// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
/** \file
* \brief An stl-compliant pool allocator
#include "alignment.hh"
#ifndef DOXYGEN
// forward declarations.
// we need to know the test function to declare it friend
template<std::size_t size, typename T>
struct testPoolMain;
template<typename T, std::size_t s>
class Pool;
template<typename T, std::size_t s>
class PoolAllocator;
namespace std
template<class T, std::size_t S>
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Dune::Pool<T,S>& pool)
os<<"pool="<<&pool<<" allocated_="<<pool.allocated_;
return os;
template<class T, std::size_t S>
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Dune::PoolAllocator<T,S>& pool)
return os;
* This file implements the classes Pool and PoolAllocator providing
* memory allocation for objects in chunks.
* @brief A memory pool of objects.
* The memory for the objects is organized in chunks.
* Each chunks is capable of holding a specified number of
* objects. The allocated objects will be properly aligned
* for fast access.
* Deallocated objects are cached for reuse to prevent memory
* fragmentation.
* @warning If the size of the objects allocated is less than the
* size of a pointer memory is wasted.
* @warning Due to aligned issues at the number of bytes of the
* alignment prerequisite (< 4 bytes) are wasted. This effect
* \tparam T The type that is allocated by us.
* \tparam s The size of a memory chunk in bytes.
// make the test function friend
friend struct ::testPoolMain<s,T>;
//friend std::ostream& std::operator<<<>(std::ostream&,Pool<T,s>&);
template< class, std::size_t > friend class PoolAllocator;
/** @brief Reference to next free element. */
struct Reference
Reference *next_;
/** @brief The type of object we allocate memory for. */
typedef T MemberType;
* @brief The size of a union of Reference and MemberType.
unionSize = ((sizeof(MemberType) < sizeof(Reference)) ?
sizeof(Reference) : sizeof(MemberType)),
* @brief Size requirement. At least one object has to
size = ((sizeof(MemberType) <= s && sizeof(Reference) <= s) ?
s : unionSize),
* @brief The alignment that suits both the MemberType and
* the Reference (i.e. their least common multiple).
alignment = Lcm<AlignmentOf<MemberType>::value,AlignmentOf<Reference>::value>::value,
* This size is bigger than sizeof of the type and a multiple of
* the alignment requirement.
alignedSize = ((unionSize % alignment == 0) ?
unionSize :
((unionSize / alignment + 1) * alignment)),
* @brief The size of each chunk memory chunk.
* Will be adapted to be a multiple of the alignment plus
* an offset to handle the case that the pointer to the memory
* does not satisfy the alignment requirements.
chunkSize = ((size % alignment == 0) ?
size : ((size / alignment + 1)* alignment))
+ alignment - 1,
* @brief The number of element each chunk can hold.
elements = ((chunkSize - alignment + 1)/ alignedSize)
/** @brief The memory we hold. */
char chunk_[chunkSize];
* @brief Adress the first properly aligned
* position in the chunk.
/** @brief The next element */
Chunk *next_;
* @brief Constructor.
// Make sure the alignment is correct!
// long long should be 64bit safe!
unsigned long long lmemory = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(chunk_);
if(lmemory % alignment != 0)
lmemory = (lmemory / alignment + 1)
* alignment;
memory_ = reinterpret_cast<char *>(lmemory);
/** @brief Constructor. */
inline Pool();
/** @brief Destructor. */
inline ~Pool();
* @brief Get a new or recycled object
* @return A pointer to the object memory.
* @brief Free an object.
* @param o The pointer to memory block of the object.
inline void free(void* o);
* @brief Print elements in pool for debugging.
inline void print(std::ostream& os);
// Prevent Copying!
Pool(const Pool<MemberType,s>&);
void operator=(const Pool<MemberType,s>& pool) const;
/** @brief Grow our pool.*/
/** @brief The first free element. */
Reference *head_;
/** @brief Our memory chunks. */
Chunk *chunks_;
/* @brief The number of currently allocated elements. */
* @brief An allocator managing a pool of objects for reuse.
* This allocator is specifically useful for small data types
* where new and delete are too expensive.
* It uses a pool of memory chunks where the objects will be allocated.
* This means that assuming that N objects fit into memory only every N-th
* @warning It is not suitable
* for the use in standard containers as it cannot allocate
* \tparam T The type that will be allocated.
* \tparam s The number of elements to fit into one memory chunk.
//friend std::ostream& std::operator<<<>(std::ostream&,PoolAllocator<T,s>&);
* @brief Type of the values we construct and allocate.
typedef T value_type;
* @brief The pointer type.
typedef T* pointer;
* @brief The constant pointer type.
typedef const T* const_pointer;
* @brief The reference type.
typedef T& reference;
* @brief The constant reference type.
typedef const T& const_reference;
* @brief The size type.
typedef std::size_t size_type;
* @brief The difference_type.
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
* @brief Constructor.
inline PoolAllocator();
* @brief Copy Constructor that does not copy the memory pool.
template<typename U, std::size_t u>
inline PoolAllocator(const PoolAllocator<U,u>&)
// we allow copying but never copy the pool
// to have a clear ownership of allocated pointers.
/// \brief Copy constructor that does not copy the memory pool.
PoolAllocator(const PoolAllocator&)
// we allow copying but never copy the pool
// to have a clear ownership of allocated pointers.
// For this behaviour we have to implement
// the copy constructor, because the default
// one would copy the pool and deallocation
// of it would break.
* @param n The number of objects to allocate. Has to be one!
* @param hint Ignored hint.
* @return A pointer tp the allocated elements.
inline pointer allocate(std::size_t n, const_pointer hint=0);
* @param n The number of objects to free. Has to be one!
inline void deallocate(pointer p, std::size_t n);
* @brief Construct an object.
* @param p Pointer to the object.
* @param value The value to initialize it to.
inline void construct(pointer p, const_reference value);
* @brief Destroy an object without freeing memory.
* @param p Pointer to the object.
inline void destroy(pointer p);
* @brief Convert a reference to a pointer.
inline pointer address(reference x) const { return &x; }
* @brief Convert a reference to a pointer.
inline const_pointer address(const_reference x) const { return &x; }
* @brief Not correctly implemented, yet!
* @brief Rebind the allocator to another type.
template<class U>
struct rebind
typedef PoolAllocator<U,s> other;
/** @brief The type of the memory pool we use. */
typedef Pool<T,size> PoolType;
* @brief The underlying memory pool.
PoolType memoryPool_;
// specialization for void
template <std::size_t s>
class PoolAllocator<void,s>
typedef void* pointer;
typedef const void* const_pointer;
// reference to void members are impossible.
typedef void value_type;
template <class U> struct rebind
typedef PoolAllocator<U,s> other;
template<typename T1, std::size_t t1, typename T2, std::size_t t2>
bool operator==(const PoolAllocator<T1,t1>&, const PoolAllocator<T2,t2>&)
return false;
template<typename T1, std::size_t t1, typename T2, std::size_t t2>
bool operator!=(const PoolAllocator<T1,t1>&, const PoolAllocator<T2,t2>&)
return true;
template<typename T, std::size_t t1, std::size_t t2>
bool operator==(const PoolAllocator<T,t1>& p1, const PoolAllocator<T,t2>& p2)
template<typename T, std::size_t t1, std::size_t t2>
bool operator!=(const PoolAllocator<T,t1>& p1, const PoolAllocator<T,t2>& p2)
template<typename T, std::size_t t1, std::size_t t2>
bool operator==(const PoolAllocator<void,t1>&, const PoolAllocator<T,t2>&)
return false;
template<typename T, std::size_t t1, std::size_t t2>
bool operator!=(const PoolAllocator<void,t1>&, const PoolAllocator<T,t2>&)
return true;
template<std::size_t t1, std::size_t t2>
bool operator==(const PoolAllocator<void,t1>& p1, const PoolAllocator<void,t2>& p2)
template<std::size_t t1, std::size_t t2>
bool operator!=(const PoolAllocator<void,t1>& p1, const PoolAllocator<void,t2>& p2)
static_assert(sizeof(T)<=unionSize, "Library Error: type T is too big");
static_assert(sizeof(Reference)<=unionSize, "Library Error: type of referene is too big");
static_assert(unionSize<=alignedSize, "Library Error: alignedSize too small");
static_assert(sizeof(T)<=chunkSize, "Library Error: chunkSize must be able to hold at least one value");
static_assert(sizeof(Reference)<=chunkSize, "Library Error: chunkSize must be able to hold at least one reference");
static_assert((chunkSize - (alignment - 1)) % alignment == 0, "Library Error: compiler cannot calculate!");
static_assert(elements>=1, "Library Error: we need to hold at least one element!");
static_assert(elements*alignedSize<=chunkSize, "Library Error: aligned elements must fit into chuck!");
std::cerr<<"There are still "<<allocated_<<" allocated elements by the Pool<"<<typeid(T).name()<<","<<S<<"> "
<<static_cast<void*>(this)<<"! This is a memory leak and might result in segfaults"
// delete the allocated chunks.
Chunk *current=chunks_;
Chunk *tmp = current;
current = current->next_;
delete tmp;
inline void Pool<T,S>::print(std::ostream& os)
Chunk* current=chunks_;
while(current) {
inline void Pool<T,S>::grow()
Chunk *newChunk = new Chunk;
newChunk->next_ = chunks_;
chunks_ = newChunk;
char* start = chunks_->memory_;
char* last = &start[elements*alignedSize];
Reference* ref = new (start) (Reference);
// grow is only called if head==0,
for(char* element=start+alignedSize; element<last; element=element+alignedSize) {
Reference* next = new (element) (Reference);
ref->next_ = next;
ref = next;
#ifndef NDEBUG
Chunk* current=chunks_;
while(current) {
if(static_cast<void*>(¤t->chunk_)<=b &&
throw std::bad_alloc();
freed->next_ = head_;
head_ = freed;
std::cerr<< "Tried to free null pointer! "<<b<<std::endl;
throw std::bad_alloc();
Reference* p = head_;
head_ = p->next_;
inline typename PoolAllocator<T,s>::pointer
PoolAllocator<T,s>::allocate(std::size_t n, const_pointer)
return static_cast<T*>(memoryPool_.allocate());
throw std::bad_alloc();
inline void PoolAllocator<T,s>::deallocate(pointer p, std::size_t n)
for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++);
inline void PoolAllocator<T,s>::construct(pointer p, const_reference value)
::new (static_cast<void*>(p))T(value);
inline void PoolAllocator<T,s>::destroy(pointer p)