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Commit eccafed1 authored by Dominic Kempf's avatar Dominic Kempf
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Merge branch 'feature/stdcomplex-test' into 'master'

Feature/stdcomplex test

See merge request !2
parents 0e118b0a 7ec22b59
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with 1250 additions and 1 deletion
#install headers
install(FILES pdelab-systemtesting.hh DESTINATION include/dune/pdelab-systemtesting)
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** \file
\brief Solve elliptic problem in unconstrained spaces with conforming finite elements
#include "config.h"
#include <random>
#include <sys/types.h> //for mkdir chdir etc
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dune/grid/albertagrid/dgfparser.hh>
#error UGERR!
#define SUPERLU_NTYPE 3 //needed for complex superlu, because superlu is in c where is no templates
// SUPERLU_NTYPE==0 float
// SUPERLU_NTYPE==1 double
// SUPERLU_NTYPE==2 std::complex<float>
// SUPERLU_NTYPE==3 std::complex<double>
#include <dune/istl/umfpack.hh>
#include<dune/pdelab/instationary/onestep.hh> //Filename helper
#include <dune/common/parametertreeparser.hh>
#include <dune/pdelab/boilerplate/pdelab.hh>
// Main program with grid setup
level = 8
polynomialdegree = 1
omega = 80.
errornorm = L2 #H1
\ No newline at end of file
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** \file
\brief Construct GFS and solve problem defined in parameter
template<int k, class GV, class PARAM>
void helmholtz_Qk (const GV& gv, PARAM& param, std::string& errornorm, std::string solver)
// <<<1>>> Choose domain and range field type
typedef typename GV::Grid::ctype Coord;
typedef double R;
typedef std::complex<R> C;
typedef C RF;
// <<<2>>> Make grid function space
typedef Dune::PDELab::QkLocalFiniteElementMap<GV,Coord,C,k> FEM;
//typedef Dune::PDELab::PkLocalFiniteElementMap<GV,Coord,C,k> FEM;
FEM fem(gv);
// typedef Dune::PDELab::NoConstraints CON; // !!!!! NO CONTRAINTS
typedef Dune::PDELab::ConformingDirichletConstraints CON; // constraints class
typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLVectorBackend<> VBE;
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpace<GV,FEM,CON,VBE> GFS;
GFS gfs(gv,fem);"solution");
//BCTypeParam bctype; // boundary condition type
typedef typename GFS::template ConstraintsContainer<C>::Type CC;
CC cc;
Dune::PDELab::constraints( param, gfs, cc ); // assemble constraints
std::cout << "constrained dofs=" << cc.size() << " of " << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
// <<<3>>> Make grid operator
typedef HelmholtzLocalOperator<PARAM > LOP;
LOP lop( param, 2*k );
typedef Dune::PDELab::istl::BCRSMatrixBackend<> MBE;
// Structured 2D grid, Q1 finite elements => 9-point stencil / Q2 => 25
MBE mbe(k == 1 ? 9 : 25);
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<GFS,GFS,LOP,MBE,C,C,C,CC,CC> GO;
//GO go(gfs,gfs,lop,mbe);
GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop,mbe);
// How well did we estimate the number of entries per matrix row?
// => print Jacobian pattern statistics
//typename GO::Traits::Jacobian jac(go);
//std::cout << jac.patternStatistics() << std::endl;
typedef typename GO::Traits::Domain U;
C zero(0.);
U u(gfs,zero); // initial value
//ure.base().bar(); //determine type of u
typedef BCExtension<PARAM > G; // boundary value = extension
G g(gv,param);
Dune::PDELab::interpolate(g,gfs,u); // interpolate coefficient vector
// Dune::PDELab::interpolate(param,gfs,u);
// <<<4>>> Select a linear solver backend
// typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_BCGS_SSOR LS;
//typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_SuperLU LS ;
//typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_CG_SSOR LS;
// typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_UMFPack LS;
// LS ls(5000,0);
// typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP;
// SLP slp(go,ls,u,1e-10);
// slp.apply();
// we do not use the backend, we call solver directly instead
typedef typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFS,RF>::Type V;
typedef typename GO::Jacobian M;
typedef typename M::BaseT ISTLM;
typedef typename V::BaseT ISTLV;
M m(go,0.);
//std::cout << m.patternStatistics() << std::endl;
V r(gfs);
r = 0.0;
if(solver == "UMFPACK") {
Dune::UMFPack<ISTLM> solver(m.base(), 0);
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
//u = r;
// u = 0;
Dune::InverseOperatorResult stat;
if(solver == "SuperLU") {
Dune::SuperLU<ISTLM> solver(m.base(), 0);
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
//u = r;
// u = 0;
Dune::InverseOperatorResult stat;
Dune::InverseOperatorResult stat;
if (solver == "GMRESILU0") {
Dune::SeqILU0<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> ilu0(m.base(),1.0);
Dune::MatrixAdapter<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> opa(m.base());
Dune::RestartedGMResSolver<ISTLV> solver(opa, ilu0, 1E-7, 5000, 5000, 0);
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
//u = r;
// u = 0;
std::cout<<"Iterations: "<< stat.iterations<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Time: "<< stat.elapsed<< std::endl;
if (solver == "GMRESILU1") {
Dune::SeqILUn<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> ilun(m.base(), 1, 1.0);
Dune::MatrixAdapter<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> opa(m.base());
Dune::RestartedGMResSolver<ISTLV> solver(opa, ilun, 1E-7, 5000, 5000, 0);
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
//u = r;
// u = 0;
std::cout<<"Iterations: "<< stat.iterations<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Time: "<< stat.elapsed<< std::endl;
if (solver == "GMRESSGS") {
Dune::SeqSSOR<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> ssor(m.base(), 3, 1.); //ssor with \omega = 1 is SGS (symmetric gauss seidel)
Dune::MatrixAdapter<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> opa(m.base());
Dune::RestartedGMResSolver<ISTLV> solver(opa, ssor, 1E-7, 5000, 5000, 0);
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
//u = r;
// u = 0;
std::cout<<"Iterations: "<< stat.iterations<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Time: "<< stat.elapsed<< std::endl;
if (solver == "BiCGSILU0") {
Dune::SeqILU0<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> ilu0(m.base(),1.0);
Dune::MatrixAdapter<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> opa(m.base());
Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<ISTLV> solver(opa,ilu0,1E-7,20000, 0);
// solve the jacobian system
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
//u = r;
// u = 0;
std::cout<<"Iterations: "<< stat.iterations<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Time: "<< stat.elapsed<< std::endl;
//this solver breaks down at 4000 DOFs by solving the helmholtz eq
if (solver == "BiCGSILU1") {
Dune::SeqILUn<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> ilun(m.base(), 1, 1.0);
Dune::MatrixAdapter<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> opa(m.base());
Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<ISTLV> solver(opa,ilun,1E-7,20000, 0);
// solve the jacobian system
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
// //u = r;
// u = 0;
std::cout<<"Iterations: "<< stat.iterations<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Time: "<< stat.elapsed<< std::endl;
if (solver == "BiCGSSGS") {
Dune::SeqSSOR<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> ssor(m.base(), 3, 1.); //ssor with \omega = 1 is SGS (symmetric gauss seidel)
Dune::MatrixAdapter<ISTLM,ISTLV,ISTLV> opa(m.base());
Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<ISTLV> solver(opa,ssor,1E-7,20000, 0);
r *= -1.0; // need -residual
// //u = r;
// u = 0;
std::cout<<"Iterations: "<< stat.iterations<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Time: "<< stat.elapsed<< std::endl;
// // // compare helmholtz solution to analytic helmholtz solution
U ua(gfs, zero); // initial value
typedef BCAnalytic<PARAM> Ga; // boundary value = extension
Ga ga(gv, param);
Dune::PDELab::interpolate(ga,gfs,ua); // interpolate coefficient vector
// // Make a real grid function space
typedef Dune::PDELab::QkLocalFiniteElementMap<GV,Coord,R,k> FEMr;
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpace<GV,FEMr,CON,VBE> GFSr;
FEMr femr(gv);
GFSr gfsr(gv,femr);
//create real analytic solution vectors
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type reu(gfsr, 0.); // real part u_h
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type imu(gfsr, 0.); // imag part u_h
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type reua(gfsr, 0.); // real part analytic solution
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type imua(gfsr, 0.); // imega part analytic solution
// typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type reue(gfsr, 0.); // real part error
// typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type imue(gfsr, 0.); // imag part error
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type::iterator reut = reu.begin();
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type::iterator imut = imu.begin();
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type::iterator reuat = reua.begin();
typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type::iterator imuat = imua.begin();
// typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type::iterator reuet = reue.begin();
// typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFSr,R>::Type::iterator imuet = imue.begin();
typename U::const_iterator ut = u.begin();
typename U::const_iterator uat = ua.begin();
// //compute error i.e. |ua - u| separated into real and imag part
while( ut != u.end() ) {
*reut = std::real(*ut);
*imut = std::imag(*ut);
*reuat = std::real(*uat);
*imuat = std::imag(*uat);
// *reuet = std::abs(*reut - *reuat) ;
// *imuet = std::abs(*imut - *imuat) ;
// std::cout<<h<<"\t"<<*reut - (*reuat)<<std::endl;
// ++h;
// ++reuet;
// ++imuet;
//<<<7>>> graphical output
// output u_h
//Dune::SubsamplingVTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,k == 1 ? 0 : 3);
Dune::SubsamplingVTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv, 0);"real");
// Dune::PDELab::addSolutionToVTKWriter(vtkwriter,gfsr,reue);
// Dune::PDELab::addSolutionToVTKWriter(vtkwriter,gfsr,imue);
std::stringstream basename;
basename << "solvers01_Q" << k;
// // // compute DISCRETIZATION L2 error
// // /* solution */
// if(errornorm == "L2") {
// // define discrete grid function for solution
// typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
// // DGF udgf(gfs, u);
// typedef BCAnalytic<PARAM> ES;
// ES es(gv, param);
// U esh(gfs, zero);
// Dune::PDELab::interpolate(es,gfs,esh);
// DGF esdgf(gfs, esh);
// typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquared;
// DifferenceSquared difference(esdgf, es);
// typename DifferenceSquared::Traits::RangeType l2normsquared(0.0);
// Dune::PDELab::integrateGridFunction(difference,l2normsquared,10);
// std::cout<<"L2DiscrError: "<<std::sqrt(std::abs(l2normsquared[0]))<<std::endl;
// }
// // // compute POLLUTION L2 error
// // /* solution */
// if(errornorm == "L2") {
// // define discrete grid function for solution
// typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
// DGF udgf(gfs, u);
// typedef BCAnalytic<PARAM> ES;
// ES es(gv, param);
// U esh(gfs, zero);
// Dune::PDELab::interpolate(es,gfs,esh);
// DGF esdgf(gfs, esh);
// typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,DGF> DifferenceSquared;
// DifferenceSquared difference(udgf,esdgf);
// typename DifferenceSquared::Traits::RangeType l2normsquared(0.0);
// Dune::PDELab::integrateGridFunction(difference,l2normsquared,10);
// std::cout<<"L2PolError: "<<std::sqrt(std::abs(l2normsquared[0]))<<std::endl;
// }
// // compute L2 error
// /* solution */
if(errornorm == "L2") {
// define discrete grid function for solution
typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
DGF udgf(gfs, u);
typedef BCAnalytic<PARAM> ES;
ES es(gv, param);
typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquared;
DifferenceSquared difference(udgf,es);
typename DifferenceSquared::Traits::RangeType l2normsquared(0.0);
std::cout<<"L2Error: "<<std::sqrt(std::abs(l2normsquared[0]))<<std::endl;
// compute H1 semi norm error
/* solution */
if(errornorm == "H1") {
//discrete function gradient
typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunctionGradient<GFS,U> DGFG;
DGFG udgfg(gfs, u);
//gradient of exact solution
typedef BCAnalyticGrad<PARAM> ESG;
ESG esg(gv, param);
// difference of gradient
typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGFG,ESG> DifferenceSquaredAdapterg;
DifferenceSquaredAdapterg differenceg(udgfg,esg);
typename DifferenceSquaredAdapterg::Traits::RangeType l2normsquared(0.0);
typename DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGFG,ESG>::Traits::RangeType normsquared(0.0);
std::cout<<"H1Error: "<<std::sqrt(std::abs(l2normsquared[0]))<<std::endl;
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** \brief A function that defines analytic solution as Dirichlet boundary conditions AND
its extension to the interior */
template<typename T>
class BCAnalytic
: public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> >,
BCAnalytic<T> > {
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > Traits;
//! construct from grid view
BCAnalytic (const typename Traits::GridViewType& gv_, T& t_) : gv(gv_), t(t_) {}
//! evaluate extended function on element
inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e,
const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal,
typename Traits::RangeType& y) const
y =, xlocal);
//! get a reference to the grid view
inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () const
return gv;
const typename Traits::GridViewType gv;
T& t;
/** \brief A function that defines gradient of analytic solution as Dirichlet boundary conditions AND
its extension to the interior */
template<typename T>
class BCAnalyticGrad
: public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> >,
BCAnalyticGrad<T> > {
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > Traits;
//! construct from grid view
BCAnalyticGrad (const typename Traits::GridViewType& gv_, T& t_) : gv(gv_), t(t_) {}
const static int dim = T::Traits::GridViewType::Grid::dimension;
// typedef typename T::Traits::GridViewType::Grid::ctype ctype;
//! evaluate extended function on element
inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e,
const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal,
Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,dim>& y) const
y = t.ugrada(e, xlocal);
//! get a reference to the grid view
inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () const
return gv;
const typename Traits::GridViewType gv;
T& t;
/*! \brief Adapter returning ||f1(x)-f2(x)||^2 for two given grid functions
\tparam T1 a grid function type
\tparam T2 a grid function type
template<typename T1, typename T2>
class DifferenceSquaredAdapter
: public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<
Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T1::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,
1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> >
,DifferenceSquaredAdapter<T1,T2> >
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T1::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,
1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > Traits;
//! constructor
DifferenceSquaredAdapter (const T1& t1_, const T2& t2_) : t1(t1_), t2(t2_) {}
//! \copydoc GridFunctionBase::evaluate()
inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e,
const typename Traits::DomainType& x,
typename Traits::RangeType& y) const
typename T1::Traits::RangeType v1,v2;
t1.evaluate( e, x, v1);
t2.evaluate( e, x, v2);
v1 -= v2;
y = v1*v1;
inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () const
return t1.getGridView();
const T1& t1;
const T2& t2;
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** \brief A function that defines Dirichlet boundary conditions AND
its extension to the interior */
template<typename T>
class BCExtension
: public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> >,
BCExtension<T> > {
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > Traits;
//! construct from grid view
BCExtension (const typename Traits::GridViewType& gv_, T& t_) : gv(gv_), t(t_) {}
//! evaluate extended function on element
inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e,
const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal,
typename Traits::RangeType& y) const
y = t.g(e, xlocal);
//! get a reference to the grid view
inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () const
return gv;
const typename Traits::GridViewType gv;
T& t;
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** \file
\brief main
int main(int argc, char** argv)
//Maybe initialize Mpi
Dune::MPIHelper& helper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
std::cout<< "This is a sequential program." << std::endl;
std::cout << "parallel run on " << helper.size() << " process(es)" << std::endl;
if (argc!=2)
if (helper.rank()==0)
std::cout << "usage: ./error <cfg-file>" << std::endl;
return 1;
// Parse configuration file.
std::string config_file(argv[1]);
Dune::ParameterTree configuration;
Dune::ParameterTreeParser parser;
parser.readINITree( config_file, configuration );
std::cerr << "Could not read config file \""
<< config_file << "\"!" << std::endl;
int level = configuration.get<int>("grid.level");
int polynomialdegree = configuration.get<int>("problem_parameter.polynomialdegree");
double omega = configuration.get<double>("") ;
std::string errornorm = configuration.get<std::string>("norm.errornorm");
std::string solver = configuration.get<std::string>("solvers.solver");
// sequential version
if (helper.size()==1)
std::vector<double> dof;
std::vector<double> tsolve; // number of iterations + solver time
typedef double R;
typedef std::complex<R> C;
Dune::FieldVector<double,2> L(1.);
Dune::array<int,2> N(Dune::fill_array<int,2>(1));
std::bitset<2> periodic(false);
int overlap=0;
Dune::YaspGrid<2> grid(L,N,periodic,overlap);
typedef Dune::YaspGrid<2>::LeafGridView GV;
//refine grid
//get leafGridView
const GV& gv=grid.leafGridView();
//define problem
typedef ParametersPlaneWave<GV, C, R> PARAM;
//typedef ParametersSphericalWave<GV, C, R> PARAM;
PARAM param(omega);
if(polynomialdegree == 1) {
helmholtz_Qk<1,GV,PARAM>(gv, param, errornorm, solver);
if(polynomialdegree == 2) {
helmholtz_Qk<2,GV,PARAM>(gv, param, errornorm, solver);
catch (Dune::Exception &e){
std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (...){
std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown!" << std::endl;
return 1;
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** a local operator for solving the equation
* - \Delta u - \omega^2 u = f in \Omega
* \nabla u \cdot n - i \omega u = 0 on \partial\Omega
* with conforming finite elements on all types of grids in any dimension
template<class PARAM>
class HelmholtzLocalOperator :
public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianApplyVolume<HelmholtzLocalOperator<PARAM> >,
public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianVolume<HelmholtzLocalOperator<PARAM> >,
public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianApplyBoundary<HelmholtzLocalOperator<PARAM> >,
public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianBoundary<HelmholtzLocalOperator<PARAM> >,
public Dune::PDELab::FullVolumePattern,
public Dune::PDELab::LocalOperatorDefaultFlags
// pattern assembly flags
enum { doPatternVolume = true };
// residual assembly flags
enum { doAlphaVolume = true };
enum { doAlphaBoundary = true }; // assemble boundary
HelmholtzLocalOperator (const PARAM& param_, unsigned int intorder_=2)
: param(param_ ), intorder(intorder_)
// volume integral depending on test and ansatz functions
template<typename EG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_volume (const EG& eg, const LFSU& lfsu, const X& x, const LFSV& lfsv, R& r) const
// extract some types
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::DomainFieldType DF;
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::RangeFieldType RF;
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::JacobianType JacobianType;
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::RangeType RangeType;
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::SizeType size_type;
// dimensions
const int dim = EG::Geometry::dimension;
// select quadrature rule
Dune::GeometryType gt = eg.geometry().type();
const Dune::QuadratureRule<DF,dim>&
rule = Dune::QuadratureRules<DF,dim>::rule(gt,intorder);
// loop over quadrature points
for (typename Dune::QuadratureRule<DF,dim>::const_iterator
it=rule.begin(); it!=rule.end(); ++it)
// evaluate basis functions on reference element
std::vector<RangeType> phi(lfsu.size());
// compute u at integration point
RF u=0.0;
for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); i++)
u = u + x(lfsu,i)*phi[i];
// evaluate gradient of basis functions on reference element
std::vector<JacobianType> js(lfsu.size());
// transform gradients from reference element to real element
const typename EG::Geometry::JacobianInverseTransposed
jac = eg.geometry().jacobianInverseTransposed(it->position());
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim> > gradphi(lfsu.size());
for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); i++)[i][0],gradphi[i]);
// compute gradient of u
Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim> gradu(0.0);
for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); i++)
// evaluate parameters
RF f( param.f(eg, it->position()) );
// integrate grad u * grad phi_i - omega*omega*u*phi_i - f phi_i
RF factor = it->weight()*eg.geometry().integrationElement(it->position());
for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); i++)
r.accumulate(lfsu,i,( gradu*gradphi[i] -**u*phi[i] - f*phi[i] )*factor);
// - n \nabla u = j
// n \nabla u − i \omega u = 0
// boundary integral
template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_boundary (const IG& ig, const LFSU& lfsu_s, const X& x_s,
const LFSV& lfsv_s, R& r_s) const
// assume Galerkin: lfsu_s == lfsv_s
// This yields more efficient code since the local functionspace only
// needs to be evaluated once, but would be incorrect for a finite volume
// method
// some types
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::DomainFieldType DF;
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::RangeFieldType RF;
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::RangeType Range;
typedef typename LFSU::Traits::SizeType size_type;
// dimensions
const int dim = IG::dimension;
Dune::GeometryType gtface = ig.geometryInInside().type();
// select quadrature rule for face
const Dune::QuadratureRule<DF,dim-1>& rule = Dune::QuadratureRules<DF,dim-1>::rule(gtface,intorder);
// loop over quadrature points and integrate normal flux
for (typename Dune::QuadratureRule<DF,dim-1>::const_iterator it=rule.begin();
it!=rule.end(); ++it)
// skip rest if we are on Dirichlet boundary
if ( param.isDirichlet( ig, it->position() ) )
// position of quadrature point in local coordinates of element
Dune::FieldVector<DF,dim> local = ig.geometryInInside().global(it->position());
// evaluate basis functions at integration point
std::vector<Range> phi(lfsu_s.size());
// evaluate u (e.g. flux may depend on u)
RF u=0.0;
for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu_s.size(); ++i)
u = u + x_s(lfsu_s,i)*phi[i];
if ( param.isNeumann( ig.intersection(), it->position() ) )
// evaluate flux boundary condition
RF j = param.j(ig, it->position(), u);
// integrate j
RF factor = it->weight()*ig.geometry().integrationElement(it->position());
for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu_s.size(); ++i)
const PARAM& param;
unsigned int intorder;
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** \file
\brief Plane Wave Parameter = Problem description
/** \brief Defines problem parameter analytical solution
template<typename GV, typename RF, typename DF>
class ParametersPlaneWave : public Dune::PDELab::DirichletConstraintsParameters
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<GV,RF,1,Dune::FieldVector<RF,1> > Traits;
// typedef DiffusionParameterTraits<GV,RF> Traits;
ParametersPlaneWave (double omega_)
: omega(omega_)
//! Dirichlet boundary condition type function
template<typename IG>
inline bool isDirichlet(const IG& intersection, const Dune::FieldVector<typename IG::ctype, IG::dimension-1>& xlocal) const
return false;
//! Neumann boundary condition type function
template<typename IG>
inline bool isNeumann(const IG& intersection, const Dune::FieldVector<typename IG::ctype, IG::dimension-1>& xlocal) const
return true;
//! Dirichlet boundary condition value
RF g (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal ) const
return RF(0.,0.);
//! Neumann boundary condition value
template <typename IG>
RF j (const IG& ig, const Dune::FieldVector<typename IG::ctype, IG::dimension-1>& xlocal, RF u) const
const int dim = Traits::GridViewType::Grid::dimension;
typedef typename Traits::GridViewType::Grid::ctype ctype;
Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> xglobal = ig.geometry().global(xlocal);
RF i(0., 1.);
RF x,y;
x = xglobal[0];
y = xglobal[1];
// get the outer normal vector at the face center
const Dune::FieldVector<RF, dim> normal = ig.centerUnitOuterNormal();
Dune::FieldVector<RF, dim> gradu;
gradu[0] = i*omega*cos(theta)*std::exp( i*omega*(x*cos(theta) + y *sin(theta)) );
gradu[1] = i*omega*sin(theta)*std::exp( i*omega*(x*cos(theta) + y *sin(theta)) );
RF res = gradu * normal;
res *= -1;
return res;
//! source term
template <typename EG>
RF f (const EG& eg, const Dune::FieldVector<typename EG::Geometry::ctype, EG::Geometry::dimension>& position) const
RF res(0.,0.);
return res;
//! exact solution / analytic solution
RF ua (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal ) const
const int dim = Traits::GridViewType::Grid::dimension;
typedef typename Traits::GridViewType::Grid::ctype ctype;
Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> xglobal = e.geometry().global(xlocal);
RF i(0., 1.);
RF x,y;
x = xglobal[0];
y = xglobal[1];
return std::exp( i*omega*(x*cos(theta) + y *sin(theta)) );
const static int dim = Traits::GridViewType::Grid::dimension;
//! exact grad of solution / analytic grad of solution
Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim> ugrada (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal ) const
typedef typename Traits::GridViewType::Grid::ctype ctype;
Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> xglobal = e.geometry().global(xlocal);
RF i(0., 1.);
RF x,y;
x = xglobal[0];
y = xglobal[1];
Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim> res;
res[0] = i*omega*cos(theta)*std::exp( i*omega*(x*cos(theta) + y *sin(theta)) );
res[1] = i*omega*sin(theta)*std::exp( i*omega*(x*cos(theta) + y *sin(theta)) );
return res;
double theta = M_PI/2.;
double omega;
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/** \file
\brief Spherical Wave Parameter = Problem description
/** \brief Defines problem parameter: Dirichlet boundary conditions AND its
* extension to the interior, sinks and sources and the reaction rate.
template<typename GV, typename RF, typename DF>
class ParametersSphericalWave : public Dune::PDELab::DirichletConstraintsParameters
typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<GV,RF,1,Dune::FieldVector<RF,1> > Traits;
// typedef DiffusionParameterTraits<GV,RF> Traits;
ParametersSphericalWave (double omega_)
: omega(omega_)
//! Dirichlet boundary condition type function
template<typename IG>
inline bool isDirichlet(const IG& intersection, const Dune::FieldVector<typename IG::ctype, IG::dimension-1>& xlocal) const
return false;
//! Neumann boundary condition type function
template<typename IG>
inline bool isNeumann(const IG& intersection, const Dune::FieldVector<typename IG::ctype, IG::dimension-1>& xlocal) const
return true;
//! Dirichlet boundary condition value
RF g (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal ) const
return RF(0.,0.);
//! Neumann boundary condition value
template <typename IG>
RF j (const IG& ig, const Dune::FieldVector<typename IG::ctype, IG::dimension-1>& xlocal, RF u) const
RF i(0., 1.);
return i*omega*u;
//! source term
template <typename EG>
RF f (const EG& eg, const Dune::FieldVector<typename EG::Geometry::ctype, EG::Geometry::dimension>& position) const
Dune::FieldVector<typename EG::Geometry::ctype, EG::Geometry::dimension> xg = eg.geometry().global( position );
Dune::FieldVector<DF,EG::Geometry::dimension> midpoint;
for(int i=0; i<EG::Geometry::dimension; ++i) {
midpoint[i] = 0.5;
xg -= midpoint;
RF res(0.,0.);
double r=0.2;
double tmp=0.;
for(int i=0; i<EG::Geometry::dimension; ++i) {
tmp += xg[i]*xg[i];
if( std::sqrt( tmp ) < r )
res = RF(25,0.);
return res;
//! exact solution / analytic solution
RF ua (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal ) const
// const int dim = Traits::GridViewType::Grid::dimension;
// typedef typename Traits::GridViewType::Grid::ctype ctype;
// Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> xglobal = e.geometry().global(xlocal);
std::cout<<"Error: Analytical Solution has not been implemented"<<std::endl;
return RF(0.,0.);
const static int dim = Traits::GridViewType::Grid::dimension;
//! exact grad of solution / analytic grad of solution
Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim> ugrada (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal ) const
// typedef typename Traits::GridViewType::Grid::ctype ctype;
// Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> xglobal = e.geometry().global(xlocal);
std::cout<<"Error: Analytical Solution has not been implemented"<<std::endl;
Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim> res;
res[0] = 0.;
res[1] = 0.;
return res;
double omega;
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