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    #ifndef DUNE_TUPLES_HH
    #define DUNE_TUPLES_HH
    namespace Dune
      /** @addtogroup Common
       * @{
       * @file
       * @brief Contains classes that implement tuples.
       * This a refined implementation of the approach defined in
       * in the article "Tuples and multiple return values
       * in C++" of Jaakko Järvi (Turku Centre of Computer
       * Science, TUCS Technical Report No 249, March 1999,
       * ISBN 952-12-0401-X, ISSN 1239-1891) available from the
       * <a href="">TUCS publications archive</a>
       * @author Markus Blatt
       * @brief An empty class.
      struct Nil
       * @brief A tuple consisting of two objects.
       * This is similar to std::pair
      template<typename T1, typename TT>
      class Pair
         * @brief The type of the first field.
        typedef T1 Type1;
         * @brief The type of the first field.
        typedef TT Type2;
        //     enum{
        //     /**
        //      * @brief The number of values we hold.
        //      */
        //       values = 2;
        //     };
         * @brief Constructor
         * @param t1 The value of the first field.
         * @param t2 The value of the second field.
        template<typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
            typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9>
        Pair(const Type1& t1, const T2& t2, const T3& t3,
             const T4& t4, const T5& t5, const T6& t6, const T7& t7,
             const T8& t8, const T9& t9);
         * @brief Constructor
         * @param t1 The value of the first field.
         * @param t2 The value of the second field.
        Pair(const Type1& t1, const TT& t2);
         * @brief Copy Constructor for implicit type conversion
         * @param other The tuple to copy.
        template<typename U1, typename U2>
        Pair(const Pair<U1,U2>& other);
         * @brief Assignment operator for implicit type conversion
         * @param other The tuple to assign.
        template<typename U1, typename U2>
        Pair<T1,TT>& operator=(const Pair<U1,U2>& other);
         * @brief Get the first value
         * @return The first value
        Type1& first();
         * @brief Get the first value
         * @return The first value
        const Type1& first() const;
         * @brief Get the second value
         * @return The first value
        Type2& second();
         * @brief Get the first value
         * @return The second value
        const Type2& second() const;
        /** @brief The value of the first field. */
        Type1 first_;
        /** @brief The value of the second field. */
        Type2 second_;
       * @brief A tuple consisting of one object.
       * Specialization of Pair that really is a single value.
      template<typename T1>
      class Pair<T1,Nil>
         * @brief The type of the first field.
        typedef T1 Type1;
         * @brief The type of the (non-existent) second field is Nil.
         * This typedef is useful in template metaprogramming, since it allows
         * you to specialise for Nil instead of Pair<T, Nil>
        typedef Nil Type2;
         * @brief Constructor.
         * @param t1 The values for the first field.
         * @param t2 The value for the second field.
        Pair(const Type1& first, const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&,
             const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&);
         * @brief Constructor.
         * @param t1 The values for the first field.
         * @param t2 The value for the second field.
        Pair(const Type1& first, const Nil&);
         * @brief Copy constructor for type conversion.
        template<typename T2>
        Pair(const Pair<T2,Nil>& other);
         * @brief Assignment operator for type conversion.
        template<typename T2>
        Pair<T1,Nil>& operator=(const Pair<T2,Nil>& other);
         * @brief Get the first value
         * @return The first value
        Type1& first();
         * @brief Get the first value
         * @return The first value
        const Type1& first() const;
        /** @brief The value of the first field.*/
        Type1 first_;
       * @brief Converts the Tuple to a list of pairs.
      template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
          typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9>
      struct TupleToPairs
        typedef Pair<T1, typename TupleToPairs<T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,Nil>::Type > Type;
       * @brief Specialization for a tuple consisting only of one type.
      template<typename T1>
      struct TupleToPairs<T1,Nil,Nil,Nil,Nil,Nil,Nil,Nil,Nil>
        typedef Pair<T1,Nil> Type;
       * @brief A Tuple of objects.
       * A maximum of 9 objects is supported.
       * Use the following construction to access the individual elements.
          Tuple<std::string, float*, int> my_tuple;
          std:string& s = Element<0>::get(my_tuple);
          float*      p = Element<1>::get(my_tuple);
          // Access the third element in a generic way
          typedef ElementType<2, Tuple<std::string, float*, int> >::Type Type;
          Type&       i = Element<2>::get(my_tuple);
      template<typename T1, typename T2 = Nil, typename T3 = Nil,
          typename T4 = Nil, typename T5 = Nil,typename T6 = Nil,
          typename T7 = Nil, typename T8 = Nil, typename T9 = Nil>
      class Tuple : public TupleToPairs<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9>::Type
        //! Type of the first Pair defining the Tuple
        typedef typename TupleToPairs<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9>::Type FirstPair;
        Tuple(const T1& t1=T1(), const T2& t2=T2(), const T3& t3=T3(),
              const T4& t4=T4(), const T5& t5=T5(), const T6& t6=T6(),
              const T7& t7=T7(), const T8& t8=T8(), const T9& t9=T8())
          : TupleToPairs<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9>::Type(t1, t2, t3,
                                                           t4, t5, t6,
                                                           t7, t8, t9)
       * @brief Get the type of the N-th element of the tuple.
      template<int N, class Tuple>
      struct ElementType;
      template<int N, typename T1, typename T2>
      struct ElementType<N,Pair<T1,T2> >
         * @brief The type of the N-th element of the tuple.
        typedef typename ElementType<N-1,T2>::Type Type;
       * @brief Get the type of the first element of the tuple.
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      struct ElementType<0, Pair<T1,T2> >
         * @brief The type of the first element of the tuple.
        typedef T1 Type;
       * @brief Get the N-th element of a tuple.
      template<int N>
      struct Element
         * @brief Get the N-th element of the tuple.
         * @param tuple The tuple whose N-th element we want.
         * @return The N-th element of the tuple.
        template<typename T1, typename T2>
        static typename ElementType<N,Pair<T1,T2> >::Type& get(Pair<T1,T2>& tuple)
          return Element<N-1>::get(tuple.second());
         * @brief Get the N-th element of the tuple.
         * @param tuple The tuple whose N-th element we want.
         * @return The N-th element of the tuple.
        template<typename T1, typename T2>
        static const typename ElementType<N,Pair<T1,T2> >::Type& get(const Pair<T1,T2>& tuple)
          return Element<N-1>::get(tuple.second());
       * @brief Get the first element of a tuple.
      struct Element<0>
         * @brief Get the first element of the tuple.
         * @param tuple The tuple whose first element we want.
         * @return The first element of the tuple.
        template<typename T1, typename T2>
        static T1& get(Pair<T1,T2>& tuple)
          return tuple.first();
         * @brief Get the first element of the tuple.
         * @param tuple The tuple whose first element we want.
         * @return The first element of the tuple.
        template<typename T1, typename T2>
        static const T1& get(const Pair<T1,T2>& tuple)
          return tuple.first();
       * @brief Equality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple,
      template<typename T1, typename T2, typename U1, typename U2>
      inline bool operator==(const Pair<T1,T2>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,U2>& tuple2)
        return (tuple1.first()==tuple2.first() && tuple1.second()==tuple2.second());
       * @brief Inequality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple,
      template<typename T1, typename T2, typename U1, typename U2>
      inline bool operator!=(const Pair<T1,T2>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,U2>& tuple2)
        return (tuple1.first()!=tuple2.first() || tuple1.second()!=tuple2.second());
       * @brief Equality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple,
      template<typename T1,typename U1>
      inline bool operator==(const Pair<T1,Nil>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,Nil>& tuple2)
        return (tuple1.first()==tuple2.first());
       * @brief Inequality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple,
      template<typename T1, typename U1>
      inline bool operator!=(const Pair<T1,Nil>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,Nil>& tuple2)
        return (tuple1.first()!=tuple2.first());
       * @brief Equality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple.
       * @return False as the type of the compared objects are different.
      template<typename T1,typename U1, typename U2>
      inline bool operator==(const Pair<T1,Nil>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,U2>& tuple2)
        return false;
       * @brief Inequality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple.
       * @return True as the type of the compared objects are different.
      template<typename T1, typename U1, typename U2>
      inline bool operator!=(const Pair<T1,Nil>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,U2>& tuple2)
        return true;
       * @brief Equality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple.
       * @return False as the type of the compared objects are different.
      template<typename T1, typename T2, typename U1>
      inline bool operator==(const Pair<T1,T2>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,Nil>& tuple2)
        return false;
       * @brief Inequality comparison operator for tuples.
       * @param tuple1 The first tuple.
       * @param tuple2 The second tuple.
       * @return True as the type of the compared objects are different.
      template<typename T1, typename T2, typename U1>
      inline bool operator!=(const Pair<T1,T2>& tuple1, const Pair<U1,Nil>& tuple2)
        return true;
       * @brief Create a tuple and initialize it.
       * @param first The value of the first field.
       * @param second The value of the second field.
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      inline Pair<T1,T2> makePair(const T1& first, const T2& second)
        return Pair<T1,T2>(first, second);
       * @brief Print a pair or tuple.
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Pair<T1,T2>& pair)
        os<<pair.first()<<" "<<pair.second();
        return os;
      template<typename T1>
      inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Pair<T1,Nil>& pair)
        return os;
      template<typename T1, typename TT>
      template<typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
          typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9>
      inline Pair<T1,TT>::Pair(const Type1& first, const T2& t2, const T3& t3,
                               const T4& t4, const T5& t5, const T6& t6,
                               const T7& t7, const T8& t8, const T9& t9)
        : first_(first), second_(t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,Nil())
      template <typename T1, typename TT>
      inline Pair<T1, TT>::Pair(const Type1& first, const TT& second)
        : first_(first), second_(second)
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      template<typename U1, typename U2>
      inline Pair<T1,T2>::Pair(const Pair<U1,U2>& other)
        : first_(other.first_), second_(other.second_)
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      template<typename U1, typename U2>
      inline Pair<T1,T2>& Pair<T1,T2>::operator=(const Pair<U1,U2>& other)
        return *this;
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      inline T1& Pair<T1,T2>::first()
        return first_;
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      inline const T1& Pair<T1,T2>::first() const
        return first_;
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      inline T2& Pair<T1,T2>::second()
        return second_;
      template<typename T1, typename T2>
      inline const T2& Pair<T1,T2>::second() const
        return second_;
      template<typename T1>
      inline Pair<T1,Nil>::Pair(const Type1& first, const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&,
                                const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&, const Nil&)
        : first_(first)
      template <typename T1>
      inline Pair<T1, Nil>::Pair(const Type1& first, const Nil&)
        : first_(first)
      template<typename T1>
      template<typename T2>
      inline Pair<T1,Nil>::Pair(const Pair<T2,Nil>& other)
        : first_(other.first_)
      template<typename T1>
      template<typename T2>
      Pair<T1,Nil>& Pair<T1,Nil>::operator=(const Pair<T2,Nil>& other)
        first_ = other.first_;
        return *this;
      template<typename T1>
      inline T1& Pair<T1,Nil>::first()
        return first_;
      template<typename T1>
      inline const T1& Pair<T1,Nil>::first() const
        return first_;