// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
/** \file
* \brief A static for loop for template meta-programming
// GenericForLoop
// --------------
template< template< class, class > class Operation, template< int > class Value, int first, int last >
class GenericForLoop
: public Operation< Value< first >, GenericForLoop< Operation, Value, first+1, last > >
static_assert( (first <= last), "GenericForLoop: first > last" );
template< template< class, class > class Operation, template< int > class Value, int last >
class GenericForLoop< Operation, Value, last, last >
: public Value< last >
// ForLoopHelper
// -------------
namespace ForLoopHelper
template< class A, class B >
struct Apply
template< typename... Params >
static void apply ( Params&&... params )
A::apply( std::forward<Params>(params)... );
B::apply( std::forward<Params>(params)... );
/** \class ForLoop
* @brief A static loop using TMP
* The ForLoop takes a
* template argument with a static apply method
* which is called for i=first...last (first<=last are int template arguments).
* A specialization for class template class Operation for i=first
* or i=last is not required. The class Operation must provide a
* static void function apply(...). Arguments (as references)
* can be passed through the ForLoop to this function.
* It is possible to pass a subclass to the ForLoop
* (since no specialization is needed).
* template<class Tuple>
* struct PrintTupleTypes
* {
* template <int i>
* struct Operation
* {
* template<class Stream>
* static void apply(Stream &stream, const std::string &prefix)
* {
* stream << prefix << i << ": "
* << className<typename tuple_element<i, Tuple>::type>()
* << std::endl;
* }
* };
* template<class Stream>
* static void print(Stream &stream, const std::string &prefix)
* {
* // cannot attach on-the-fly in the argument to ForLoop<..>::apply() since
* // that would yield an rvalue
* std::string extended_prefix = prefix+" ";
* stream << prefix << "tuple<" << std::endl;
* ForLoop<Operation, 0, tuple_size<Tuple>::value-1>::
* apply(stream, extended_prefix);
* stream << prefix << ">" << std::endl;
* }
* };
* \note Since Dune 2.4, ForLoop uses variadic templates and perfect forwarding and
* thus supports arbitrary numbers of arguments to apply(), which can be any
* combination of lvalues and rvalues.
template< template< int > class Operation, int first, int last >
class ForLoop
: public GenericForLoop< ForLoopHelper::Apply, Operation, first, last >
static_assert( (first <= last), "ForLoop: first > last" );
#endif // #ifndef DUNE_COMMON_FORLOOP_HH