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/** \file
    \brief Efficient implementation of a dynamic array of static arrays of booleans

#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
#include <dune/common/genericiterator.hh>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>

  template <int block_size, class Alloc> class BitSetVector;
  template <int block_size, class Alloc> class BitSetVectorReference;
     \brief A proxy class that acts as a const reference to a single
     bitset in a BitSetVector.

     It contains a conversion to std::bitset and most of the
     interface of const std::bitset.

     \warning As this is only a proxy class, you can not get the
     address of the bitset.
  template <int block_size, class Alloc>
  class BitSetVectorConstReference
    typedef Dune::BitSetVector<block_size, Alloc> BitSetVector;
    friend class Dune::BitSetVector<block_size, Alloc>;
    BitSetVectorConstReference(const BitSetVector& blockBitField, int block_number) :

    //! hide assignment operator
    BitSetVectorConstReference& operator=(const BitSetVectorConstReference & b);

    typedef std::bitset<block_size> bitset;
    // bitset interface typedefs
    typedef typename std::vector<bool, Alloc>::const_reference reference;
    typedef typename std::vector<bool, Alloc>::const_reference const_reference;
    typedef size_t size_type;

    //! Returns a copy of *this shifted left by n bits.
    bitset operator<<(size_type n) const
    //! Returns a copy of *this shifted right by n bits.
    bitset operator>>(size_type n) const
      bitset b = *this;
      b >>= n;
      return b;

    //! Returns a copy of *this with all of its bits flipped.
    bitset operator~() const
      bitset b = *this;
      return b;

    //! Returns block_size.
    size_type size() const
      return block_size;

    //! Returns the number of bits that are set.
    size_type count() const
      size_type n = 0;
      for(size_type i=0; i<block_size; ++i)
        n += getBit(i);
      return n;

    //! Returns true if any bits are set.
    bool any() const
      return count();

    //! Returns true if no bits are set.
    bool none() const
      return ! any();

    //! Returns true if bit n is set.
    bool test(size_type n) const
      return getBit(n);
    const_reference operator[](size_type i) const
    //! cast to bitset
    operator bitset() const
      return blockBitField.getRepr(block_number);
    //! Equality of reference and std::bitset
    bool operator== (const bitset& bs) const
      return equals(bs);

    //! Equality of reference and other reference
    bool operator== (const BitSetVectorConstReference& bs) const
      return equals(bs);

    //! Inequality of reference and std::bitset
    bool operator!= (const bitset& bs) const
      return ! equals(bs);

    //! Inequality of reference and other reference
    bool operator!= (const BitSetVectorConstReference& bs) const
      return ! equals(bs);
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const BitSetVectorConstReference& v)
      s << "(";
      for(int i=0; i<block_size; ++i)
        s << v[i];
      s << ")";
      return s;

    const BitSetVector& blockBitField;
    const_reference getBit(size_type i) const
      return blockBitField.getBit(block_number,i);

    template<class BS>
    bool equals(const BS & bs) const
      bool eq = true;
      for(int i=0; i<block_size; ++i)
        eq &= (getBit(i) == bs[i]);
      return eq;

       This is only a Proxy class, you can't get the address of the
       object it references
    void operator & ();
Christian Engwer's avatar
Christian Engwer committed

    friend class BitSetVectorReference<block_size, Alloc>;
     \brief A proxy class that acts as a mutable reference to a
     single bitset in a BitSetVector.

     It contains an assignment operator from std::bitset.  It
     inherits the const std::bitset interface provided by
     BitSetVectorConstReference and adds most of the non-const
     methods of std::bitset.

     \warning As this is only a proxy class, you can not get the
     address of the bitset.
  template <int block_size, class Alloc>
  class BitSetVectorReference : public BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Alloc>
    typedef Dune::BitSetVector<block_size, Alloc> BitSetVector;
    friend class Dune::BitSetVector<block_size, Alloc>;
    typedef Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Alloc> BitSetVectorConstReference;
    BitSetVectorReference(BitSetVector& blockBitField, int block_number) :
      BitSetVectorConstReference(blockBitField, block_number),

    typedef std::bitset<block_size> bitset;
    //! bitset interface typedefs
    //! \{
    //! A proxy class that acts as a reference to a single bit.
    typedef typename std::vector<bool, Alloc>::reference reference;
    //! A proxy class that acts as a const reference to a single bit.
    typedef typename std::vector<bool, Alloc>::const_reference const_reference;
    //! \}

    //! size_type typedef (an unsigned integral type)
    //! Assignment from bool, sets each bit in the bitset to b
    BitSetVectorReference& operator=(bool b)
      for(int i=0; i<block_size; ++i)
        getBit(i) = b;
      return (*this);

    //! Assignment from bitset
    BitSetVectorReference& operator=(const bitset & b)
        getBit(i) = b.test(i);
    //! Assignment from BitSetVectorConstReference
    BitSetVectorReference& operator=(const BitSetVectorConstReference & b)
        getBit(i) = b.test(i);
    //! Assignment from BitSetVectorReference
    BitSetVectorReference& operator=(const BitSetVectorReference & b)
      for(int i=0; i<block_size; ++i)
        getBit(i) = b.test(i);
    //! Bitwise and (for bitset).
    BitSetVectorReference& operator&=(const bitset& x)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
        getBit(i) = (test(i) & x.test(i));
      return *this;

    //! Bitwise and (for BitSetVectorConstReference and BitSetVectorReference)
    BitSetVectorReference& operator&=(const BitSetVectorConstReference& x)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
        getBit(i) = (test(i) & x.test(i));
    //! Bitwise inclusive or (for bitset)
    BitSetVectorReference& operator|=(const bitset& x)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
        getBit(i) = (test(i) | x.test(i));
      return *this;

    //! Bitwise inclusive or (for BitSetVectorConstReference and BitSetVectorReference)
    BitSetVectorReference& operator|=(const BitSetVectorConstReference& x)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
        getBit(i) = (test(i) | x.test(i));
      return *this;

    //! Bitwise exclusive or (for bitset).
    BitSetVectorReference& operator^=(const bitset& x)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
        getBit(i) = (test(i) ^ x.test(i));
    //! Bitwise exclusive or (for BitSetVectorConstReference and BitSetVectorReference)
    BitSetVectorReference& operator^=(const BitSetVectorConstReference& x)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
        getBit(i) = (test(i) ^ x.test(i));
    BitSetVectorReference& operator<<=(size_type n)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size-n; i++)
        getBit(i) = test(i+n);
    BitSetVectorReference& operator>>=(size_type n)
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size-n; i++)
        getBit(i+n) = test(i);
    BitSetVectorReference& set()
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
      return *this;

    //! Flips the value of every bit.
    BitSetVectorReference& flip()
      for (size_type i=0; i<block_size; i++)
      return *this;

    //! Clears every bit.
    BitSetVectorReference& reset()

    //! Sets bit n if val is nonzero, and clears bit n if val is zero.
    BitSetVectorReference& set(size_type n, int val = 1)
    BitSetVectorReference& reset(size_type n)
    BitSetVectorReference& flip(size_type n)
    using BitSetVectorConstReference::test;
    using BitSetVectorConstReference::operator[];

    reference operator[](size_type i)
      return getBit(i);

    BitSetVector& blockBitField;
    using BitSetVectorConstReference::getBit;

    reference getBit(size_type i)
      return blockBitField.getBit(this->block_number,i);

     typetraits for BitSetVectorReference
  template<int block_size, class Alloc>
  struct const_reference< BitSetVectorReference<block_size,Alloc> >
    typedef BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Alloc> type;

  template<int block_size, class Alloc>
  struct const_reference< BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Alloc> >
    typedef BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Alloc> type;

  template<int block_size, class Alloc>
  struct mutable_reference< BitSetVectorReference<block_size,Alloc> >
    typedef BitSetVectorReference<block_size,Alloc> type;

  template<int block_size, class Alloc>
  struct mutable_reference< BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Alloc> >
    typedef BitSetVectorReference<block_size,Alloc> type;

     \brief A dynamic %array of blocks of booleans
  template <int block_size, class Allocator=std::allocator<bool> >
  class BitSetVector : private std::vector<bool, Allocator>
    /** \brief The implementation class: an unblocked bitfield */
    typedef std::vector<bool, Allocator> BlocklessBaseClass;

    /** \brief Type of the values stored by the container */
    typedef std::bitset<block_size> value_type;

    /** \brief Reference to a small block of bits */
    typedef BitSetVectorReference<block_size,Allocator> reference;

    /** \brief Const reference to a small block of bits */
    typedef BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Allocator> const_reference;

    /** \brief Pointer to a small block of bits */
    typedef BitSetVectorReference<block_size,Allocator>* pointer;

    /** \brief Const pointer to a small block of bits */
    typedef BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Allocator>* const_pointer;

    /** \brief size type */
    typedef typename std::vector<bool, Allocator>::size_type size_type;

    /** \brief The type of the allocator */
    typedef Allocator allocator_type;
    //! \}
    //! \{
    typedef Dune::GenericIterator<BitSetVector<block_size,Allocator>, value_type, reference, std::ptrdiff_t, ForwardIteratorFacade> iterator;
    typedef Dune::GenericIterator<const BitSetVector<block_size,Allocator>, const value_type, const_reference, std::ptrdiff_t, ForwardIteratorFacade> const_iterator;
    //! \}

    //! Returns a iterator pointing to the beginning of the vector.
    iterator begin(){
      return iterator(*this, 0);

    //! Returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the vector.
    const_iterator begin() const {
      return const_iterator(*this, 0);

    //! Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the vector.
    iterator end(){
      return iterator(*this, size());

    //! Returns a const_iterator pointing to the end of the vector.
    const_iterator end() const {
      return const_iterator(*this, size());
    BitSetVector() :

    //! Construction from an unblocked bitfield
    BitSetVector(const BlocklessBaseClass& blocklessBitField) :
      if (blocklessBitField.size()%block_size != 0)
        DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "Vector size is not a multiple of the block size!");

    /** Constructor with a given length
        \param n Number of blocks
    explicit BitSetVector(int n) :

    //! Constructor which initializes the field with true or false
    BitSetVector(int n, bool v) :
    //! Erases all of the elements.
    void clear()

    void resize(int n, bool v = bool())
      BlocklessBaseClass::resize(n*block_size, v);
    size_type size() const
      return BlocklessBaseClass::size()/block_size;

    //! Sets all entries to <tt> true </tt>
    void setAll() {
      this->assign(BlocklessBaseClass::size(), true);

    //! Sets all entries to <tt> false </tt>
    void unsetAll() {
      this->assign(BlocklessBaseClass::size(), false);

    /** \brief Return reference to i-th block */

    /** \brief Return const reference to i-th block */
    const_reference operator[](int i) const
      return const_reference(*this, i);

    /** \brief Return reference to last block */
      return reference(*this, size()-1);

    /** \brief Return const reference to last block */
      return const_reference(*this, size()-1);
    //! Returns the number of bits that are set.
    size_type count() const
      return std::count(BlocklessBaseClass::begin(), BlocklessBaseClass::end(), true);
    //! Returns the number of set bits, while each block is masked with 1<<i
    size_type countmasked(int j) const
      size_type n = 0;
      size_type blocks = size();
      for(size_type i=0; i<blocks; ++i)
        n += getBit(i,j);
      return n;

    //! Send bitfield to an output stream
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const BitSetVector& v)
      for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
        s << v[i] << "  ";
      return s;

    // get a prepresentation as value_type
    value_type getRepr(int i) const
      value_type bits;
      for(int j=0; j<block_size; ++j)
        bits.set(j, getBit(i,j));
      return bits;

    typename std::vector<bool>::reference getBit(size_type i, size_type j) {
      return BlocklessBaseClass::operator[](i*block_size+j);

    typename std::vector<bool>::const_reference getBit(size_type i, size_type j) const {
      return BlocklessBaseClass::operator[](i*block_size+j);

    friend class BitSetVectorReference<block_size,Allocator>;
    friend class BitSetVectorConstReference<block_size,Allocator>;