFunctionType* data_;
std::string myName;
#endif /*DUNE_PROBLEM_HH__*/
#include <dune/fem/version.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/fmatrixconverter.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
namespace Dune
template <class ModelType>
class UpwindFlux;
* Analytical model *
* @brief Traits class for PoissonModel
template <class GridPart,int dimRange2,
int dimRange1=dimRange2* GridPart::GridType::dimensionworld>
class PoissonModelTraits
typedef GridPart GridPartType;
typedef typename GridPartType :: GridType GridType;
static const int dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld;
static const int dimRange = dimRange2;
static const int dimGradRange = dimRange1;
// Definition of domain and range types
typedef Dune::FieldVector< double, dimDomain > DomainType;
typedef Dune::FieldVector< double, dimDomain-1 > FaceDomainType;
typedef Dune::FieldVector< double, dimRange > RangeType;
typedef Dune::FieldVector< double, dimGradRange > GradientType;
// ATTENTION: These are matrices (c.f. PoissonModel)
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix< double, dimRange, dimDomain > FluxRangeType;
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix< double, dimRange, dimDomain > JacobianRangeType;
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix< double, dimGradRange, dimDomain > DiffusionRangeType;
typedef typename GridType :: template Codim< 0 > :: Entity EntityType;
typedef typename GridPartType :: IntersectionIteratorType IntersectionIterator;
typedef typename IntersectionIterator :: Intersection IntersectionType;
* @brief describes the analytical model
* This is an description class for the problem
* \f{eqnarray*}{ V + \nabla a(U) & = & 0 \\
* \partial_t U + \nabla (F(U)+A(U,V)) & = & 0 \\
* U & = & g_D \\
* \nabla U \cdot n & = & g_N \f}
* where each class methods describes an analytical function.
* <ul>
* <li> \f$F\f$: advection() </li>
* <li> \f$a\f$: diffusion1() </li>
* <li> \f$A\f$: diffusion2() </li>
* <li> \f$g_D\f$ boundaryValue() </li>
* <li> \f$g_N\f$ boundaryFlux1(), boundaryFlux2() </li>
* </ul>
* \attention \f$F(U)\f$ and \f$A(U,V)\f$ are matrix valued, and therefore the
* divergence is defined as
* \f[ \Delta M = \nabla \cdot (\nabla \cdot (M_{i\cdot})^t)_{i\in 1\dots n} \f]
* for a matrix \f$M\in \mathbf{M}^{n\times m}\f$.
* @param GridPart GridPart for extraction of dimension
* @param ProblemType Class describing the initial(t=0) and exact solution
// Analytical model for the Heat Equation
// dx(u) + div(uV) - epsilon*lap(u)) = 0
// where V is constant vector
template <class GridPartType,class ProblemImp>
class PoissonModel
typedef ProblemImp ProblemType ;
typedef typename GridPartType :: GridType GridType;
static const int dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld;
static const int dimRange = DIMRANGE;
typedef PoissonModelTraits< GridPartType, dimRange,
dimRange*dimDomain > Traits;
typedef typename Traits :: DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename Traits :: RangeType RangeType;
typedef typename Traits :: GradientType GradientType;
typedef typename Traits :: FluxRangeType FluxRangeType;
typedef typename Traits :: DiffusionRangeType DiffusionRangeType;
typedef typename Traits :: FaceDomainType FaceDomainType;
typedef typename Traits :: JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
typedef typename ProblemType :: DiffusionMatrixType DiffusionMatrixType ;
typedef typename Traits :: EntityType EntityType;
typedef typename Traits :: IntersectionType IntersectionType;
static const int ConstantVelocity = false;
* @brief Constructor
* initializes model parameter
* @param problem Class describing the initial(t=0) and exact solution
PoissonModel(const ProblemType& problem) : problem_(problem)
inline bool hasFlux() const { return true ; }
inline bool hasStiffSource() const { return true ; }
inline bool hasNonStiffSource() const { return false ; }
inline double nonStiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const GradientType& du,
RangeType & s) const
return nonStiffSource( en, time, x, u, s );
inline double nonStiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const JacobianRangeType& jac,
RangeType & s) const
return nonStiffSource( en, time, x, u, s );
inline double nonStiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
RangeType & s) const
DomainType xgl = en.geometry().global( x );
problem_.f( xgl, s );
return 0;
inline double stiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const GradientType& du,
RangeType & s) const
return stiffSource( en, time, x, u, s );
inline double stiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const JacobianRangeType& jac,
RangeType & s) const
return stiffSource( en, time, x, u, s );
inline double stiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
RangeType & s) const
DomainType xgl = en.geometry().global( x );
problem_.f( xgl, s );
return 0;
* @brief advection term \f$F\f$
* @param en entity on which to evaluate the advection term
* @param time current time of TimeProvider
* @param x coordinate local to entity
* @param u \f$U\f$
* @param f \f$f(U)\f$
inline void advection(const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
FluxRangeType & f) const
// evaluate velocity V
DomainType v;
velocity( en, time, x, v );
//f = uV;
for( int r=0; r<dimRange; ++r )
for( int d=0; d<dimDomain; ++d )
f[r][d] = v[ d ] * u[ r ];
bool hasDirichletBoundary () const
return true ;
bool isDirichletPoint( const DomainType& global ) const
return true ;
* @brief velocity calculation, is called by advection()
inline void velocity(const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
DomainType& v) const
problem_.velocity(en.geometry().global(x), v);
* @brief diffusion term \f$a\f$
inline void jacobian(const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
DiffusionRangeType& a) const
a = 0;
assert( a.rows == dimRange * dimDomain );
assert( a.cols == dimDomain );
for (int r=0;r<dimRange;r++)
for (int d=0;d<dimDomain;d++)
a[dimDomain*r+d][d] = u[r];
template <class T>
T SQR( const T& a ) const
return (a * a);
inline void eigenValues(const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
RangeType& maxValue) const
DiffusionMatrixType K ;
DomainType xgl = en.geometry().global( x );
problem_.K( xgl, K );
DomainType values ;
// calculate eigenvalues
Dune::FMatrixHelp :: eigenValues( K, values );
maxValue = SQR(values[ dimDomain -1 ]) /values[0];
return ;
// take max eigenvalue
maxValue = values.infinity_norm();
inline double lambdaK( const DiffusionMatrixType& K ) const
DomainType values ;
// calculate eigenvalues
Dune::FMatrixHelp :: eigenValues( K, values );
// value[ 0 ] is smallest ev
return SQR(values[ dimDomain -1 ]) / values[ 0 ];
inline double penaltyFactor( const EntityType& inside,
const EntityType& outside,
const double time,
const DomainType& xInside,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const RangeType& uRight ) const
DiffusionMatrixType K ;
double betaK, betaInside, betaOutside ;
if( problem_.constantK() )
DiffusionMatrixType Kinside ;
DiffusionMatrixType Koutside;
const DomainType xglIn = inside.geometry().center();
problem_.K( xglIn , Kinside );
const DomainType xglOut = outside.geometry().center();
problem_.K( xglOut , Koutside );
K = Kinside ;
K += Koutside ;
K *= 0.5 ;
betaInside = lambdaK( Kinside );
betaOutside = lambdaK( Koutside );
betaK = lambdaK( K );
const DomainType xgl = inside.geometry().global( xInside );
problem_.K( xgl , K );
betaK = lambdaK( K );
betaInside = betaOutside = betaK;
const double jump = std::tanh( std::abs( betaInside - betaOutside ) );
// only for small values of betS apply betS in smooth cases
const double betaN = std :: min( betaK , 1.0 );
// betS becomes 1 if the eigen values of both matrices are the same
betaK = betaK * jump + (1.0 - jump) * betaN;
return betaK ;
inline double penaltyBoundary( const EntityType& inside,
const double time,
const DomainType& xInside,
const RangeType& uLeft ) const
return penaltyFactor( inside, inside, time, xInside, uLeft, uLeft );
* @brief diffusion term \f$A\f$
template <class JacobianType>
inline void diffusion(const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const JacobianType& jac,
FluxRangeType& A) const
// for constant K evalute at center (see Problem 4)
const DomainType xgl = ( problem_.constantK() ) ?
en.geometry().center () : en.geometry().global( x ) ;
DiffusionMatrixType K ;
// fill diffusion matrix
problem_.K( xgl, K );
// apply diffusion
for( int r =0; r<dimRange; ++r ) jac[ r ] , A[ r ] );
inline void diffusion(const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const GradientType& vecJac,
FluxRangeType& A) const
Dune :: Fem :: FieldMatrixConverter< GradientType, FluxRangeType> jac( vecJac );
diffusion( en, time, x, u, jac, A );
inline double diffusionTimeStep( const IntersectionType &it,
const double enVolume,
const double circumEstimate,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& u ) const
return 0;
* @brief checks for existence of dirichlet boundary values
inline bool hasBoundaryValue(const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x) const
return true;
* @brief neuman boundary values \f$g_N\f$ for pass2
inline double boundaryFlux(const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const GradientType& vLeft,
RangeType& gLeft) const
gLeft = 0.;
return 0.;
* @brief neuman boundary values \f$g_N\f$ for pass1
inline double boundaryFlux(const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
RangeType& gLeft) const
gLeft = 0.;
return 0.;
* @brief diffusion boundary flux
inline double diffusionBoundaryFlux( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const GradientType& gradLeft,
RangeType& gLeft ) const
Dune :: Fem :: FieldMatrixConverter< GradientType, JacobianRangeType> jacLeft( gradLeft );
return diffusionBoundaryFlux( it, time, x, uLeft, jacLeft, gLeft );
/** \brief boundary flux for the diffusion part
template <class JacobianRangeImp>
inline double diffusionBoundaryFlux( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const JacobianRangeImp& jacLeft,
RangeType& gLeft ) const
std::cerr <<"diffusionBoundaryFlux shouldn't be used in this model" <<std::endl;
* @brief dirichlet boundary values
inline void boundaryValue(const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
RangeType& uRight) const
if (it.boundaryId() == 99) // Dirichlet zero boundary conditions
uRight = 0;
DomainType xgl = it.geometry().global( x );
problem_.g(xgl, uRight);
inline void boundaryValue(const DomainType& xgl,
RangeType& uRight) const
problem_.g(xgl, uRight);
const ProblemType& problem () const { return problem_; }
const ProblemType& problem_;
friend class Dune::UpwindFlux<PoissonModel>;
// Dune includes
#include <dune/fem/gridpart/adaptiveleafgridpart.hh>
// Dune-Fem includes
#include <dune/fem/space/finitevolume.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/discontinuousgalerkin.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/lagrange.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/padaptivespace.hh>
#include <dune/fem/pass/localdg/discretemodel.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/adaptivefunction.hh>
#include <dune/fem/quadrature/cachingquadrature.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/adaptation/adaptation.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/blockvectorfunction.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/petscdiscretefunction.hh>
namespace Dune {
template <class Model,int dimRange,int polOrd>
class PassTraits
typedef typename Model :: Traits ModelTraits;
typedef typename ModelTraits :: GridPartType GridPartType;
typedef typename GridPartType :: GridType GridType;
typedef typename GridType :: ctype ctype;
static const int dimDomain = Model :: Traits :: dimDomain;
template <class Grid, int dim >
struct FaceQuadChooser
typedef Dune::Fem::CachingQuadrature< GridPartType, 1 > Type;
template <int dim>
struct FaceQuadChooser< const Dune::UGGrid< dim >, dim >
typedef Dune::Fem::ElementQuadrature< GridPartType, 1 > Type;
typedef typename FaceQuadChooser< const GridType, GridType::dimension > :: Type FaceQuadratureType;
typedef Dune::Fem::CachingQuadrature< GridPartType, 0 > VolumeQuadratureType;
// Allow generalization to systems
typedef Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< ctype, double, dimDomain, dimRange > FunctionSpaceType;
#if ONB
#warning using DG space with ONB
typedef Dune::Fem::DiscontinuousGalerkinSpace
#elif LAG
#warning using DG space with Lagrange base functions
typedef Dune::Fem::LagrangeDiscontinuousGalerkinSpace
#elif LEG
#warning using DG space with hierarich Legendre base functions
typedef Dune::Fem::HierarchicLegendreDiscontinuousGalerkinSpace
#warning using p-adaptive DG space
typedef Dune::Fem::PAdaptiveDGSpace
#warning using Lagrange space
typedef Dune::Fem::LagrangeDiscreteFunctionSpace
#warning using p-adaptive Lagrange space
typedef Dune::Fem::PAdaptiveLagrangeSpace
< FunctionSpaceType, GridPartType, polOrd, Dune::Fem::CachingStorage > DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
typedef Dune::Fem::ISTLBlockVectorDiscreteFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > DestinationType;
typedef Dune::Fem::PetscDiscreteFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > DestinationType;
typedef Dune::Fem::AdaptiveDiscreteFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > DestinationType;
// Indicator for Limiter
typedef Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< ctype, double, dimDomain, 3> FVFunctionSpaceType;
typedef Dune::Fem::FiniteVolumeSpace<FVFunctionSpaceType,GridPartType, 0, Dune::Fem::SimpleStorage> IndicatorSpaceType;
typedef Dune::Fem::AdaptiveDiscreteFunction<IndicatorSpaceType> IndicatorType;
typedef AdaptationHandler< GridType, FunctionSpaceType > AdaptationHandlerType ;
} // end namespace Dune
#include <config.h>
#include <dune/fem/main/codegen.hh>
#include "passtraits.hh"
// dune-grid includes
#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfparser.hh>
// dune-fem includes
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
// dune-fem-dg includes
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/diffusionflux.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/dg/dgoperatorchoice.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/assemble/primalmatrix.hh>
#include "../common/inverseop.hh"
// local includes
#include "benchmarkproblem.hh"
#include "models.hh"
#include "estimator1.hh"
template <class GridType>
struct ProblemGenerator
typedef Dune :: ProblemInterface<
Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimension, DIMRANGE> > ProblemType;
template <class GridPart>
struct Traits
typedef ProblemType InitialDataType;
typedef PoissonModel< GridPart, InitialDataType > ModelType;
typedef Dune::NoFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
// choice of diffusion flux (see diffusionflux.hh for methods)
static const Dune :: DGDiffusionFluxIdentifier PrimalDiffusionFluxId
= Dune :: method_general ;
static inline std::string diffusionFluxName()
#if (defined PRIMALDG)
return Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >("dgdiffusionflux.method");
return "LDG";
static inline Dune::GridPtr<GridType> initializeGrid(const std::string description)
// use default implementation
//GridPtr<GridType> gridptr = initialize< GridType >( description );
std::string filename = Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >(Dune::Fem::IOInterface::defaultGridKey(GridType :: dimension, false));
// initialize grid
Dune::GridPtr< GridType > gridptr = initialize< GridType >( description );
std::string::size_type position = std::string::npos;
if( GridType::dimension == 2)
position = filename.find("mesh3");
if( GridType::dimension == 3 )
position = filename.find("_locraf.msh" );
std::string::size_type locraf = filename.find("locrafgrid_");
std::string::size_type checkerboard = filename.find("heckerboard" );;
GridType& grid = *gridptr ;
const int refineelement = 1 ;
bool nonConformOrigin = Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< bool > ( "poisson.nonConformOrigin",false );
if ( nonConformOrigin )
std::cout << "Create local refined grid" << std::endl;
if( grid.comm().rank() == 0)
typedef typename GridType:: template Codim<0>::LeafIterator IteratorType;
IteratorType endit = grid.template leafend<0>();
for(IteratorType it = grid.template leafbegin<0>(); it != endit ; ++it)
const typename IteratorType :: Entity & entity = *it ;
const typename IteratorType :: Entity :: Geometry& geo = entity.geometry();
if ( < 0.5)
grid.mark(refineelement, entity );
else if ( position != std::string::npos ||
locraf != std::string::npos )
std::cout << "Create local refined grid" << std::endl;
if( grid.comm().rank() == 0)
typedef typename GridType:: template Codim<0>::LeafIterator IteratorType;
Dune::FieldVector<double,GridType::dimension> point(1.0);
if( locraf != std::string::npos ) point[ 0 ] = 3.0;
const int loops = ( GridType::dimension == 2 ) ? 2 : 1;
for (int i=0; i < loops; ++i)
point /= 2.0 ;
IteratorType endit = grid.template leafend<0>();
for(IteratorType it = grid.template leafbegin<0>(); it != endit ; ++it)
const typename IteratorType :: Entity & entity = *it ;
const typename IteratorType :: Entity :: Geometry& geo = entity.geometry();
bool inside = true ;
const int corners = geo.corners();
for( int c = 0; c<corners; ++ c)
for( int i = 0; i<GridType::dimension; ++i )
if( geo.corner( c )[ i ] - point[ i ] > 1e-8 )
inside = false ;
break ;
if( inside ) grid.mark(refineelement, entity );
else if ( checkerboard != std::string::npos )
std::cout << "Create Checkerboard mesh" << std::endl;
int moduloNum = 32 ;
for( int i = 2; i<32; i *= 2 )
std::stringstream key;
key << i << "x" << i << "x" << i;
std::string::size_type counter = filename.find( key.str() );
if( counter != std::string::npos )
moduloNum = i;
break ;
std::cout << "Found checkerboard cell number " << moduloNum << std::endl;
if( grid.comm().rank() == 0)
typedef typename GridType:: template Codim<0>::LeafIterator IteratorType;
IteratorType endit = grid.template leafend<0>();
int count = 1;
int modul = 1; // start with 1, such that the fine cube is at (0,0,0)
for(IteratorType it = grid.template leafbegin<0>(); it != endit ; ++it, ++ count )
const typename IteratorType :: Entity & entity = *it ;
if( count % 2 == modul )
grid.mark(refineelement, entity );
if( count % moduloNum == 0 )
modul = 1 - modul ;
if( count % (moduloNum * moduloNum) == 0 )
modul = 1 - modul ;
// adapt the grid
//Dune :: GrapeGridDisplay< GridType > grape( grid );
//grape.display ();
return gridptr ;
static ProblemType* problem()
// choice of benchmark problem
int probNr = Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< int > ( "femhowto.problem" );
return new Dune :: BenchmarkProblems< GridType > ( probNr );
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