- May 08, 2015
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
Right now the boundarySegmentIndex is not a unique identifier to a certain facet. The boundarySegmentIndex of a facet can change at growth/merge/removal. This needs some thought. Unique boundaryIds might me more useful. This way the user can write a map from boundaryIds (are sadly named boundarySegmentIndex in the intersection interface now), to boundaryFlags/information on boundary conditions that always stays valid, and needs a new element everytime a new boundary is created by growth or removal.
will vanish in the growth process (=grid shrinkage). In this case we might have to take care about physical quantities on this element that might get lost thorugh removal, e.g. mass. The return value true->for new elements is already returned by the grow() method. Thus it was twice the same value returned
The grid growth interface is now completely independent of the adaptation interface. The mark and getMark method are not overloaded anymore. Grid growth uses own mark functions markForGrowth, markForRemoval, markForMerging that have easy readable names. The step by step approach of preGrow, grow, postGrow remains the same. PreGrow returns true if elements are added. grow returns true if elements or boundaries are added (I need to extrapolate the solution and/or assign boundary conditions). The internal state variables get more meaningful names. ADD_NEIGHBOR if a neighbor is added to this element resulting in growth. VANISH if the entity vanishes. MERGE_WITH_NEIGHBOR if a new element is created by connecting to existing facets. This also implements the corresponding functions growSimplexElement, removeSimplexElement, and mergeSimplexElement. The test is extended to show the new functionality and do some error checking. Geometrical information needed for the growth is passed when marking and stored inside the element.
The grid gets an additional preGrow, grow, and postGrow method that handle growth analogously to adaptivity. A method spawnSimplexElement is introduced that spawns a new element from a previously marked element. Needs more error checking. Does not implement the prune interface yet.
- the VANISH state is renamed to better PRUNE - bool coarseningBlocked_ flag blocks the coarsening of maxlevel elements that have a juntion facet that has no father due to growth. - implements hasFather method for codim1 entities - bool spawned flag for codim1 entities that can be set in order to avoid growth on the same facet twice in one growth step.
- May 07, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
This is fulfilled automatically in regular FV methods, but in network situations this may be violated. The result looks better than previously -- not sure whether it is correct, though.
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
For the network case, this way to compute the flux should be 'more correct' than the old one. Not sure if the new version is correct yet, though.
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
The program runs, but the output doesn't look quite correct yet.
Oliver Sander authored
Refine it once
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
This is the initial commit of an example program solving the transport equation using a finite volume method. This first commit simply copies an existing program using YaspGrid into the correct location. Future patches will replace the YaspGrid by a FoamGrid, and make it work on an embedded network grid.
- May 06, 2015
- May 05, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
- Jan 27, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
Otherwise they are not build/run when make test is called.
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
In particular, FoamGrid should work for any dimension of dimworld, not just 1,2,3.
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
The default parameter was introduced in false postion. [bugfix] changes embarrassing absolute paths in tests to relative paths
Timo Koch authored
Updated global refine test to unit test globalRefine(0) and globalRefine() (=globalRefine(1)).
Timo Koch authored
Timo Koch authored
1d elements have special constructors that did not initialize some private variables. They do that now.