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config.h.cmake 5.41 KiB
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  • /* config.h.  Generated from config.h.cmake by CMake.  */
    /* begin dune-common */
    #warning The MPI_CPPFLAGS configure substitute is deprecated. Please change
    #warning your to use DUNEMPICPPFLAGS instead. Note that it is a
    #warning good idea to change any occurance of MPI_LDFLAGS into DUNEMPILIBS and
    #warning DUNEMPILDFLAGS as appropriate, since it is not possible to issue a
    #warning deprecation warning in that case.
    /* Define to the version of dune-common */
    /* Define to the major version of dune-common */
    /* Define to the minor version of dune-common */
    /* Define to the revision of dune-common */
    /* Standard debug streams with a level below will collapse to doing nothing */
    /* does the compiler support __attribute__((deprecated))? */
    /* does the compiler support __attribute__((deprecated("message"))? */
    /* does the compiler support __attribute__((unused))? */
    #cmakedefine HAS_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED 1
    /* Define to 1 if the header <array> from C++11 is available and supports array::fill */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_ARRAY 1
    /* Define if you have a BLAS library. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_BLAS 1
    /* Define to ENABLE_BOOST if the Boost library is available */
    /* Define to 1 if you have <boost/make_shared.hpp>. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_BOOST_MAKE_SHARED_HPP 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> header file. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_BOOST_SHARED_PTR_HPP 1
    /* does the compiler support abi::__cxa_demangle */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_CXA_DEMANGLE 1
    /* Define if you have LAPACK library. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_LAPACK 1
    /* Define to 1 if SHARED_PTR_NAMESPACE::make_shared is usable. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_MAKE_SHARED 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <malloc.h> header file. */
    // Not used! #cmakedefine01 HAVE_MALLOC_H
    /* Define if you have the MPI library. This is only true if MPI was found by
       configure _and_ if the application uses the DUNEMPICPPFLAGS (or the
       deprecated MPI_CPPFLAGS) */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_MPI ENABLE_MPI
    /* Define if you have the GNU GMP library. The value should be ENABLE_GMP
       to facilitate activating and deactivating GMP using compile flags. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_GMP ENABLE_GMP
    /* Define to 1 if you have the symbol mprotect. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_MPROTECT 1
    /* Define to 1 if nullptr is supported */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_NULLPTR 1
    /* Define to 1 if static_assert is supported */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_STATIC_ASSERT 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_STDINT_H 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have <sys/mman.h>. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1
    /* Define to 1 if the std::tr1::hash template from TR1 is available. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_TR1_HASH 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <tr1/tuple> header file. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_TR1_TUPLE 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <tr1/type_traits> header file. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS 1
    /* Define to 1 if std::integral_constant< T, v > is supported
     * and casts into T
    #cmakedefine HAVE_INTEGRAL_CONSTANT 1
    /* Define to 1 if the std::hash template from C++11 is available. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_STD_HASH 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <tuple> header file. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_TUPLE 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <type_traits> header file. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS 1
    /* Define to 1 if you have the <type_traits> header file. */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_STD_CONDITIONAL 1
    /* Define to 1 if the MPI2 Standard is supported */
    #cmakedefine MPI_2 1
    /* begin private */
    /* Name of package */
    #define PACKAGE "dune-common"
    /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
    /* Define to the full name of this package. */
    /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
    /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
    /* Define to the home page for this package. */
    #define PACKAGE_URL "@DUNE_MOD_URL@"
    /* Define to the version of this package. */
    /* Version number of package */
    /* end private */
    /* The header in which SHARED_PTR can be found */
    /* The namespace in which SHARED_PTR can be found */
    /* Define to 1 if variadic templates are supported */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES 1
    /* Define to 1 if SFINAE on variadic template constructors is fully supported */
    /* Define to 1 if rvalue references are supported */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_RVALUE_REFERENCES 1
    /* Define to 1 if initializer list is supported */
    #cmakedefine HAVE_INITIALIZER_LIST 1
    /* Define to if the UMFPack library is available */
    /* Include always useful headers */
    #include <dune/common/deprecated.hh>
    #include <dune/common/unused.hh>
    #include "FC.h"
    #define FC_FUNC FC_GLOBAL_
    /* end dune-common */