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Commit 3e63e4da authored by Simon Praetorius's avatar Simon Praetorius
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updated the test

parent 315ab02a
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......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
#include <dune/common/std/type_traits.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/affinegeometry.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
......@@ -22,33 +23,6 @@ namespace Dune
namespace Impl
template <class T, int n, int m>
FieldMatrix<T,n,m> outerProduct(const FieldVector<T,n>& a, const FieldVector<T,m>& b)
FieldMatrix<T,n,m> res;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j)
res[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];
return res;
template <class T, int n, int m>
FieldMatrix<T,n,m> outerProduct(const FieldMatrix<T,n,1>& a, const FieldVector<T,m>& b)
FieldMatrix<T,n,m> res;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j)
res[i][j] = a[i][0] * b[j];
return res;
template <class T, int n, int m,
std::enable_if_t<(n > 1), int> = 0>
FieldMatrix<T,n,m> outerProduct(const FieldMatrix<T,1,n>& a, const FieldVector<T,m>& b)
return outerProduct(a[0], b);
template <class T, int n, int m>
void outerProductAccumulate(const FieldVector<T,n>& a, const FieldVector<T,m>& b, FieldMatrix<T,n,m>& res)
......@@ -85,8 +59,9 @@ namespace Dune
* This structure provides the default values.
* \tparam ct coordinate type
* \tparam LFECache A LocalFiniteElementVariantCache implementation, e.g. LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache
template <class ct>
template <class ct, class LFECache>
struct CurvedGeometryTraits
/// \brief helper structure containing some matrix routines. See affinegeometry.hh
......@@ -98,26 +73,7 @@ namespace Dune
/// \brief maximal number of Newton iteration in `geometry.local(global)`
static int maxIteration () { return 100; }
/// \brief template specifying the storage for the vertices
* Internally, the CurvedGeometry needs to store the lagrange vertices of the
* geometry.
* \tparam coorddim coordinate dimension
template <int coorddim>
struct VertexStorage
using type = std::vector<FieldVector<ct, coorddim>>;
/// \brief will there be only one geometry type for a dimension?
template <int dim>
struct hasSingleGeometryType
static const bool v = false;
static const unsigned int topologyId = ~0u;
using LocalFiniteElementCache = LFECache;
......@@ -131,28 +87,23 @@ namespace Dune
* \tparam ct coordinate type
* \tparam mydim geometry dimension
* \tparam cdim coordinate dimension
* \tparam polynomial_order
* \tparam Traits Parametrization of the geometry, see \ref CurvedGeometryTraits
* The requirements on the traits are documented along with their default,
* CurvedGeometryTraits.
template <class ct, int mydim, int cdim, int polynomial_order>
template <class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits>
class CurvedGeometry
/// coordinate type
using ctype = ct;
using Traits = CurvedGeometryTraits<ctype>;
/// geometry dimension
static const int mydimension = mydim;
/// coordinate dimension
static const int coorddimension = cdim;
/// Polynomial order of geometry
static const int order = polynomial_order;
/// type of local coordinates
using LocalCoordinate = FieldVector<ctype, mydimension>;
/// type of global coordinates
......@@ -176,43 +127,91 @@ namespace Dune
using MatrixHelper = typename Traits::MatrixHelper;
using LocalFECache = LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache<ctype, ctype, mydimension, order>;
using LocalFECache = typename Traits::LocalFiniteElementCache;
using LocalFiniteElement = typename LocalFECache::FiniteElementType;
using LocalBasis = typename LocalFiniteElement::Traits::LocalBasisType;
using LocalBasisTraits = typename LocalBasis::Traits;
CurvedGeometry (const ReferenceElement& refElement)
: refElement_(refElement)
, localFECache_()
, localFE_(localFECache_.get(refElement.type()))
/// \brief constructor
* \param[in] refElement reference element for the geometry
* \param[in] corners corners to store internally
* \param[in] vertices vertices to store internally
* \note The type of vertices is actually a template argument.
* It is only required that the internal vertex storage can be
* constructed from this object.
template <class Vertices>
CurvedGeometry (const ReferenceElement& refElement, const Vertices& vertices)
: refElement_(refElement)
, vertices_(vertices)
, localFECache_()
, localBasis_(localFECache_.get(refElement.type()).localBasis())
CurvedGeometry (const ReferenceElement& refElement, std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> vertices)
: CurvedGeometry(refElement)
vertices_ = std::move(vertices);
assert(localFE_.size() == vertices_.size());
template <class Parametrization,
std::enable_if_t<Std::is_callable<Parametrization(LocalCoordinate), GlobalCoordinate>::value, bool> = true>
CurvedGeometry (const ReferenceElement& refElement, Parametrization&& param)
: CurvedGeometry(refElement)
auto const& localInterpolation = localFE_.localInterpolation();
localInterpolation.interpolate(param, vertices_);
/// \brief constructor
* \param[in] gt geometry type
* \param[in] corners corners to store internally
* \param[in] gt geometry type
* \param[in] param either a vector of vertices, or a functor that can be used to construct the vertices
template <class Vertices>
CurvedGeometry (Dune::GeometryType gt, const Vertices& vertices)
: CurvedGeometry(ReferenceElements::general(gt), vertices)
template <class Parametrization>
CurvedGeometry (Dune::GeometryType gt, Parametrization&& param)
: CurvedGeometry(ReferenceElements::general(gt), std::forward<Parametrization>(param))
/// \brief Copy constructor
CurvedGeometry (const CurvedGeometry& that)
: CurvedGeometry(that.refElement_, that.vertices_)
/// \brief Move constructor
CurvedGeometry (CurvedGeometry&& that)
: CurvedGeometry(that.refElement_, std::move(that.vertices_))
/// \brief Copy assignment operator
CurvedGeometry& operator=(const CurvedGeometry& that)
assert(refElement_ == that.refElement_);
vertices_ = that.vertices_;
return *this;
/// \brief Move assignment operator
CurvedGeometry& operator=(CurvedGeometry&& that)
assert(refElement_ == that.refElement_);
vertices_ = std::move(that.vertices_);
return *this;
/// \brief obtain the polynomial order of the parametrization
int order () const
return localBasis().order();
/// \brief is this mapping affine?
bool affine () const
return refElement_.type().isSimplex() && int(vertices_.size()) == corners();
return refElement_.type().isSimplex() && order() == 1;
/// \brief obtain the name of the reference element
......@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ namespace Dune
return refElement_.type();
/// \brief obtain number of corners of the corresponding reference element */
/// \brief obtain number of corners of the corresponding reference element
int corners () const
return refElement_.size(mydimension);
......@@ -257,11 +256,8 @@ namespace Dune
GlobalCoordinate global (const LocalCoordinate& local) const
if (mydimension == 0)
return vertices_[0];
thread_local std::vector<typename LocalBasisTraits::RangeType> shapeValues;
localBasis_.evaluateFunction(local, shapeValues);
localBasis().evaluateFunction(local, shapeValues);
assert(shapeValues.size() == vertices_.size());
GlobalCoordinate out(0);
......@@ -293,12 +289,11 @@ namespace Dune
for (int i = 0; i < Traits::maxIteration(); ++i)
// Newton's method: DF^n dx^n = F^n, x^{n+1} -= dx^n
const GlobalCoordinate dglobal = (*this).global( x ) - globalCoord;
const bool invertible =
MatrixHelper::template xTRightInvA<mydimension, coorddimension>(jacobianTransposed(x), dglobal, dx);
const GlobalCoordinate dglobal = global(x) - globalCoord;
const bool invertible = MatrixHelper::xTRightInvA(jacobianTransposed(x), dglobal, dx);
if (!invertible)
return LocalCoordinate(std::numeric_limits<ctype>::max());
// update x with correction
x -= dx;
......@@ -306,6 +301,7 @@ namespace Dune
// for affine mappings only one iteration is needed
if (affineMapping)
if (dx.two_norm2() < tolerance)
......@@ -343,7 +339,7 @@ namespace Dune
ctype integrationElement (const LocalCoordinate& local) const
return MatrixHelper::template sqrtDetAAT<mydimension, coorddimension>(jacobianTransposed(local));
return MatrixHelper::sqrtDetAAT(jacobianTransposed(local));
/// \brief Obtain the volume of the mapping's image
......@@ -352,8 +348,8 @@ namespace Dune
Volume volume () const
int p = 2*order; // TODO: needs to be checked
auto const& quadRule = QuadratureRules<ctype, mydimension>::rule(type(), p);
const int p = 2*localBasis().order(); // TODO: needs to be checked
const auto& quadRule = QuadratureRules<ctype, mydimension>::rule(type(), p);
Volume vol(0);
for (auto const& qp : quadRule)
vol += integrationElement(qp.position()) * qp.weight();
......@@ -373,7 +369,7 @@ namespace Dune
JacobianTransposed jacobianTransposed (const LocalCoordinate& local) const
std::vector<typename LocalBasisTraits::JacobianType> shapeJacobians;
localBasis_.evaluateJacobian(local, shapeJacobians);
localBasis().evaluateJacobian(local, shapeJacobians);
assert(shapeJacobians.size() == vertices_.size());
JacobianTransposed out(0);
......@@ -401,7 +397,7 @@ namespace Dune
return geometry.refElement();
auto const& vertices () const
const std::vector<GlobalCoordinate>& vertices () const
return vertices_;
......@@ -412,6 +408,11 @@ namespace Dune
return refElement_;
const LocalBasis& localBasis() const
return localFE_.localBasis();
GlobalCoordinate normalEdge (const LocalCoordinate& local, const JacobianTransposed& J) const
GlobalCoordinate res{
......@@ -433,13 +434,16 @@ namespace Dune
ReferenceElement refElement_;
std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> vertices_;
//typename Traits::template VertexStorage<coorddimension>::type vertices_;
LocalFECache localFECache_;
LocalBasis const& localBasis_;
LocalFiniteElement const& localFE_;
std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> vertices_;
template <class ctype, int mydim, int cdim, int order>
using LagrangeCurvedGeometry = CurvedGeometry<ctype,mydim,cdim,
CurvedGeometryTraits<ctype, LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache<ctype, ctype, mydim, order>> >;
} // namespace Dune
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
#include <dune/common/test/testsuite.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometry.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
......@@ -21,13 +22,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
using namespace Dune;
MPIHelper& helper = MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
YaspGrid<2> grid({1.0,1.0}, {4,4});
YaspGrid<2> grid({8.0,8.0}, {32,32});
using LocalCoordinate = FieldVector<double,2>;
using GlobalCoordinate = FieldVector<double,2>;
using WorldCoordinate = FieldVector<double,3>;
using LocalFECache = LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache<double, double, 2, order>;
LocalFECache localFeCache;
using Geometry = LagrangeCurvedGeometry<double, 2, 3, order>;
FieldMatrix<double,2,2> I{{1,0},{0,1}};
// coordinate projection
auto project = [](GlobalCoordinate const& global) -> WorldCoordinate
......@@ -37,22 +39,27 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::sin(global[0])*std::cos(global[1]) };
TestSuite test("curved geometry");
for (auto const& e : elements(grid.leafGridView()))
// projection from local coordinates
auto X = [project,geo=e.geometry()](LocalCoordinate const& local) -> WorldCoordinate { return project(; };
// construct lagrange vertices
std::vector<WorldCoordinate> vertices;
localFeCache.get(e.type()).localInterpolation().interpolate(X, vertices);
// create a curved geometry
CurvedGeometry<double,2,3,order> geometry(e.type(), vertices);
Geometry geometry(e.type(), X);
auto const& quadRule = QuadratureRules<double,2>::rule(e.type(), 4);
for (auto const& qp : quadRule) {
auto Jt = geometry.jacobianTransposed(qp.position());
auto Jtinv = geometry.jacobianInverseTransposed(qp.position());
FieldMatrix<double, 2, 2> res;
FMatrixHelp::multMatrix(Jt, Jtinv, res);
res -= I;
test.check(res.frobenius_norm() < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()), "J^-1 * J == I");
return ? 0 : 1;
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