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--- Improvements ---
* `TEMPLATE_PRODUCT_TEST_CASE` now uses the resulting type in the name, instead of the serial number (#1544)
* Catch2's single header is now strictly ASCII (#1542)
* Added generator for random integral/floating point types
  * The types are inferred within the `random` helper
* Added back RangeGenerator (#1526)
  * RangeGenerator returns elements within a certain range
* Added ChunkGenerator generic transform (#1538)
  * A ChunkGenerator returns the elements from different generator in chunks of n elements
* Added `UNSCOPED_INFO` (#415, #983, #1522)
  * This is a variant of `INFO` that lives until next assertion/end of the test case.

--- Fixes ---
* All calls to C stdlib functions are now `std::` qualified (#1541)
  * Code brought in from Clara was also updated.
* Running tests will no longer open the specified output file twice (#1545)
  * This would cause trouble when the file was not a file, but rather a named pipe
  * Fixes the CLion/Resharper integration with Catch
* Fixed `-Wunreachable-code` occuring with (old) ccache+cmake+clang combination (#1540)
* Fixed `-Wdefaulted-function-deleted` warning with Clang 8 (#1537)
* Catch2's type traits and helpers are now properly namespaced inside `Catch::` (#1548)
* Fixed std{out,err} redirection for failing test (#1514, #1525)
  * Somehow, this bug has been present for well over a year before it was reported