#1668 Building bitsetvectortest with gcc-4.9 and -g -O3 does not terminate
Property | Value |
Reported by | Carsten Gräser (graeser@math.fu-berlin.de) |
Reported at | Jun 16, 2015 17:21 |
Type | Bug Report |
Version | Git (pre2.4) [autotools] |
Operating System | Linux 64bit |
Last edited by | Carsten Gräser (graeser@math.fu-berlin.de) |
Last edited at | Sep 25, 2015 14:35 |
With the current master and releases/2.4 branch of dune-common the optimized compilation of bitsetvectortest does not terminate. In fact I terminated it manually after 2 minutes when gcc consumed 10gb of memory. The error seems to be cmake-related, because is depends on how optimization flags are passed:
If they are just passed via CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
everything works nicely. (test2.opts)
If they are passed by CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE
and the buildtype release is selected the described error occurs. (test1.opts)
Both cases can be reproduced by the attached dunecontrol option files.
Update: The issue is not related to build types. It is triggered by passing both, -g
and -O3
, to gcc-4.9.2 on a 64bit Ubuntu 15.04.