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--- Fixes ---
* `ChunkGenerator` can now be used with chunks of size 0 (#1671)
* Nested subsections are now run properly when specific section is run via the `-c` argument (#1670, #1673)
* Catch2 now consistently uses `_WIN32` to detect Windows platform (#1676)
* `TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE` now support non-default constructible type lists (#1697)
* Fixed a crash in the XMLReporter when a benchmark throws exception during warmup (#1706)
* Fixed a possible infinite loop in CompactReporter (#1715)
* Fixed `-w NoTests` returning 0 even when no tests were matched (#1449, #1683, #1684)
* Fixed matcher compilation under Obj-C++ (#1661)

--- Improvements ---
* `RepeatGenerator` and `FixedValuesGenerator` now fail to compile when used with `bool` (#1692)
  * Previously they would fail at runtime.
* Catch2 now supports Android's debug logging for its debug output (#1710)
* Catch2 now detects and configures itself for the RTX platform (#1693)
  * You still need to pass `--benchmark-no-analysis` if you are using benchmarking under RTX
* Removed a "storage class is not first" warning when compiling Catch2 with PGI compiler (#1717)

--- Miscellaneous ---
* Documentation now contains indication when a specific feature was introduced (#1695)
  * These start with Catch2 v2.3.0, (a bit over a year ago).
  * `docs/` has been updated to provide contributors guidance on how to add these to newly written documentation
* Various other documentation improvements
  * ToC fixes
  * Documented `--order` and `--rng-seed` command line options
  * Benchmarking documentation now clearly states that it requires opt-in
  * Properly documented built-in vector matchers
  * Improved `*_THROWS_MATCHES` documentation a bit
* CMake config file is now arch-independent even if `CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P` is in CMake cache (#1660)
* `CatchAddTests` now properly escapes `[` and `]` in test names (#1634, #1698)