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       \brief Implements an utility class that provides
       MPI's collective communication methods.
       \ingroup ParallelCommunication
    #include <iostream>
    #include <complex>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <functional>
    #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
    #include <dune/common/binaryfunctions.hh>
    #include <dune/common/shared_ptr.hh>
    #include "collectivecommunication.hh"
    #include "mpitraits.hh"
    #if HAVE_MPI
    // MPI header
    #include <mpi.h>
    namespace Dune
      // use singleton pattern and template specialization to
      // generate MPI operations
      template<typename Type, typename BinaryFunction>
      class Generic_MPI_Op
        static MPI_Op get ()
          if (!op)
            op = shared_ptr<MPI_Op>(new MPI_Op);
            MPI_Op_create((void (*)(void*, void*, int*, MPI_Datatype*))&operation,true,op.get());
          return *op;
        static void operation (Type *in, Type *inout, int *len, MPI_Datatype*)
          BinaryFunction func;
          for (int i=0; i< *len; ++i, ++in, ++inout) {
            Type temp;
            temp = func(*in, *inout);
            *inout = temp;
        Generic_MPI_Op () {}
        Generic_MPI_Op (const Generic_MPI_Op& ) {}
        static shared_ptr<MPI_Op> op;
      template<typename Type, typename BinaryFunction>
      shared_ptr<MPI_Op> Generic_MPI_Op<Type,BinaryFunction>::op = shared_ptr<MPI_Op>(static_cast<MPI_Op*>(0));
    #define ComposeMPIOp(type,func,op) \
      template<> \
      class Generic_MPI_Op<type, func<type> >{ \
        static MPI_Op get(){ \
          return op; \
        } \
        Generic_MPI_Op () {}\
        Generic_MPI_Op (const Generic_MPI_Op & ) {}\
      ComposeMPIOp(char, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned char, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(short, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned short, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(int, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned int, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(long, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned long, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(float, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(double, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(long double, std::plus, MPI_SUM);
      ComposeMPIOp(char, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned char, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(short, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned short, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(int, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned int, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(long, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned long, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(float, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(double, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(long double, std::multiplies, MPI_PROD);
      ComposeMPIOp(char, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned char, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(short, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned short, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(int, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned int, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(long, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned long, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(float, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(double, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(long double, Min, MPI_MIN);
      ComposeMPIOp(char, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned char, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(short, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned short, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(int, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned int, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(long, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(unsigned long, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(float, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(double, Max, MPI_MAX);
      ComposeMPIOp(long double, Max, MPI_MAX);
    #undef ComposeMPIOp
      // use singleton pattern and template specialization to
      // generate MPI operations
      /*! \brief Specialization of CollectiveCommunication for MPI
            \ingroup ParallelCommunication
      class CollectiveCommunication<MPI_Comm>
        //! Instantiation using a MPI communicator
        CollectiveCommunication (const MPI_Comm& c = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
          : communicator(c)
          if(communicator!=MPI_COMM_NULL) {
            int initialized = 0;
            if (!initialized)
              DUNE_THROW(ParallelError,"You must call MPIHelper::instance(argc,argv) in your main() function before using the MPI CollectiveCommunication!");
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::rank
        int rank () const
          return me;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::size
        int size () const
          return procs;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::sum
        template<typename T>
        T sum (T& in) const     // MPI does not know about const :-(
          T out;
          allreduce<std::plus<T> >(&in,&out,1);
          return out;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::sum
        template<typename T>
        int sum (T* inout, int len) const
          return allreduce<std::plus<T> >(inout,len);
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::prod
        template<typename T>
        T prod (T& in) const     // MPI does not know about const :-(
          T out;
          allreduce<std::multiplies<T> >(&in,&out,1);
          return out;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::prod
        template<typename T>
        int prod (T* inout, int len) const
          return allreduce<std::multiplies<T> >(inout,len);
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::min
        template<typename T>
        T min (T& in) const     // MPI does not know about const :-(
          T out;
          allreduce<Min<T> >(&in,&out,1);
          return out;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::min
        template<typename T>
        int min (T* inout, int len) const
          return allreduce<Min<T> >(inout,len);
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::max
        template<typename T>
        T max (T& in) const     // MPI does not know about const :-(
          T out;
          allreduce<Max<T> >(&in,&out,1);
          return out;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::max
        template<typename T>
        int max (T* inout, int len) const
          return allreduce<Max<T> >(inout,len);
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::barrier
        int barrier () const
          return MPI_Barrier(communicator);
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::broadcast
        template<typename T>
        int broadcast (T* inout, int len, int root) const
          return MPI_Bcast(inout,len,MPITraits<T>::getType(),root,communicator);
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::gather()
        //! @note out must have space for P*len elements
        int gather (T* in, T* out, int len, int root) const
          return MPI_Gather(in,len,MPITraits<T>::getType(),
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::gatherv()
        template<typename T>
        int gatherv (T* in, int sendlen, T* out, int* recvlen, int* displ, int root) const
          return MPI_Gatherv(in,sendlen,MPITraits<T>::getType(),
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::scatter()
        //! @note out must have space for P*len elements
        int scatter (T* send, T* recv, int len, int root) const
          return MPI_Scatter(send,len,MPITraits<T>::getType(),
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::scatterv()
        template<typename T>
        int scatterv (T* send, int* sendlen, int* displ, T* recv, int recvlen, int root) const
          return MPI_Scatterv(send,sendlen,displ,MPITraits<T>::getType(),
        operator MPI_Comm () const
          return communicator;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::allgather()
        template<typename T, typename T1>
        int allgather(T* sbuf, int count, T1* rbuf) const
          return MPI_Allgather(sbuf, count, MPITraits<T>::getType(),
                               rbuf, count, MPITraits<T1>::getType(),
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::allgatherv()
        template<typename T>
        int allgatherv (T* in, int sendlen, T* out, int* recvlen, int* displ) const
          return MPI_Allgatherv(in,sendlen,MPITraits<T>::getType(),
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::allreduce(Type* inout,int len) const
        template<typename BinaryFunction, typename Type>
        int allreduce(Type* inout, int len) const
          Type* out = new Type[len];
          int ret = allreduce<BinaryFunction>(inout,out,len);
          std::copy(out, out+len, inout);
          delete[] out;
          return ret;
        //! @copydoc CollectiveCommunication::allreduce(Type* in,Type* out,int len) const
        template<typename BinaryFunction, typename Type>
        int allreduce(Type* in, Type* out, int len) const
          return MPI_Allreduce(in, out, len, MPITraits<Type>::getType(),
                               (Generic_MPI_Op<Type, BinaryFunction>::get()),communicator);
        MPI_Comm communicator;
        int me;
        int procs;
    } // namespace dune