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Draft: Linear transformed finite elements

This MR is a draft on how non affine equivalent (or non Piola equivalent) finite elements can be structurally implemented in dune-functions. In particular, it introduces a structure for linear transformed FEs, which require an additional element dependend transformation of the generic reference FE to provide an - element depended - local FE which is affine (Piola) equivalent to the real FE. All finite element types, where the polynomial space is preserved under the resp. pullback, can in principle be implemented in this manner.

This MR also contains implementations of the cubic Hermite, quadratic Morley, quintic Argyris and cubic Arnold-Winther finite elements on triangles. While the first one can be implemented reasonably well with the GlobalValuedLocalFiniteElement structure, the others profit strongly from caching the transformation and the last one even uses both structures as it is a non Piola equivalent element.

The approach follows the theory from Kirby 2018 and Kirby 2021. The previous development happend in a separate module, which also contains the dune-localfunctions part. This MR depends on the dune-localfunctions MR.

Together these two MRs raise a number of questions, like:

  • How to handle interpolation with FEs that involve derivative evaluations as DOFs? See also dune-function issue
  • How to encode that some finite elements cannot be cached?
  • How to collect and pass nonlocal information to LocalFiniteElements?
  • Are the generic FEs, like in this MR, meaningful in dune-localfunctions or should they be kept together with their transformations?
  • How to implement matrix-valued finite elements and what are the precise LocalFiniteElementTraits?
  • How to ensure a global orientation on a distributed

The following is a copy of the mentioned modules Readme:

This module contains classes for the Hermite (1d-3d), the Morley (2d), the Argyris(2d), and the Arnold-Winther element on simplices. It covers both dune-localfunctions and dune-functions aspects and thus mimics their directory structure. Additionally, the compatibility with the AMDiS module is provided in the amdis/ directory. All of those finite elements are not affine (Piola) equivalent and thus require an additional transformation when mapped onto the reference element. This approach follows the theory developed by Kirby for the fenicsx/firedrake framework. For this theory, finite elements are grouped by the behavior of their degrees of freedom when pulled back onto the reference element. In short, assuming the polynomial space is preserved under pullback, the physical dofs are either

  1. mapped onto the reference dofs. This gives affine (Piola) equivalence and no transformation is necessary.
  2. mapped onto dofs whose span equals the span of the reference dofs (as infinite dimensional functionals). Then we have no affine (Piola) equivalence and a linear transformation of the basis functions is necessary. This Transformation is just the transposed of the basis transformation of the dofs. However, we have affine (Piola) interpolation equivalence, which means that we can implement the local interpolation via the inverse of the mentioned basis transformation.
  3. mapped onto a set of DOFs, whose span does not equal to the span of reference dofs. So long as we have unisolvence however, the span on the restrictions of the DOFs to the polynomial space is equal to the span of the restrictions of the reference dofs to the reference polynomial space and we can still derive a linear transformation like before. Again, the transformation of the basis functions is just the transposed the transformation of the dof restrictions. In this case however, we have no interpolation equivalence and cannot use the reference dofs to implement a local interpolation that can be used to determine coefficients of the physical finite element.

This behavior is modeled by a class structure LinearTransformedLocalFiniteElement similar to the GlobalValuedLocalFiniteElement structure, with corresponding classes LinearTransformedLocalBasis, etc. It is parametrized with a class that fulfills the LinearTransformator interface, which is essentially a objectified transformation class. This interface is defined as follows:

  • Like other objects in the dune-functions world, LinearTransformator objects need to be bound to an element to be useful.
  • The actual transformation is done by a call to the apply method. In the current implementation the interface has only one apply method, which should be used for shapevalues, gradients and hessians, since a basis transformation is essentially the same for all of those types.
  • Since different aspects like orientation and determination of boundary condition dofs require nonlocal information, the structure includes a ElementInformation interface, to be implemented by a class exported by the LinearTransformator.
  • Lastly, the interpolation is handled differently, depending on the type of finite element as described above. For finite elements of type (2), i.e. interpolation equivalent finite elements, the LinearTransformator class can implement an applyInverse method. The framework then provides a corresponding LocalInterpolation class. For finite elements of type (3), the LinearTransformator class needs to export a class GlobalValuedInterpolation, which can be bound to the Element and ElementInformation objects and additonally fulfills the LocalIntepolation interface.

Extensions of the LocalFiniteElement interface for Hermite/Morley/Argyris elements:

  • The first three finite elements include derivative degrees of freedom, and so their LocalIntepolation classes only work with functions which provide a free derivative method. A proposal implementation of dune-functions' interpolate method is contained in the module.
  • Strongly enforcing boundary conditions requires setting a subset of boundary dofs. Typical routines like the ones in the examples don't consider that. The LocalCoefficient classes for the three finite elements thus offer an additional method to question whether a dof is in the respective subset for Dirichlet or Clamped conditions. Discretization modules that want to include this functionality thus have to include them in their corresponding routines.
Edited by Maik Porrmann

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