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    #ifndef DUNE__SLLIST_HH
    #define DUNE__SLLIST_HH
    #include <assert.h>
    #include "iteratorfacades.hh"
       * @file
       * This file implements a single linked list together with
       * the necessary iterators.
       * @author Markus Blatt
      template<typename T, class A>
      class SLListIterator;
      template<typename T, class A>
      class SLListConstIterator;
       * @brief A single linked list.
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
       * The list is capable of insertions at the front and at
       * the end and of removing elements at the front. Those
       * operations require constant time.
      template<typename T, class A=std::allocator<T> >
      class SLList
        class Element;
        friend class SLListIterator<T,A>;
        friend class SLListConstIterator<T,A>;
         * @brief The type we store.
        typedef T MemberType;
         * @brief The allocator to use.
        typedef typename A::template rebind<Element>::other Allocator;
         * @brief The mutable iterator of the list.
        typedef SLListIterator<T,A> iterator;
         * @brief The mutable iterator of the list.
        typedef SLListConstIterator<T,A> const_iterator;
         * @brief Add a new entry to the end of the list.
         * @param item The item to add.
        inline void push_back(const MemberType& item);
         * @brief Add a new entry to the beginning of the list.
         * @param item The item to add.
        inline void push_front(const MemberType& item);
         * @brief Remove the first item in the list.
        inline void pop_front();
        /** @brief Remove all elements from the list. */
        inline void clear();
         * @brief Get an iterator pointing to the first
         * element in the list.
         * @return An iterator pointing to the first
         * element or the end if the list is empty.
        inline iterator begin();
         * @brief Get an iterator pointing to the first
         * element in the list.
         * @return An iterator pointing to the first
         * element or the end if the list is empty.
        inline const_iterator begin() const;
         * @brief Get an iterator pointing before the first
         * element in the list.
         * To be positioned at a valid entry the operator++()
         * has to be called once.
         * @return An iterator pointing before the first
         * element.
        inline iterator oneBeforeBegin();
         * @brief Get an iterator pointing before the first
         * element in the list.
         * To be positioned at a valid entry the operator++()
         * has to be called once.
         * @return An iterator pointing before the first
         * element.
        inline const_iterator oneBeforeBegin() const;
         * @brief Get an iterator pointing to the
         * end of the list.
         * @return An iterator pointing to the end.
        inline iterator end();
         * @brief Get an iterator pointing to the
         * end of the list.
         * @return An iterator pointing to the end.
        inline const_iterator end() const;
         * @brief Check whether the list is empty.
         * @return True if the list is empty;
        inline bool empty() const;
    Markus Blatt's avatar
    Markus Blatt committed
         * @brief Get the number of elements the list
         * contains.
        inline int size() const;
        struct Element
           * @brief The next element in the list.
          Element* next_;
           * @brief The element we hold.
          MemberType item_;
          Element(const MemberType& item);
        /** @brief The first element in the list. */
        Element* head_;
        /** @brief Pseudo element before the first entry. */
        Element beforeHead_;
        /** @brief The last element in the list. */
        Element* tail_;
        /** @brief The allocator we use. */
        Allocator allocator_;
    Markus Blatt's avatar
    Markus Blatt committed
        /** brief The number of elements the list holds. */
        int size_;
       * @brief A mutable iterator for the SLList.
      template<typename T, class A>
      class SLListIterator : public Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade<SLListIterator<T,A>, T, T&, std::size_t>
        friend class SLListConstIterator<T,A>;
        inline SLListIterator(typename SLList<T,A>::Element* item,
                              SLList<T,A>* sllist)
          : current_(item), list_(sllist)
         * @brief Dereferencing function for the iterator facade.
         * @return A reference to the element at the current position.
        inline T& dereference() const
          return current_->item_;
         * @brief Equality test for the iterator facade.
         * @param other The other iterator to check.
         * @return true If the other iterator is at the same position.
        inline bool equals(const SLListConstIterator<T,A>& other) const
          return current_==other.current_;
         * @brief Equality test for the iterator facade.
         * @param other The other iterator to check.
         * @return true If the other iterator is at the same position.
        inline bool equals(const SLListIterator<T,A>& other) const
          return current_==other.current_;
         * @brief Increment function for the iterator facade.
        inline void increment()
          current_ = current_->next_;
         * @brief Insert an element in the underlying list after
         * the current position.
         * @param v The value to insert.
        inline void insertAfter(const T& v) const
          assert(current_ != 0 && list_ != 0);
          typename SLList<T,A>::Element* added = list_->allocator_.allocate(1, 0);
          added->item_    = v;
          added->next_    = current_->next_;
          current_->next_ = added;
         * @brief Delete the entry after the current position.
        inline void deleteNext() const
          assert(current_->next_!=0 && list_!=0);
          typename SLList<T,A>::Element* tmp =current_->next_;
          current_->next_ = tmp->next_;
          list_->allocator_.deallocate(tmp, 1);
        /**  @brief The current element. */
        typename SLList<T,A>::Element* current_;
        /** @brief The list we iterate over. */
        SLList<T,A>* list_;
       * @brief A constant iterator for the SLList.
      template<class T, class A>
      class SLListConstIterator : public Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade<SLListConstIterator<T,A>, const T, const T&, std::size_t>
        friend class SLListIterator<T,A>;
        inline SLListConstIterator()
          : current_(0)
        inline SLListConstIterator(typename SLList<T,A>::Element* item)
          : current_(item)
        inline SLListConstIterator(const SLListIterator<T,A>& other)
         * @brief Dereferencing function for the facade.
         * @return A reference to the element at the current position.
        inline const T& dereference() const
          return current_->item_;
         * @brief Equality test for the iterator facade.
         * @param other The other iterator to check.
         * @return true If the other iterator is at the same position.
        inline bool equals(const SLListConstIterator<T,A>& other) const
          return current_==other.current_;
         * @brief Equality test for the iterator facade.
         * @param other The other iterator to check.
         * @return true If the other iterator is at the same position.
        inline bool equals(const SLListIterator<T,A>& other) const
          return current_==other.current_;
         * @brief Increment function for the iterator facade.
        inline void increment()
          current_ = current_->next_;
        /**  @brief The current element. */
        typename SLList<T,A>::Element* current_;
      template<typename T, class A>
      SLList<T,A>::Element::Element(const T& item)
        : next_(0), item_(item)
      template<typename T, class A>
        : next_(0), item_()
      template<typename T, class A>
        : head_(0), beforeHead_(), tail_(0), allocator_(), size_(0)
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline void SLList<T,A>::push_back(const T& item)
        if(tail_!=0) {
          tail_->next_ = allocator_.allocate(1, 0);
          tail_ = tail_->next_;
          beforeHead_.next_ = tail_ = head_ = allocator_.allocate(1, 0);
    Markus Blatt's avatar
    Markus Blatt committed
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline void SLList<T,A>::push_front(const T& item)
        if(head_==0) {
          head_ = tail_ = allocator_.allocate(1, 0);
          Element* added = allocator_.allocate(1, 0);
    Markus Blatt's avatar
    Markus Blatt committed
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline void SLList<T,A>::pop_front()
        Element* tmp = head_;
        allocator_.deallocate(tmp, 1);
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    Markus Blatt committed
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline void SLList<T,A>::clear()
        while(head_) {
          Element* current = head_;
          allocator_.deallocate(current, 1);
        tail_ = head_;
    Markus Blatt's avatar
    Markus Blatt committed
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline bool SLList<T,A>::empty() const
        return head_==0;
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    Markus Blatt committed
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline int SLList<T,A>::size() const
        return size_;
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline SLListIterator<T,A> SLList<T,A>::begin()
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline SLListConstIterator<T,A> SLList<T,A>::begin() const
        return const_iterator(head_);
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline SLListIterator<T,A> SLList<T,A>::oneBeforeBegin()
        return iterator(&beforeHead_, this);
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline SLListConstIterator<T,A> SLList<T,A>::oneBeforeBegin() const
        return const_iterator(&beforeHead_);
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline SLListIterator<T,A> SLList<T,A>::end()
      template<typename T, class A>
      inline SLListConstIterator<T,A> SLList<T,A>::end() const
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    Markus Blatt committed
    /** }@ */