- Nov 27, 2019
Christoph Grüninger authored
- Nov 19, 2019
Christoph Grüninger authored
Similar to other Dune modules
Christoph Grüninger authored
The files were for compatibility only. They are superseded by files created for any Dune module.
Christoph Grüninger authored
Delete parallel/.
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Couple of links, only for backwards compatiblity with ug 3.13
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Remove unused subfolder dom/gen/ and its content.
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
But it remains meaningless
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Oliver Sander authored
Merge branch 'fix_warnings_unused_function' into 'master' ref:staging/dune-uggrid Added preprocessor if-conditions and commented out some unused functions to avoid compiler warnings made by CI test "gcc-7-14-sequential". See merge request [!127] [!127]: gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-uggrid/merge_requests/127
Henrik Stolzmann authored
Deleted the function "CheckNodeContext" because it was not used in. ```` static INT CheckNodeContext (ELEMENT *theElement, NODE ** NodeContext) { INT i, mark,nor,noc; mark = MARK(theElement); for (i=CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+EDGES_OF_ELEM(th eElement); i++) { if (NODE_OF_RULE(theElement,mark,i-CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement))) nor = 1; else nor = 0; if(NodeContext[i]!=NULL) noc = 1; else noc = 0; if(nor!=noc) if (GetNodeContext(theElement,NodeContext)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1); } for (; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement)+SIDES_OF_ELEM(theEl ement); i++) if (NodeContext[i]!=NULL) if (GetNodeContext(theElement,NodeContext)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1); return (0); } ````
Henrik Stolzmann authored
Deleted the definition of "CheckLocalElementKeys" for the case ```` !(MGIO_DEBUG>0) ```` because all uses in this file are contained in a preprocessor if condtion ensuring that ```` MGIO>0 ````
Henrik Stolzmann authored
The function was not needed.
Henrik Stolzmann authored
Added a preprocessor if condition around the definition of "Write_RefRules" because it is used in such an environment. ```` static INT Write_RefRules (MULTIGRID *theMG, INT *RefRuleOffset, INT MarkKey) { ... } ```` Furthermore there is a comment adressing the only use of "Write_RefRules". ```` /* TODO (HRR 971209): drop old call of Write_RefRules */ #if EXTRACT_RULES if (NEW_Write_RefRules(theMG,rr_rule_offsets,MarkKey,&rr_rules)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1) ; #else if (Write_RefRules(theMG,rr_rule_offsets,MarkKey)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1); #endif ```` But i am not sure whether "Write_RefRules" is still needed.
Henrik Stolzmann authored
Added a preprocessor if conditon around the definition of "FillSonPaths" because the only use in this file is contained in such an if condition. ```` #ifdef __THREEDIM__ static void FillSonPaths (MGIO_RR_RULE *rule) { ... } #endif ```` ```` #ifdef __THREEDIM__ /* 2D: not even in rm */ /* son path */ FillSonPaths(mr); #endif ````
Henrik Stolzmann authored
I added a preprocessor if-condition to the definition of "RuleCompare" because the only use in "gm/er.cc" is contained in such an environment in line 698 ```` #ifdef __DEBUG_ER__ static INT RuleCompare (int id, const URULE *ur, const ERULE *er) { ... } #endif ```` ```` #ifdef __DEBUG_ER__ ... RuleCompare(ID(elem),ur,er); ... #endif ````
Henrik Stolzmann authored
I added a preprocessor environment to contain the definiton of the function: "CheckElementContextConsistency" ```` #ifdef Debug static void CheckElementContextConsistency( arguments ) { ... } #endif ```` because the following use of the function is also contained in such an environment.
- Nov 18, 2019
Christoph Grüninger authored
Merge branch 'fix/gcc9-warnings' into 'master' See merge request [!136] [!136]: Nonestaging/dune-uggrid/merge_requests/136
- Nov 09, 2019
Oliver Sander authored
Merge branch 'fix-vector-leaf-index' into 'master' ref:staging/dune-uggrid The 'skip' data member of the Vector class used to be abused for the leaf index of the vector, if that vector corresponds to an element facet in 3d. By accident, that 'skip' field got removed in a recent commit. Let's put it back in, but rename it to 'leafIndex' now. All it is used for nowadays is that leaf index. See merge request [!141] [!141]: gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-uggrid/merge_requests/141
Oliver Sander authored
The 'skip' data member of the Vector class used to be abused for the leaf index of the vector, if that vector corresponds to an element facet in 3d. By accident, that 'skip' field got removed in a recent commit. Let's put it back in, but rename it to 'leafIndex' now. All it is used for nowadays is that leaf index.
- Nov 06, 2019
Oliver Sander authored
Merge branch 'master' into 'master' ref:staging/dune-uggrid Removed vector::skip and the code that uses it. It compiles and the few existing tests run without problems. Fixes [#29] See merge request [!139] [#29]: gitlab.dune-project.org/NoneNone/issues/29 [!139]: gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-uggrid/merge_requests/139 Closes #29
See Issue `#29`. Removed `vector::skip` and the code that uses it. It compiles and the few existing tests run without problems.
- Oct 08, 2019
- Oct 04, 2019
Christoph Grüninger authored
- Sep 23, 2019
Christoph Grüninger authored
Avoid GCC 9 warning
- Sep 04, 2019
Oliver Sander authored
Merge branch 'issue/unused_macros_dim_max' into 'master' ref:staging/dune-uggrid The macros DIM_MAX and DIM_OF_BND_MAX are not used anywhere and the DIM_MAX macro conflicts with macros from other libraries. So they are simply removed. The corresponding `#undef DIM_MAX` should be removed from dune-grid. See merge request [!135] [!135]: gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-uggrid/merge_requests/135
- Jul 10, 2019
Ansgar Burchardt authored
Merge branch 'build-tetrahedron-refrules-into-library' into 'master' ref:staging/dune-uggrid The TET_RULESET compile-time option could be used to load tetrahedron refinement rules from RefRules.data, however this requires to locate the file at run-time. This was too inconvenient. Instead generate RefRules.cc from RefRules.data including the refinement rules and use that. See merge request [staging/dune-uggrid!134] [staging/dune-uggrid!134]: gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-uggrid/merge_requests/134
Ansgar Burchardt authored