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densevector.hh 13 KiB
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    Christian Engwer's avatar
    Christian Engwer committed
    #include <limits>
    #include "genericiterator.hh"
    #include "ftraits.hh"
    namespace Dune {
      // forward declaration of template
      template<class S> class DenseVector;
      template<class S>
      struct FieldTraits< DenseVector<S> >
        typedef const typename FieldTraits<typename S::value_type>::field_type field_type;
        typedef const typename FieldTraits<typename S::value_type>::real_type real_type;
      /** @defgroup DenseMatVec Dense Matrix and Vector Template Library
          @ingroup Common
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
       * \brief This file implements a the dense vector interface, with an exchangeable storage class
      namespace fvmeta
           \memberof Dune::DenseVector
        template<class K>
        inline typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type absreal (const K& k)
          return std::abs(k);
           \memberof Dune::DenseVector
        template<class K>
        inline typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type absreal (const std::complex<K>& c)
          return std::abs(c.real()) + std::abs(c.imag());
           \memberof Dune::DenseVector
        template<class K>
        inline typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type abs2 (const K& k)
          return k*k;
           \memberof Dune::DenseVector
        template<class K>
        inline typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type abs2 (const std::complex<K>& c)
          return c.real()*c.real() + c.imag()*c.imag();
           \memberof Dune::DenseVector
        template<class K, bool isInteger = std::numeric_limits<K>::is_integer>
        struct Sqrt
          static inline typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type sqrt (const K& k)
            return std::sqrt(k);
           \memberof Dune::DenseVector
        template<class K>
        struct Sqrt<K, true>
          static inline typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type sqrt (const K& k)
            return typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type(std::sqrt(double(k)));
           \memberof Dune::DenseVector
        template<class K>
        inline typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type sqrt (const K& k)
          return Sqrt<K>::sqrt(k);
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
      /*! \brief Generic iterator class for dense vector and matrix implementations
         provides sequential access to DenseVector, FieldVector and FieldMatrix
      template<class C, class T>
      class DenseIterator :
        public Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade<DenseIterator<C,T>,T, T&, std::ptrdiff_t>
        friend class DenseIterator<typename remove_const<C>::type, typename remove_const<T>::type >;
        friend class DenseIterator<const typename remove_const<C>::type, const typename remove_const<T>::type >;
         * @brief The type of the difference between two positions.
        typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
         * @brief The type to index the underlying container.
        typedef typename C::size_type SizeType;
        // Constructors needed by the base iterators.
        DenseIterator(C& cont, SizeType pos)
          : container_(&cont), position_(pos)
        DenseIterator(const DenseIterator<typename remove_const<C>::type, typename remove_const<T>::type >& other)
          : container_(other.container_), position_(other.position_)
        // Methods needed by the forward iterator
        bool equals(const DenseIterator<typename remove_const<C>::type,typename remove_const<T>::type>& other) const
          return position_ == other.position_ && container_ == other.container_;
        bool equals(const DenseIterator<const typename remove_const<C>::type,const typename remove_const<T>::type>& other) const
          return position_ == other.position_ && container_ == other.container_;
        T& dereference() const {
          return container_->operator[](position_);
        void increment(){
        // Additional function needed by BidirectionalIterator
        void decrement(){
        // Additional function needed by RandomAccessIterator
        T& elementAt(DifferenceType i) const {
          return container_->operator[](position_+i);
        void advance(DifferenceType n){
        DifferenceType distanceTo(DenseIterator<const typename remove_const<C>::type,const typename remove_const<T>::type> other) const
          return other.position_ - position_;
        DifferenceType distanceTo(DenseIterator<typename remove_const<C>::type, typename remove_const<T>::type> other) const
          return other.position_ - position_;
        //! return index
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
      /** \brief Interface for a class of dense vectors over a given field.
       * \tparam K the field type (use float, double, complex, etc)
       * \tparam S storage class (e.g. std::array<K,Size> or std::vector<K>)
      template<typename S>
      class DenseVector : S
        typedef typename S::value_type K;
        //===== type definitions and constants
        //! export the type representing the field
        typedef typename S::value_type field_type;
        //! export the type representing the components
        typedef typename S::value_type block_type;
        //! The type used for the index access and size operation
        typedef typename S::size_type size_type;
        //! We are at the leaf of the block recursion
        enum {
          //! The number of block levels we contain
          blocklevel = 1
        // pull in methods from the storage class
        //! random access
        using S::operator[];
        //! size method
        using S::size;
        //! Constructor making uninitialized vector
        DenseVector() {}
        //! Constructor making vector with identical values
        DenseVector (size_type n, const K& t) : S(n,t) {}
        //===== assignment from scalar
        //! Assignment operator for scalar
        DenseVector& operator= (const K& k)
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] = k;
          return *this;
        //===== dynamic size related methods
        //! Resize the vector. (only possible if S support resizing)
        void resize(size_type size)
        //! Get the capacity of the vector.
        size_type capacity() const
          return S::capacity();
        //===== access to components
        //! Iterator class for sequential access
        typedef DenseIterator<S,K> Iterator;
        //! typedef for stl compliant access
        typedef Iterator iterator;
        //! begin iterator
        Iterator begin ()
          return Iterator(*this,0);
        //! end iterator
        Iterator end ()
          return Iterator(*this,size());
        //! begin iterator
        Iterator rbegin ()
          return Iterator(*this,size()-1);
        //! end iterator
        Iterator rend ()
          return Iterator(*this,-1);
        //! return iterator to given element or end()
        Iterator find (size_type i)
          return Iterator(*this,std::min(i,size()));
        //! ConstIterator class for sequential access
        typedef DenseIterator<const S,const K> ConstIterator;
        //! typedef for stl compliant access
        typedef ConstIterator const_iterator;
        //! begin ConstIterator
        ConstIterator begin () const
          return ConstIterator(*this,0);
        //! end ConstIterator
        ConstIterator end () const
          return ConstIterator(*this,size());
        //! begin ConstIterator
        ConstIterator rbegin () const
          return ConstIterator(*this,size()-1);
        //! end ConstIterator
        ConstIterator rend () const
          return ConstIterator(*this,-1);
        //! return iterator to given element or end()
        ConstIterator find (size_type i) const
          return Iterator(*this,std::min(i,size()));
        //===== vector space arithmetic
        //! vector space addition
        DenseVector& operator+= (const DenseVector& y)
          assert(y.size() == size());
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] += y[i];
          return *this;
        //! vector space subtraction
        DenseVector& operator-= (const DenseVector& y)
          assert(y.size() == size());
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] -= y[i];
          return *this;
        //! Binary vector addition
        DenseVector operator+ (const DenseVector& b) const
          DenseVector z = *this;
          return (z+=b);
        //! Binary vector subtraction
        DenseVector operator- (const DenseVector& b) const
          DenseVector z = *this;
          return (z-=b);
        //! vector space add scalar to all comps
        DenseVector& operator+= (const K& k)
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] += k;
          return *this;
        //! vector space subtract scalar from all comps
        DenseVector& operator-= (const K& k)
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] -= k;
          return *this;
        //! vector space multiplication with scalar
        DenseVector& operator*= (const K& k)
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] *= k;
          return *this;
        //! vector space division by scalar
        DenseVector& operator/= (const K& k)
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] /= k;
          return *this;
        //! Binary vector comparison
        bool operator== (const DenseVector& y) const
          assert(y.size() == size());
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            if ((*this)[i]!=y[i])
              return false;
          return true;
        //! Binary vector incomparison
        bool operator!= (const DenseVector& y) const
          return !operator==(y);
        //! vector space axpy operation ( *this += a y )
        DenseVector& axpy (const K& a, const DenseVector& y)
          assert(y.size() == size());
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            (*this)[i] += a*y[i];
          return *this;
        //===== Euclidean scalar product
        //! scalar product (x^T y)
        K operator* (const DenseVector& y) const
          assert(y.size() == size());
          K result = 0;
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            result += (*this)[i]*y[i];
          return result;
        //===== norms
        //! one norm (sum over absolute values of entries)
        typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type one_norm() const {
          typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type result = 0;
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            result += std::abs((*this)[i]);
          return result;
        //! simplified one norm (uses Manhattan norm for complex values)
        typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type one_norm_real () const
          typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type result = 0;
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            result += fvmeta::absreal((*this)[i]);
          return result;
        //! two norm sqrt(sum over squared values of entries)
        typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type two_norm () const
          typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type result = 0;
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            result += fvmeta::abs2((*this)[i]);
          return fvmeta::sqrt(result);
        //! square of two norm (sum over squared values of entries), need for block recursion
        typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type two_norm2 () const
          typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type result = 0;
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            result += fvmeta::abs2((*this)[i]);
          return result;
        //! infinity norm (maximum of absolute values of entries)
        typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type infinity_norm () const
          typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type result = 0;
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            result = std::max(result, std::abs((*this)[i]));
          return result;
        //! simplified infinity norm (uses Manhattan norm for complex values)
        typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type infinity_norm_real () const
          typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type result = 0;
          for (size_type i=0; i<size(); i++)
            result = std::max(result, fvmeta::absreal((*this)[i]));
          return result;
        //===== sizes
        //! number of blocks in the vector (are of size 1 here)
        size_type N () const
          return size();
        //! dimension of the vector space
        size_type dim () const
          return size();
      /** \brief Write a DenseVector to an output stream
       *  \relates DenseVector
       *  \param[in]  s  std :: ostream to write to
       *  \param[in]  v  DenseVector to write
       *  \returns the output stream (s)
      template<typename S>
      std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const DenseVector<S>& v)
        for (typename DenseVector<S>::size_type i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
          s << ((i>0) ? " " : "") << v[i];
        return s;
      /** @} end documentation */
    } // end namespace