Thanks for your error report (and especially for spotting the right commit...)
This helps us a lot!
Is there any reason for allowing an empty pack of vector arguments, i.e.
evaluateQuadrature( const QuadratureType & )?
If no:
template< class QuadratureType, class Vector, class ... Vectors > void evaluateQuadrature( const QuadratureType &quad, Vector& head, Vectors& ... result ) const { std::ignore = std::make_tuple( ( evaluateQuadrature(quad,head, head[0] ), evaluateQuadrature(quad,result,result[0]) )... ); }
would help to overcome this issue (or: renaming the protected evaluateQuadrature() methods...).
Otherwise, ADL does not seem to work correctly.
Please also check all related changes in your commit 2c7f38b9 using the current master branches.
I would prefer a simple solution: It should also be easily possible to identify a FieldVector with, e.g., a wrong dimRange, which is plugged into the evaluateQuadrature()-method.