
Simon Praetorius

Simon Praetorius
#error "CurvedGeometryDataCollector needs dune-vtk"
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/partitionset.hh>
#include <dune/vtk/forward.hh>
#include <dune/vtk/datacollectors/quadraticdatacollector.hh>
namespace Dune {
/// \brief DataCollector for dune-vtk writers extracting the parametrized geometry from
/// a local-to-global coordinate mapping and writing quadratic VTK elements
* To write curved elements, a \ref CurvedGeometry is constructed on-the-fly from the given
* mappings in the constructor.
* \tparam GridView The grid-view to write
* \tparam Geometry The CurvedGeometry to use for element parametrization
template <class GridView, class Geometry>
class CurvedGeometryDataCollector
: public Vtk::UnstructuredDataCollectorInterface<GridView,
CurvedGeometryDataCollector<GridView,Geometry>, Partitions::All>
using Self = CurvedGeometryDataCollector;
using Super = Vtk::UnstructuredDataCollectorInterface<GridView, Self, Partitions::All>;
using LocalCoord = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity::Geometry::LocalCoordinate;
using GlobalCoord = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
using Mapping = std::function<typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate(GlobalCoord)>;
using Parametrization = std::vector<std::vector<typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate>>;
using Super::dim;
using Super::partition;
/// \brief Construct the curved geometry from a coordinate mapping
* \param gridView An instance of the GridView type
* \param mapping A coordinate mapping from global flat to global curved coordinates, i.e.
* with signature `typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate(GlobalCoord)`,
* see \ref Mapping
CurvedGeometryDataCollector (const GridView& gridView, Mapping mapping)
: Super(gridView)
, dataCollector_(gridView)
, mapping_(mapping)
/// \brief construct the curved geometry from a stored parametrization, i.e. a vector of
/// coefficient vectors
* \param gridView An instance of the GridView type
* \param parametrization Vector (accessed by element index) of element parametrization
* coefficients, see \ref Parametrization
CurvedGeometryDataCollector (const GridView& gridView, const Parametrization& parametrization)
: Super(gridView)
, dataCollector_(gridView)
, parametrization_(¶metrization)
/// collect the points of the geometry. This uses the curved geometry instead of the element geometry
template <class T>
std::vector<T> pointsImpl () const
std::vector<T> data(Super::numPoints() * 3);
const auto& indexSet = gridView_.indexSet();
for (const auto& element : elements(gridView_, partition)) {
auto refElem = referenceElement<T,Geometry::mydimension>(element.type());
auto geometry = makeGeometry(indexSet, element);
// vertices
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < element.subEntities(dim); ++i) {
std::size_t idx = 3 * indexSet.subIndex(element, i, dim);
auto v =,dim));
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < v.size(); ++j)
data[idx + j] = T(v[j]);
for (std::size_t j = v.size(); j < 3u; ++j)
data[idx + j] = T(0);
// edge centers
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < element.subEntities(dim-1); ++i) {
std::size_t idx = 3 * (indexSet.subIndex(element, i, dim-1) + gridView_.size(dim));
auto v =,dim-1));
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < v.size(); ++j)
data[idx + j] = T(v[j]);
for (std::size_t j = v.size(); j < 3u; ++j)
data[idx + j] = T(0);
/// construct the geometry object, either from the mapping or the coefficient vector
template <class IndexSet, class Element>
Geometry makeGeometry(const IndexSet& indexSet, const Element& element) const
if (parametrization_ != nullptr) {
return Geometry{element.type(), (*parametrization_)[indexSet.index(element)]};
} else {
// mapping from local to global coordinates
auto X = [mapping=mapping_,geo=element.geometry()](const LocalCoord& local)
-> typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate
return mapping(;
// create a curved geometry
return Geometry{element.type(), X};
public: // methods forwarded to quadratic data collector
void updateImpl ()
std::uint64_t numPointsImpl () const
return dataCollector_.numPoints();
std::vector<std::uint64_t> pointIdsImpl () const
return dataCollector_.pointIds();
std::uint64_t numCellsImpl () const
return dataCollector_.numCells();
Vtk::Cells cellsImpl () const
return dataCollector_.cells();
template <class T, class GlobalFunction>
std::vector<T> pointDataImpl (const GlobalFunction& fct) const
return dataCollector_.template pointData<T>(fct);
using Super::gridView_;
Vtk::QuadraticDataCollector<GridView> dataCollector_;
const Parametrization* parametrization_ = nullptr;
} // end namespace Dune

Simon Praetorius