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Commit dd1e8595 authored by Markus Blatt's avatar Markus Blatt
Browse files

[parallel,release] Adds a new buffered communicator that does not need to know...

[parallel,release] Adds a new buffered communicator that does not need to know the data amount per index when receiving.

During communication of data with a parallel DUNE grid the amount of data items
received at an index is not known at the receiving side. With this communicator
it is possible to build such a communication based on index lists at the sending
and receiving side. With this patch only fixed size of data items per index is
parent 6c77b159
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ install(FILES
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ parallelinclude_HEADERS = \
mpitraits.hh \
plocalindex.hh \
remoteindices.hh \
selection.hh \
include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
set(MPITESTPROGS indicestest indexsettest syncertest selectiontest)
set(MPITESTPROGS indicestest indexsettest syncertest selectiontest variablesizecommunicatortest)
# We do not want want to build the tests during make all,
......@@ -21,7 +21,12 @@ add_executable("syncertest"
target_link_libraries("syncertest" "dunecommon")
target_link_libraries("variablesizecommunicatortest" "dunecommon")
add_test(indexsettest indexsettest)
add_test(selectiontest selectiontest)
add_test(indicestest indicestest)
add_test(syncertest syncertest)
add_test(variablesizecommunicatortest variablesizecommunicatortest)
# $Id$
MPITESTS = indicestest indexsettest syncertest selectiontest
MPITESTS = indicestest \
indexsettest \
syncertest \
selectiontest \
# which tests where program to build and run are equal
......@@ -44,6 +48,19 @@ syncertest_LDADD = \
variablesizecommunicatortest_SOURCES =
variablesizecommunicatortest_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \
variablesizecommunicatortest_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) \
variablesizecommunicatortest_LDADD = \
include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
EXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt
struct MyDataHandle
typedef std::size_t DataType;
bool fixedsize()
return true;
template<class B>
void gather(B& buffer, int i)
std::cout<<"Gathering "<<i<<std::endl;
template<class B>
void scatter(B& buffer, int i, int size)
std::cout<<"Scattering "<<size<<" entries for "<<i<<": ";
std::size_t index;;
std::cout<<index<<" ";
std::size_t size(int i)
return 3;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
typedef Dune::VariableSizeCommunicator<>::InterfaceMap Interface;
Dune::InterfaceInformation send, recv;
for(std::size_t i=0; i<=10; i+=2)
for(std::size_t i=10; i<=10; i-=2)
Interface inf;
inf[0]=std::make_pair(send, recv);
Dune::VariableSizeCommunicator<> comm(MPI_COMM_SELF, inf, 6);
MyDataHandle handle;
std::cout<<"===================== backward ========================="<<std::endl;
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
// MPI header
#include <mpi.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "interface.hh"
#include "mpitraits.hh"
namespace Dune
* @brief A message buffer.
* @tparam T The type of data that the buffer will hold.
template<class T, class Allocator=std::allocator<T> >
class MessageBuffer
* @brief Constructs a message.
* @param size The number of elements that buffer should hold,
explicit MessageBuffer(int size)
: buffer_(new T[size]), size_(size), position_(0)
* @brief Copy constructor.
* @param o The instance to copy.
explicit MessageBuffer(const MessageBuffer& o)
: buffer_(new T[o.size_]), size_(o.size_), position_(o.position_)
/** @brief Destructor. */
delete[] buffer_;
* @brief Write an item to the buffer.
* @param data The data item to write.
void write(const T& data)
* @brief Reads a data item from the buffer
* @param[out] data Reference to where to store the read data.
void read(T& data)
* @brief Reset the buffer.
* On return the buffer will be positioned at the start again.
void reset()
* @brief Test whether the whole buffer was read.
* @return True if we read or wrot until the end of the buffer.
bool finished()
return position_==size_;
* @brief Tests whether the buffer has enough space left to read/write data.
* @param notItems The number of items to read or write.
* @return True if there is enough space for noItems items.
bool hasSpaceForItems(int noItems)
return position_+noItems<=size_;
* @brief Get the size of the buffer.
* @return The number of elements the buffer can hold.
std::size_t size()
return size_;
* @brief Converts the buffer to a C array.
* @return The underlying C array.
operator T*()
return buffer_;
* @brief Pointer to the current insertion point of the buffer.
T* buffer_;
* @brief The size of the buffer
std::size_t size_;
* @brief The current position in the buffer.
std::size_t position_;
* @brief A tracker for the current position in a communication interface.
class InterfaceTracker
* @brief Constructor.
* @param rank The other rank that the interface communicates with.
* @param info A list of local indices belonging to this interface.
InterfaceTracker(int rank, InterfaceInformation info)
: fixedSize(-1), rank_(rank), index_(), interface_(info)
* @brief Moves to the next index in the interface.
void moveToNextIndex()
* @brief Checks whether all indices have been visited.
* @return True if all indices have been visited.
bool finished() const
return index_==interface_.size();
* @brief Get the current local index of the interface.
* @return The current local index of the interface.
std::size_t index() const
return interface_[index_];
* @brief Checks whether there are still indices waiting to be processed.
* @return True if there are still indices waiting to be processed.
std::size_t indicesLeft() const
return interface_.size()-index_;
* @brief The number of data items per index if it is fixed, 0 otherwise.
std::size_t fixedSize;
* @brief Get the process rank that this communication interface is with.
int rank() const
return rank_;
/** @brief The process rank that this communication interface is with. */
int rank_;
/** @brief The other rank that this interface communcates with. */
std::size_t index_;
/** @brief The list of local indices of this interface. */
InterfaceInformation interface_;
* @brief A buffered communicator where the amount of data sent does not have to be known a priori.
* In contrast to BufferedCommunicator the amount of data is determined by the container
* whose entries are sent and not known at the receiving side a priori.
template<class Allocator=std::allocator<std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation> > >
class VariableSizeCommunicator
* @brief The type of the map form process number to InterfaceInformation for
* sending and receiving to and from it.
typedef std::map<int,std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation>,
typename Allocator::template rebind<std::pair<const int,std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation> > >::other> InterfaceMap;
* @brief Creates a communicator with the default maximum buffer size.
* The default size ist either what the macro DUNE_MAX_COMMUNICATION_BUFFER_SIZE
* is set to or 32768 if is not set.
VariableSizeCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm, const InterfaceMap& inf)
: maxBufferSize_(32768), interface_(&inf)
MPI_Comm_dup(comm, &communicator_);
* @brief Creates a communicator with the default maximum buffer size.
* @param interface The communication interface.
VariableSizeCommunicator(const Interface& inf)
: maxBufferSize_(32768), interface_(&inf.interfaces())
MPI_Comm_dup(inf.communicator(), &communicator_);
* @brief Creates a communicator with the default maximum buffer size.
* The default size ist either what the macro DUNE_MAX_COMMUNICATION_BUFFER_SIZE
* is set to or 32768 if is not set.
VariableSizeCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm, InterfaceMap& inf)
MPI_Comm_dup(comm, &communicator_);
* @brief Creates a communicator with the default maximum buffer size.
* @param interface The communication interface.
VariableSizeCommunicator(const Interface& inf)
MPI_Comm_dup(inf.communicator(), &communicator_);
* @brief Creates a communicator with a specific maximum buffer size.
* @param max_buffer_size The maximum buffer size allowed.
VariableSizeCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm, const InterfaceMap& inf, std::size_t max_buffer_size)
: maxBufferSize_(max_buffer_size), interface_(&inf)
MPI_Comm_dup(comm, &communicator_);
* @brief Creates a communicator with a specific maximum buffer size.
* @param max_buffer_size The maximum buffer size allowed.
VariableSizeCommunicator(const Interface& inf, std::size_t max_buffer_size)
: maxBufferSize_(max_buffer_size), interface_(&inf.interfaces())
MPI_Comm_dup(inf.communicator(), &communicator_);
* @brief Communicate forward.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the handle describing the data. This type has to adhere
* to the following interface:
* \code{.cpp}
* // returns whether the number of data items per entry is fixed
* bool fixedsize();
* // get the number of data items for an entry with index i
* std::size_t size(std::size_t i);
* // gather the data at index i
* void gather(MessageBuffer buf, std::size_t i);
* // scatter the n data items to index i
* void scatter(MessageBuffer& buf, std::size_t i, std::size_t n);
* \endcode
* @param handle A handle responsible for describing the data, gathering, and scattering it.
template<class DataHandle>
void forward(DataHandle& handle)
* @brief Communicate backwards.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the handle describing the data. This type has to adhere
* to the following interface:
* \code{.cpp}
* // returns whether the number of data items per entry is fixed
* bool fixedsize();
* // get the number of data items for an entry with index i
* std::size_t size(std::size_t i);
* // gather the data at index i
* void gather(MessageBuffer buf, std::size_t i);
* // scatter the n data items to index i
* void scatter(MessageBuffer& buf, std::size_t i, std::size_t n);
* \endcode
* @param handle A handle responsible for describing the data, gathering, and scattering it.
template<class DataHandle>
void backward(DataHandle& handle)
* @brief Communicates data according to the interface.
* @tparam forward If true sends data forwards, otherwise backwards along the interface.
* @tparame DataHandle The type of the data handle @see forward for a description of the interface.
* @param handle The handle describing the data and responsible for gather and scatter operations.
template<bool forward,class DataHandle>
void communicate(DataHandle& handle);
* @brief Sets up all the send requests for the data.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle.
* @param handle The data handle describing the data.
* @param trackers The trackers for the communication interfaces.
* @param buffers The buffers for the comunication. One for each neighbour.
* @param requests The send requests for each neigbour.
template<class DataHandle>
void setupAllSendRequests(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& trackers,
std::vector<MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType> >& buffers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& requests);
* @brief Initialize the the trackers along the interface for the communication.
* @tparam FORWARD If true we send in the forward direction.
* @tparam DataHandle DataHandle The type of the data handle.
* @param handle The handle describing the data and responsible for gather
* and scatter operations.
* @param[out] send_trackers The trackers for the sending side.
* @param[out] recv_trackers The trackers for the receiving side.
template<bool FORWARD, class DataHandle>
void setupInterfaceTrackers(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& send_trackers,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& recv_trackers);
* @brief Communicate data with a fixed amount of data per entry.
* @tparam FORWARD If true we send in the forward direction.
* @tparam DataHandle DataHandle The type of the data handle.
* @param handle The handle describing the data and responsible for gather
* and scatter operations.
template<bool FORWARD, class DataHandle>
void communicateFixedSize(DataHandle& handle);
* @brief The maximum size if the buffers used for gather and scatter.
* @note If this process has n neighbours, then a maximum of 2n buffers of this size
* is allocate. Memory needed will be n*sizeof(std::size_t)+n*sizeof(Datahandle::DataType)
std::size_t maxBufferSize_;
* @brief description of the interface.
* This is a map of the neighboring process number to a pair of local index lists.
* The first is a list of indices to gather data for sending from and the second is a list of
* indices to scatter received data to during forward.
const InterfaceMap* interface_;
* @brief The communicator.
* This is a cloned communicator to ensure there are no interferences.
MPI_Comm communicator_;
* @brief Template meta program for choosing then send or receive interface
* information based on the direction.
* @tparam FORWARD If true the communication happens in the forward direction.
template<bool FORWARD>
struct InterfaceInformationChooser
* @brief Get the interface information for the sending side.
static const InterfaceInformation&
getSend(const std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation>& info)
return info.first;
* @brief Get the interface information for the receiving side.
static const InterfaceInformation&
getReceive(const std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation>& info)
return info.second;
struct InterfaceInformationChooser<false>
static const InterfaceInformation&
getSend(const std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation>& info)
return info.second;
static const InterfaceInformation&
getReceive(const std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation>& info)
return info.first;
* @brief A functor that packs entries into the message buffer.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle that describes
* the communicated data.
template<class DataHandle>
struct PackEntries
* @brief packs data.
* @param handle The handle describing the data and the gather and scatter operations.
* @param tracker The tracker of the interface to tell us where we are.
* @param buffer The buffer to use for packing.
* @return The number data entries that we packed.
int operator()(DataHandle& handle, InterfaceTracker& tracker,
MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType>& buffer)
if(tracker.fixedSize) // fixed size if variable is >0!
std::size_t noIndices=std::min(buffer.size()/tracker.fixedSize, tracker.indicesLeft());
for(std::size_t i=0; i< noIndices; ++i)
handle.gather(buffer, tracker.index());
return noIndices*tracker.fixedSize;
DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Currently only fixed size communication is supported.");
return true;
handle.gather(buffer, tracker.index());
return true;
return tracker.finished();
* @brief A functor that unpacks entries from the message buffer.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle that describes
* the communicated data.
template<class DataHandle>
struct UnpackEntries{
* @brief packs data.
* @param handle The handle describing the data and the gather and scatter operations.
* @param tracker The tracker of the interface to tell us where we are.
* @param buffer The buffer to use for packing.
* @return The number data entries that we packed.
bool operator()(DataHandle& handle, InterfaceTracker& tracker,
MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType>& buffer)
if(tracker.fixedSize) // fixed size if variable is >0!
std::size_t noIndices=std::min(buffer.size()/tracker.fixedSize, tracker.indicesLeft());
for(std::size_t i=0; i< noIndices; ++i)
handle.scatter(buffer, tracker.index(), tracker.fixedSize);
return tracker.finished();
DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Currently only fixed size communication is supported.");
/* if(tracker.finished())
return true;
handle.scatter(buffer, tracker.index(), tracker.size());
return true;
return tracker.finished();
* @brief Sends the size in case of communicating a fixed amount of data per entry.
* @param[in] send_trackers The trackers for the sending side.
* @param[out] send_requests The request for the asynchronous send operations.
* @param[in] recv_trackers The trackers for the receiving side.
* @param[out] recv_requests The request for the asynchronous receive operations.
void sendFixedSize(std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& send_trackers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& send_requests,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& recv_trackers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& recv_requests,
MPI_Comm communicator)
typedef std::vector<InterfaceTracker>::iterator TIter;
std::vector<MPI_Request>::iterator mIter=recv_requests.begin();
for(TIter iter=recv_trackers.begin(), end=recv_trackers.end(); iter!=end;
++iter, ++mIter)
MPI_Irecv(&(iter->fixedSize), 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(),
iter->rank(), 933881, communicator, &(*mIter));
// Send our size to all neighbours using non-blocking synchronous communication.
std::vector<MPI_Request>::iterator mIter1=send_requests.begin();
for(TIter iter=send_trackers.begin(), end=send_trackers.end();
++iter, ++mIter1)
MPI_Issend(&(iter->fixedSize), 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(),
iter->rank(), 933881, communicator, &(*mIter1));
* @brief Functor for setting up send requests.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle for describing the data.
template<class DataHandle>
struct SetupSendRequest{
void operator()(DataHandle& handle,
InterfaceTracker& tracker,
MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType>& buffer,
MPI_Request& request,
MPI_Comm comm)
int size=PackEntries<DataHandle>()(handle, tracker, buffer);
MPI_Issend(buffer, size, MPITraits<typename DataHandle::DataType>::getType(),
tracker.rank(), 933399, comm, &request);
* @brief Functor for setting up receive requests.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle for describing the data.
template<class DataHandle>
struct SetupRecvRequest{
void operator()(DataHandle& /*handle*/,
InterfaceTracker& tracker,
MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType>& buffer,
MPI_Request& request,
MPI_Comm comm)
int size=std::min(buffer.size(), tracker.indicesLeft()*tracker.fixedSize);
MPI_Irecv(buffer, size, MPITraits<typename DataHandle::DataType>::getType(),
tracker.rank(), 933399, comm, &request);
* @brief A functor that does nothing.
template<class DataHandle>
struct NullPackUnpackFunctor
int operator()(DataHandle&, InterfaceTracker&,
MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType>&)
return 0;
* @brief Check whether some of the requests finished and continue send/receive operation.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle describing the data.
* @tparam BufferFunctor A functor that packs or unpacks data from the buffer.
* E.g. NullPackUnpackFunctor.
* @tparam CommunicationFuntor A functor responsible for continuing the communication.
* @param handle The data handle describing the data.
* @param trackers The trackers indicating the current position in the communication.
* @param requests The requests to test whether they finished.
* @param requests2 The requests to use for setting up the continuing communication. Might
* be the same as requests.
* @param comm The MPI communicator to use.
* @param buffer_func The functor that does the packing or unpacking of the data.
template<class DataHandle, class BufferFunctor, class CommunicationFunctor>
std::size_t checkAndContinue(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& trackers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& requests,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& requests2,
std::vector<MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType> >& buffers,
MPI_Comm comm,
BufferFunctor buffer_func,
CommunicationFunctor comm_func,
bool valid=true)
std::size_t size=requests.size();
//std::vector<MPI_Status> statuses(size, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
int no_completed;
std::vector<int> indices(size, -1);
MPI_Testsome(size, &(requests[0]),
&no_completed, &(indices[0]), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
for(std::vector<int>::iterator index=indices.begin(), end=indices.end();
index!=end; ++index)
InterfaceTracker& tracker=trackers[*index];
// Communication completed, we can reuse the buffers
buffer_func(handle, tracker, buffers[*index]);
comm_func(handle, tracker, buffers[*index], requests2[*index], comm);
--size; // communication not finished, decrement counter for finished ones.
return no_completed;
* @brief Receive the size per data entry and set up requests for receiving the data.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle.
* @param trackers The trackers indicating the indices where we send and from which rank.
* @param size_requests The requests for receiving the size.
* @param data_requests The requests for sending the data.
* @param buffers The buffers to use for sending.
* @param comm The mpi communicator to use.
template<class DataHandle>
std::size_t receiveSizeAndSetupReceive(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& trackers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& size_requests,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& data_requests,
std::vector<MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType> >& buffers,
MPI_Comm comm)
return checkAndContinue(handle, trackers, size_requests, data_requests, buffers, comm,
NullPackUnpackFunctor<DataHandle>(), SetupRecvRequest<DataHandle>(), false);
* @brief Check whether send request completed and continue sending if necessary.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle.
* @param trackers The trackers indicating the indices where we send and from which rank.
* @param requests The requests for the asynchronous communication.
* @param buffers The buffers to use for sending.
* @param comm The mpi communicator to use.
template<class DataHandle>
std::size_t checkSendAndContinueSending(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& trackers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& requests,
std::vector<MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType> >& buffers,
MPI_Comm comm)
return checkAndContinue(handle, trackers, requests, requests, buffers, comm,
NullPackUnpackFunctor<DataHandle>(), SetupSendRequest<DataHandle>());
* @brief Check whether receive request completed and continue receiving if necessary.
* @tparam DataHandle The type of the data handle.
* @param trackers The trackers indicating the indices where we receive and from which rank.
* @param requests The requests for the asynchronous communication.
* @param buffers The buffers to use for receiving.
* @param comm The mpi communicator to use.
template<class DataHandle>
std::size_t checkReceiveAndContinueReceiving(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& trackers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& requests,
std::vector<MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType> >& buffers,
MPI_Comm comm)
return checkAndContinue(handle, trackers, requests, requests, buffers, comm,
UnpackEntries<DataHandle>(), SetupRecvRequest<DataHandle>());
bool validRecvRequests(const std::vector<MPI_Request> reqs)
for(std::vector<MPI_Request>::const_iterator i=reqs.begin(), end=reqs.end();
i!=end; ++i)
return true;
return false;
} // end unnamed namespace
template<class Allocator>
template<class DataHandle>
void VariableSizeCommunicator<Allocator>::setupAllSendRequests(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& trackers,
std::vector<MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType> >& buffers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& requests)
typedef typename std::vector<InterfaceTracker>::iterator TIter;
typename std::vector<MessageBuffer<typename DataHandle::DataType> >::iterator
typename std::vector<MPI_Request>::iterator riter=requests.begin();
for(TIter titer=trackers.begin(), end=trackers.end(); titer!=end; ++titer, ++biter, ++riter)
SetupSendRequest<DataHandle>()(handle, *titer, *biter, *riter, communicator_);
template<bool FORWARD, class DataHandle>
void VariableSizeCommunicator::setupSendRequests(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<std::vector<char> >& buffers,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& trackers,
std::vector<MPI_Request>& requests)
typedef typename InterfaceInformation::const_iterator Iter;
InterfaceInformationChooser<FORWARD> chooser;
int i=0;
for(Iter iter=interface_->begin(), end=interface_->end(); i!=end; ++i, ++iter)
MPIPackMessageBuffer buffer=MessageBuffer(&(*buffers[i].begin()), buffers[i].size());
// First item send is the fixed number of items per index or zero if it varies.
int indicesPerBuffer=0;
int size=0, tsize;
MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::datatype, communicator_, &tsize);
MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<typename DataHandle::DataType>::datatype, communicator_,
packEntries(handle, trackers[i], buffer, indicesPerBuffer);
template<class Allocator>
template<bool FORWARD,class DataHandle>
void VariableSizeCommunicator<Allocator>::setupInterfaceTrackers(DataHandle& handle,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& send_trackers,
std::vector<InterfaceTracker>& recv_trackers)
typedef typename InterfaceMap::const_iterator IIter;
for(IIter inf=interface_->begin(), end=interface_->end(); inf!=end; ++inf)
template<class Allocator>
template<bool FORWARD, class DataHandle>
void VariableSizeCommunicator<Allocator>::communicateFixedSize(DataHandle& handle)
std::vector<MPI_Request> size_send_req(interface_->size());
std::vector<MPI_Request> size_recv_req(interface_->size());
std::vector<InterfaceTracker> send_trackers;
std::vector<InterfaceTracker> recv_trackers;
setupInterfaceTrackers<FORWARD>(handle,send_trackers, recv_trackers);
sendFixedSize(send_trackers, size_send_req, recv_trackers, size_recv_req, communicator_);
std::vector<MPI_Request> data_send_req(interface_->size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
std::vector<MPI_Request> data_recv_req(interface_->size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
typedef typename DataHandle::DataType DataType;
std::vector<MessageBuffer<DataType> > send_buffers(interface_->size(), MessageBuffer<DataType>(maxBufferSize_)),
recv_buffers(interface_->size(), MessageBuffer<DataType>(maxBufferSize_));
setupAllSendRequests(handle, send_trackers, send_buffers, data_send_req);
std::size_t no_size_to_recv, no_to_send, no_to_recv, old_size;
no_size_to_recv = no_to_send = no_to_recv = old_size = interface_->size();
// Receive the fixedsize and setup receives accordingly
no_size_to_recv -= receiveSizeAndSetupReceive(handle,recv_trackers, size_recv_req,
data_recv_req, recv_buffers,
// Check send completion and initiate other necessary sends
no_to_send -= checkSendAndContinueSending(handle, send_trackers, data_send_req,
send_buffers, communicator_);
// Receive data and setup new unblocking receives if necessary
no_to_recv -= checkReceiveAndContinueReceiving(handle, recv_trackers, data_recv_req,
recv_buffers, communicator_);
// Wait for completion of sending the size.
//std::vector<MPI_Status> statuses(interface_->size(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
MPI_Waitall(size_send_req.size(), &(size_send_req[0]), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
template<class Allocator>
template<bool FORWARD, class DataHandle>
void VariableSizeCommunicator<Allocator>::communicate(DataHandle& handle)
DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Currently only communication of a fixed amount of data per"
<<" index is supported!");
} // end namespace Dune
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