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Fix variable names that indicated that sizes were a prefix of the CointainerIndex

When implementing !555 (merged), I started with the premise that container indices had outer to inner semantics. However, in the middle of the MR I realized that dune-functions and pdelab have different semantics regarding container indices.

  • PDELab: outer to inner
  • dune-functions: inner to outer

At this point, I had almost everything written in terms of the size prefix and the solution was simple: reverse the prefix when combining the two codes. However, the name prefix wrongly stayed in the MR. The name is wrong because in the current implementation, the name is actually the contrary; that is, partial container indices are suffixes of the full container index. This commit fixes that by using the ContainerIndex as an argument of the size method and removing every reference to the wrongly named prefix.

This is a name semantic bug. Behaviour stays the same.

Merge request reports