#1488 unresolved symbols for dgoverlapping with alberta 3
Property | Value |
Reported by | Markus Blatt (markus@dr-blatt.de) |
Reported at | Sep 12, 2014 14:06 |
Type | Bug Report |
Version | Git (pre2.4) [autotools] |
Operating System | Unspecified / All |
Last edited by | Christoph Grüninger (gruenich@iws.uni-stuttgart.de) |
Last edited at | Apr 28, 2015 12:45 |
When using version 3 of alberta and autotools, I get some weird unresolved symbols in the howto, see the attached log. My opts file looks like this:
cat ../opts/grids-auto.opts
# use these options for configure if no options a provided on the cmdline
CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--prefix=/home/mblatt/dune_install --enable-parallel --disable-documentation --with-minimal-debuglevel=warn --with-ug=$HOME/src/dune/3rdParty/grids/ug-install --with-alberta=$HOME/src/dune/3rdParty/grids/alberta3-install CC=gcc CXXFLAGS=" -O0 -g" CFLAGS="-O0 -g""
MAKE_FLAGS="-j4 all"
The tests in dune-grid build fine.
with alberta 2 everything works like a charm