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Commit 7e310e6f authored by Dominic Kempf's avatar Dominic Kempf
Browse files

Finish transition to BlockLab

parent f33ba658
No related branches found
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with 97 additions and 795 deletions
......@@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ link_libraries(stdc++fs)
# finalize the dune project, e.g. generating config.h etc.
add_executable(structures EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL
/** This is the main app that allows to access all of BlockLab's core
* capabilities through one executable. Of course, it takes horribly
* long to compile. For downstream projects, it makes much more sense
* to provide their own app, that follows the implementation patterns
* used in this app, but only includes the necessary grid provider,
* vector providers and blocks.
template<typename... P>
struct ParameterGatherer
using Materials = std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<ElasticMaterialBase<Dune::PDELab::OverlappingEntitySet<typename P::Grid::Traits::LeafGridView>, double>>...>;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Dune::MPIHelper& helper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
// Parse the ini file
Dune::ParameterTree config;
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readOptions(argc, argv, config);
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readINITree(argv[1], config, false);
auto grid_providers = std::make_tuple(
// std::make_pair("cell3d", [](const auto& c){ return std::make_shared<StructuresGridProvider<3>>(c); })//,
std::make_pair("structuredug2d", [](const auto& c){ return std::make_shared<Dune::BlockLab::StructuredSimplexGridProvider<Dune::UGGrid<2>>>(c); })//,
// std::make_pair("structuredug3d", [](const auto& c){ return std::make_shared<Dune::BlockLab::StructuredSimplexGridProvider<Dune::UGGrid<3>>>(c); })
auto vector_providers = std::make_tuple(
[](const auto& c, auto gp){
using GridProvider = typename decltype(gp)::element_type;
auto leaf = std::make_shared<Dune::BlockLab::PkFemVectorProvider<GridProvider, 1>>(gp);
return Dune::BlockLab::fieldProvider<GridProvider::Grid::dimension>(leaf);
// std::make_pair("p2fem",
// [](const auto& c, auto gp){
// using GridProvider = typename decltype(gp)::element_type;
// auto leaf = std::make_shared<Dune::BlockLab::PkFemVectorProvider<GridProvider, 2>>(gp);
// return Dune::BlockLab::powerProvider<GridProvider::Grid::dimension>(leaf);
// })
// The registration function that we are using
auto reg = [](auto& ctx){
// Add the structures-specific blocks to the solver
ctx.template registerBlock<ElasticityOperatorBlock>("elasticity_operator");
ctx.template registerBlock<MaterialInitializationBlock>("material");
ctx.template registerBlock<FibreReinforcedElasticityOperatorBlock>("reinforced_operator");
ctx.template registerBlock<ElasticityMassOperatorBlock>("mass_operator");
ctx.template registerBlock<OneToOneMappingCheckerBlock>("onetoone");
ctx.template registerBlock<FibreDistanceVisualizationBlock>("vis_fibredistance");
ctx.template registerBlock<PhysicalEntityVisualizationBlock>("vis_physical");
ctx.template registerBlock<VonMisesStressVisualizationBlock>("vis_vonmises");
// Construct additional types to inject into the parameter system
using MaterialTuple = ParameterGatherer<
using ParameterTuple = Dune::BlockLab::tuple_cat_t<std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<std::vector<int>>>, MaterialTuple>;
Dune::BlockLab::instantiate_combinatorics<3, ParameterTuple>(helper, config, grid_providers, vector_providers, reg);
return 0;
add_dependencies(dynamicsapp operators)
dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES linear_dyncube.ini
// This is necessary to enable C++ string literals like "foo"s
// We need these in some places.
using namespace std::literals;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Dune::MPIHelper& helper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
// Parse the ini file
Dune::ParameterTree params;
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readINITree(argv[1], params);
auto [grid, es, physical] = construct_grid(helper, params.sub("grid"), argv);
auto [x, cc] = elastodynamics_setup(es);
using V = std::remove_reference<decltype(*x)>::type;
ElastodynamicsConstructionContext<V> ctx(helper, params, es, physical);
auto solver = ctx.construct(params.sub("solver"));
solver->apply(x, cc);
return 0;
steps = parameter, material, interpolation, constraints1, timeloop1, constraints2, timeloop2
type = structured
N = 10 10 10
VerbosityLevel = 3
Reduction = 1e-12
MaxIterations = 100
value = 0.2
datatype = double
name = shear
materials = cube
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 10000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
functions = 0.0
type = constraints
functions = (z < 1e-08) || (z > 1.0 - 1e-8)
type = timeloop
Tstart = 0.0
Tend = 1.0
dt = 0.2
steps = elastodynamics_bc
type = elastodynamics
functions = shear * z * time, 0.0, 0.0, shear * z, 0.0, 0.0
type = constraints
functions = z < 1e-08
type = timeloop
Tstart = 1.0
Tend = 1.3
dt = 0.001
steps = elastodynamics, visualization
name = shear_linear
path = linvtu
steps = vis_solution
\ No newline at end of file
steps = parameter, material, interpolation, constraints1, timeloop1, constraints2, timeloop2
type = structured
N = 10 10 10
VerbosityLevel = 3
Reduction = 1e-12
MaxIterations = 100
value = 0.2
datatype = double
name = shear
materials = cube
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 10000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = neohookean
functions = 0.0
type = constraints
functions = (z < 1e-08) || (z > 1.0 - 1e-8)
type = timeloop
Tstart = 0.0
Tend = 1.0
dt = 0.2
steps = elastodynamics_bc
type = elastodynamics
functions = shear * z * time, 0.0, 0.0, shear * z, 0.0, 0.0
type = constraints
functions = z < 1e-08
type = timeloop
Tstart = 1.0
Tend = 1.3
dt = 0.001
steps = elastodynamics, visualization
name = shear_neohookean
path = neovtu
steps = vis_solution
steps = parameter, material, interpolation, constraints1, timeloop1, constraints2, timeloop2
type = structured
N = 10 10 10
VerbosityLevel = 3
Reduction = 1e-12
MaxIterations = 100
value = 0.2
datatype = double
name = shear
materials = cube
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 10000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = stvenantkirchhoff
functions = 0.0
type = constraints
functions = (z < 1e-08) || (z > 1.0 - 1e-8)
type = timeloop
Tstart = 0.0
Tend = 1.0
dt = 0.2
steps = elastodynamics_bc
type = elastodynamics
functions = shear * z * time, 0.0, 0.0, shear * z, 0.0, 0.0
type = constraints
functions = z < 1e-08
type = timeloop
Tstart = 1.0
Tend = 1.3
dt = 0.001
steps = elastodynamics, visualization
name = stvenantkirchhoff
path = svkvtu
steps = vis_solution
add_dependencies(universalapp operators)
dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES fibrecube.ini
steps = material, interpolation, constraints, elasticity_operator, newton, visualization, onetoone
type = structures
filename = fibrecube.msh
shape = box
physical = 0
fibres = one
shape = overnucleus
radius = 0.02
start = -0.5 0.0 -0.5
middle = 0.0 0.0 0.1
end = 0.5 0.0 -0.5
slope = 0.5
meshwidth = 0.01
physical = 2
enabled = 1
enabled = 1
materials = cyto, fibre
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 1000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
type = none
scale = 1000
group = 2
youngs_modulus = 5000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
type = curved_fibre
fibre =
scale = 5000
functions = 0.0
functions = z < -0.5 + 1e-08
operator = elasticity_operator
name = fibrecube
steps = vis_solution, vis_vonmises, vis_fibredistance
key = material.fibre.prestress
\ No newline at end of file
steps = parameter, material, elasticity_operator, interpolation, constraints, compression, visualization
type = structured
N = 8 8 8
VerbosityLevel = 3
Reduction = 1e-12
MaxIterations = 100
value = 0.5
datatype = double
name = maxcompression
materials = cube
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 10000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = neohookean
functions = (z < 1e-08) || (z > 1.0 - 1e-8)
functions = 0.0
type = continuousvariation
name = compression
iterations = 10
start = 0.0
end = 1.0
steps = transformation, newton, onetoone
operator = elasticity_operator
functions = ux, uy, - compression * (1.0 - maxcompression) * z
name = iterative_compress
steps = vis_solution, vis_vonmises
steps = parameter, material, elasticity_operator, interpolation, constraints, linearization, visualization
type = structured
N = 8 8 8
VerbosityLevel = 3
Reduction = 1e-12
MaxIterations = 100
value = 0.7
datatype = double
name = maxcompression
materials = cube
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 10000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = stvenantkirchhoff
functions = (z < 1e-08) || (z > 1.0 - 1e-8)
functions = 0.0, 0.0, -(1.0 - maxcompression) * z
type = discretematerialvariation
name = model
key = cube.model
values = linear, stvenantkirchhoff
steps = newton, onetoone
operator = elasticity_operator
name = linearized_compress
steps = vis_solution, vis_vonmises
steps = material, elasticity_operator, elasticity_mass_operator, interpolation, constraints, timeloop
type = structured
N = 8 8 8
materials = cube
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 10000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
functions = z < 1e-08
functions = 0.2 * z, 0.0, 0.0
Tstart = 0.0
Tend = 0.1
dt = 0.001
steps = onestep, visualization
spatial_operator = elasticity_operator
temporal_operator = elasticity_mass_operator
instationary = 1
name = quasistatic
path = quasistatic
steps = vis_solution
steps = material, interpolation, constraints, elasticity_operator, newton, visualization
type = cell
filename = robert
scaling = 1e-6
meshwidth = 0.5
physical = 0
shape = box
lowerleft = 0.0 0.0 0.0
size = 10.0 10.0 5.0
fibres = first
shape = cylinder
meshwidth = 0.05
start = 0.0 5.0 2.5
end = 10.0 5.0 2.5
radius = 0.1
physical = 1
enabled = 1
materials = cyto, fibre
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 1000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
#type = isotropic
#scale = 500
group = 1
youngs_modulus = 100000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
#type = straight_fibre
#direction = 1.0 0.0 0.0
#scale = 1000
functions = 0.0
functions = z < 1e-10
traction = (group == 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0) * ((x < 1e-8) ? -1.0 : 1.0) * 100000, 0.0, 0.0
operator = elasticity_operator
name = robert
steps = vis_solution, vis_physicalentity, vis_vonmises
steps = material, elasticity_operator, interpolation, constraints, newton, visualization, onetoone
type = cell
filename = robert2
scaling = 1e-6
meshwidth = 0.5
physical = 0
shape = box
lowerleft = 0.0 0.0 0.0
size = 10.0 10.0 2.0
fibres = first, second
shape = overnucleus
meshwidth = 0.1
start = 0.07 0.07 0.0
middle = 5.0 5.0 1.5
end = 9.93 9.93 0.0
slope = 0.5
radius = 0.1
physical = 1
shape = overnucleus
meshwidth = 0.1
start = 0.07 9.93 0.0
middle = 5.0 5.0 1.25
end = 9.93 0.07 0.0
slope = 0.5
radius = 0.1
physical = 2
enabled = 1
materials = cyto, fibre1, fibre2
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 1000
poisson_ratio = 0.45
model = linear
type = isotropic
scale = 500
group = 1
youngs_modulus = 300000
poisson_ratio = 0.45
model = linear
type = curved_fibre
scale = 300000
fibre = grid.fibres.first
group = 2
youngs_modulus = 300000
poisson_ratio = 0.45
model = linear
type = curved_fibre
scale = 300000
fibre = grid.fibres.second
functions = 0.0
functions = group > 0, group > 0, z<1e-12
operator = elasticity_operator
steps = vis_solution, vis_vonmises, vis_physicalentity
name = robert2
steps = material, interpolation, constraints, elasticity_operator, newton, visualization, onetoone
type = cell
filename = spread.msh
scaling = 1e-6
shape = spread
radius = 12.5
height = 7.5
slope = 0.5
meshwidth = 0.5
physical = 0
shape = ellipsoid
center = 0.0 0.0 3.75
radii = 4.5 4.5 2.25
physical = 1
meshwidth = 0.5
fibres = one
shape = overnucleus
radius = 0.1
start = -12.5 0.0 -0.25
middle = 0.0 0.0 6.15
end = 12.5 0.0 -0.25
slope = 0.5
meshwidth = 0.05
physical = 2
enabled = 1
enabled = 1
materials = cyto, nucleus, fibre
group = 0
youngs_modulus = 1000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
type = isotropic
scale = 500
group = 1
youngs_modulus = 10000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
group = 2
youngs_modulus = 5000
poisson_ratio = 0.4
model = linear
type = curved_fibre
fibre =
scale = 5000
functions = 0.0
functions = z < 1e-08
operator = elasticity_operator
position = 0.0 0.0 1.5e-6
name = nucleus_bottom
displace = 1
name = simplecell
steps = vis_solution, vis_vonmises, vis_physicalentity
steps = material, interpolation, constraints, elasticity_operator, fibre_operator, linearsolver, visualization
degree = 2
dimension = 2
type = structured
lowerleft = 0.0 0.0
upperright = 4.0 1.0
N = 40 10
fibres = first
shape = cylinder
start = -0.5 0.501
end = 4.5 0.501
youngs_modulus = 1e6
radius = 0.1
materials = bulk
model = linear
youngs_modulus = 300
poisson_ratio = 0.3333
functions = 0.0
functions = x < 1e-8
force = 0, -1
#force = 100, 0
force = 0, -1
operator = elasticity_operator
#operator = fibre_operator
steps = vis_solution
name = twodbeam
template<int dim, int degree>
void apply(Dune::MPIHelper& helper, const Dune::ParameterTree& params, char** argv)
auto [grid, es, physical] = construct_grid<dim>(helper, params.sub("grid"), argv);
std::tie(grid, es, physical) = reorder_grid(grid, es, physical, params.sub("grid"));
auto [x, cc, force, force_cc, traction, traction_cc] = elasticity_setup<degree>(es);
using V = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*x)>::type;
using V_F = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*force)>::type;
using V_T = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*traction)>::type;
ConstructionContext<V, V_F, V_T> ctx(helper, params, grid, es, physical);
ctx.setVectors(x, force, traction);
ctx.setConstraintsContainers(cc, force_cc, traction_cc);
auto solver = ctx.construct(params.sub("solver"));
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Dune::MPIHelper& helper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
// Parse the ini file
Dune::ParameterTree params;
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readOptions(argc, argv, params);
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readINITree(argv[1], params, false);
// Dispatch on grid dimension
auto dim = params.get<int>("grid.dimension", 3);
auto degree = params.get<int>("", 1);
if (dim == 2)
if (degree == 1)
apply<2, 1>(helper, params, argv);
if (degree == 2)
apply<2, 2>(helper, params, argv);
if (dim == 3)
if (degree == 1)
apply<3, 1>(helper, params, argv);
if (degree == 2)
apply<3, 2>(helper, params, argv);
return 0;
find_package(muparser REQUIRED)
dune_register_package_flags(LIBRARIES muparser::muparser)
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