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  • Christian Engwer's avatar
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    // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
    // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
    #include <dune/common/static_assert.hh>
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    #include <functional>
    #if HAVE_TR1_HASH
    #include <tr1/functional>
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    #include <boost/version.hpp>
    // Boost 1.34.0 seems to be the first usable version of boost::functional::hash
    #if BOOST_VERSION >= 103400
    #define HAVE_BOOST_HASH 1
    // only pull in boost if really necessary
    #include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
    #endif // !HAVE_STD_HASH && !HAVE_TR1_HASH
    #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 103400
    #endif // HAVE_DUNE_BOOST
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    Christian Engwer's avatar
    Christian Engwer committed
     * \file
     * \brief Support for calculating hash values of objects.
     * This file provides the functor Dune::hash to calculate hash values and
     * some infrastructure to simplify extending Dune::hash for user-defined types,
     * independent of the actual underlying implementation.
    // ********************************************************************************
    // Doxygen documentation
    // ********************************************************************************
    #ifdef DOXYGEN
    namespace Dune {
      //! Functor for hashing objects of type T.
       * The interface outlined below is compatible with std::hash, std::tr1::hash and
       * boost::hash, so it is possible to use Dune::hash in associative containers from
       * those libraries.
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       * The current implementation piggybacks on top of C++11, TR1 or Boost, in that order.
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       * As there is no local fallback implementation, hashing will not work without at least
       * one of those dependencies installed.
      template<typename T>
      struct hash
        //! Calculates the hash of t.
        std::size_t operator()(const T& t) const
          return hash(t);
    //! Defines the required struct specialization to make type hashable via `Dune::hash`.
     * In order to calculate the hash, operator() of the generated specialization will
     * return the result of an unqualified call to the global function `hash_value(const type&)`.
     * As the call is not qualified, the function will be found using argument-dependent lookup,
     * allowing implementors to conveniently place it inside the class body.
     * Consider the following type:
     * \code
     * namespace ns {
     *   template<typename A, int i>
     *   class Foo
     *   {
     *     ...
     *   };
     * }
     * \endcode
     * In order to add support for `Dune::hash`, you need to extend the definition like this:
     * \code
     * namespace ns {
     *   template<typename A, int i>
     *   class Foo
     *   {
     *     ...
     *     // The keyword "friend" turns this into a global function that is a friend of Foo.
     *     inline friend std::size_t hash_value(const Foo& arg)
     *     {
     *       return ...;
     *     }
     *   };
     * }
     * // Define hash struct specialization
     * \endcode
     * \warning
     * As the specialization has to be placed in the original namespace of the
     * `hash` struct (e.g. `std`), this macro *must* be called from the global namespace!
     * \param template_args  The template arguments required by the hash struct specialization,
     *                       wrapped in a call to DUNE_HASH_TEMPLATE_ARGS. If this is a complete
     *                       specialization, call DUNE_HASH_TEMPLATE_ARGS without arguments.
     * \param type           The exact type of the specialization, wrapped in a call to DUNE_HASH_TYPE.
    #define DUNE_DEFINE_HASH(template_args,type)
    //! Wrapper macro for the template arguments in DUNE_DEFINE_HASH.
     * This macro should always be used as a wrapper for the template arguments when calling DUNE_DEFINE_HASH.
     * It works around some preprocessor limitations when the template arguments contain commas or the list
     * is completely empty.
    #define DUNE_HASH_TEMPLATE_ARGS(...)
    //! Wrapper macro for the type to be hashed in DUNE_DEFINE_HASH.
     * This macro should always be used as a wrapper for the type of the specialization when calling
     * It works around some preprocessor limitations when the type contains commas.
    #define DUNE_HASH_TYPE(...)
    #else // DOXYGEN - hide all the ugly implementation
    // ********************************************************************************
    // C++11 support
    // ********************************************************************************
    // We have std::hash from C++11
    // Announce that we provide Dune::hash
    #define HAVE_DUNE_HASH 1
    // import std::hash into Dune namespace
    namespace Dune {
      using std::hash;
    // Macro for defining a std::hash specialization for type.
    // This should not be called directly. Call DUNE_DEFINE_HASH
    // instead.
    #define DUNE_DEFINE_STD_HASH(template_args,type) \
      namespace std {                                  \
        template<template_args>                          \
        struct hash<type>                                \
        {                                                \
          std::size_t operator()(const type& arg) const  \
          {                                              \
            return hash_value(arg);                      \
          }                                              \
        };                                               \
      }                                                \
    #else // HAVE_STD_HASH
    // We do not support std::hash, so don't do anything here.
    #define DUNE_DEFINE_STD_HASH(template_args,type)
    #endif // HAVE_STD_HASH
    // ********************************************************************************
    // TR1 support
    // ********************************************************************************
    #if HAVE_TR1_HASH
    // We have std::tr1::hash from TR1
    #ifndef HAVE_DUNE_HASH
    // std::hash wasn't found, so use std::tr1::hash
    // Announce that we provide Dune::hash
    #define HAVE_DUNE_HASH 1
    // import std::tr1::hash into Dune namespace
    namespace Dune {
      using std::tr1::hash;
    #endif // HAVE_DUNE_HASH
    // Macro for defining a std::tr1::hash specialization for type.
    // This should not be called directly. Call DUNE_DEFINE_HASH
    // instead.
    #define DUNE_DEFINE_TR1_HASH(template_args,type) \
      namespace std {                                  \
        namespace tr1 {                                  \
          template<template_args>                          \
          struct hash<type>                                \
          {                                                \
            std::size_t operator()(const type& arg) const  \
            {                                              \
              return hash_value(arg);                      \
            }                                              \
          };                                               \
        }                                                \
      }                                                \
    #else // HAVE_TR1_HASH
    // We do not support std::tr1::hash, so don't do anything here.
    #define DUNE_DEFINE_TR1_HASH(template_args,type)
    #endif // HAVE_TR1_HASH
    // ********************************************************************************
    // common macros for both C++11 and TR1 support
    // ********************************************************************************
    // Wrapper macro for template arguments.
    // This is required because the template arguments can contain commas,
    // which will create a macro argument list of unknown length. That in itself
    // would not be a problem, but DUNE_DEFINE_HASH has to be called with two argument
    // lists of unknown length. So this macro wraps its arguments with parentheses,
    // turning it into a single argument. The result is used as the parameter list of
    // an expansion macro in the calls to the implementation-specific macros
    // for C++11 and TR1. Noto that technically, this trick is only legal for C++11,
    // but pretty much every compiler supports variadic macros in C++03 mode, as they
    // are part of C99.
    #define DUNE_HASH_TEMPLATE_ARGS(...) (__VA_ARGS__)
    // Wrapper macro for type to be hashed.
    // See above for rationale.
    #define DUNE_HASH_TYPE(...) (__VA_ARGS__)
    // Expansion macro for the parenthesed argument lists created by
    #define DUNE_HASH_EXPAND_VA_ARGS(...) __VA_ARGS__
    // Define specializations for all discovered hash implementations.
    #define DUNE_DEFINE_HASH(template_args,type)                                                  \
    #else // HAVE_STD_HASH || HAVE_TR1_HASH
    // Fallback implementation that doesn't do anything.
    #define DUNE_DEFINE_HASH(template_args,type)
    // Consider DUNE_HASH_TEMPLATE_ARGS as an argument-less macro and
    // replace it with an empty token.
    // This will leave its arguments in parentheses, causing them
    // to be considered as a single argument to DUNE_DEFINE_HASH, which
    // will ignore them anyway.
    // Replace DUNE_HASH_TYPE with an empty token. See above for rationale.
    #define DUNE_HASH_TYPE
    #endif // HAVE_STD_HASH || HAVE_TR1_HASH
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    // ********************************************************************************
    // Boost support
    // ********************************************************************************
    // We haven't found a hash implementation yet and Boost is available
    // Announce that we provide Dune::hash
    #define HAVE_DUNE_HASH 1
    // import boost::hash into Dune namespace
    namespace Dune {
      using boost::hash;
    // We no not need to register our types with boost::hash, as its extension
    // mechanism will automatically pick up the global hash_value() functions.
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    #endif // DOXYGEN
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    Christian Engwer's avatar
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    // ********************************************************************************
    // Some utility functions for combining hashes of member variables.
    // ********************************************************************************
    #if HAVE_DUNE_HASH || defined(DOXYGEN)
    namespace Dune {
      // The following functions are an implementation of the proposed hash extensions for
      // the C++ standard by Peter Dimov
      // (cf., issue 6.18).
      // They are also contained in the boost::functional::hash library by Daniel James, but
      // that implementation uses boost::hash internally, while we want to use Dune::hash. They
      // are also considered for inclusion in TR2 (then based on std::hash, of course).
    #ifndef DOXYGEN
      // helper struct for providing different hash combining algorithms dependent on
      // the size of size_t.
      // hash_combiner has to be specialized for the size (in bytes) of std::size_t.
      // Specialized versions should provide a method
      // template <typename typeof_size_t, typename T>
      // void operator()(typeof_size_t& seed, const T& arg) const;
      // that will be called by the interface function hash_combine() described further below.
      // The redundant template parameter typeof_size_t is needed to avoid warnings for the
      // unused 64-bit specialization on 32-bit systems.
      // There is no default implementation!
      template<int sizeof_size_t>
      struct hash_combiner;
      // hash combining for 64-bit platforms.
      struct hash_combiner<8>
        template<typename typeof_size_t, typename T>
        void operator()(typeof_size_t& seed, const T& arg) const
          dune_static_assert(sizeof(typeof_size_t)==8, "hash_combiner::operator() instantiated with nonmatching type and size");
          // The following algorithm for combining two 64-bit hash values is inspired by a similar
          // function in CityHash (,
          // which is in turn based on ideas from the MurmurHash library. The basic idea is easy to
          // grasp, though: New information is XORed into the existing hash multiple times at different
          // places (using shift operations), and the resulting pattern is spread over the complete
          // range of available bits via multiplication with a "magic" constant. The constants used
          // below (47 and  0x9ddfea08eb382d69ULL) are taken from the CityHash implementation.
          // We opted not to use the mixing algorithm proposed in the C++ working group defect list at
          //, p. 57f. because it
          // has very bad hash distribution properties if you apply it to lists of very small numbers,
          // an application that is frequent in PDELab's ordering framework.
          Dune::hash<T> hasher;
          const typeof_size_t kMul = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69ULL;
          typeof_size_t h = hasher(arg);
          typeof_size_t a = (seed ^ h) * kMul;
          b ^= (b >> 47);
          b *= kMul;
          seed = b;
      // hash combining for 32-bit platforms.
      struct hash_combiner<4>
        template<typename typeof_size_t, typename T>
        void operator()(typeof_size_t& seed, const T& arg) const
          dune_static_assert(sizeof(typeof_size_t)==4, "hash_combiner::operator() instantiated with nonmatching type and size");
          // The default algorithm above requires a 64-bit std::size_t. The following algorithm is a
          // 32-bit compatible fallback, again inspired by CityHash and MurmurHash
          // (
          // It uses 32-bit constants and relies on rotation instead of multiplication to spread the
          // mixed bits as that is apparently more efficient on IA-32. The constants used below are again
          // taken from CityHash, in particular from the file referenced above.
          Dune::hash<T> hasher;
          const typeof_size_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
          const typeof_size_t c2 = 0x1b873593;
          const typeof_size_t c3 = 0xe6546b64;
          typeof_size_t h = hasher(arg);
          typeof_size_t a = seed * c1;
          a = (a >> 17) | (a << (32 - 17));
          a *= c2;
          h ^= a;
          h = (h >> 19) | (h << (32 - 19));
          seed = h * 5 + c3;
    #endif // DOXYGEN
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      //! Calculates the hash value of arg and combines it in-place with seed.
       * \note This function is only available if the macro `HAVE_DUNE_HASH` is defined.
       * \param seed  The hash value that will be combined with the hash of arg.
       * \param arg   The object for which to calculate a hash value and combine it with seed.
      template<typename T>
      inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& arg)
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      //! Hashes all elements in the range [first,last) and returns the combined hash.
       * \note This function is only available if the macro `HAVE_DUNE_HASH` is defined.
       * \param first  Iterator pointing to the first object to hash.
       * \param last   Iterator pointing one past the last object to hash.
       * \returns      The result of hashing all objects in the range and combining them
       *               using hash_combine() in sequential fashion, starting with seed 0.
      template<typename It>
      inline std::size_t hash_range(It first, It last)
        std::size_t seed = 0;
        for (; first != last; ++first)
        return seed;
      //! Hashes all elements in the range [first,last) and combines the hashes in-place with seed.
       * \note This function is only available if the macro `HAVE_DUNE_HASH` is defined.
       * \param seed   Start value that will be combined with the hash values of all objects in
       *               the range using hash_combine() in sequential fashion.
       * \param first  Iterator pointing to the first ojbect to hash.
       * \param last   Iterator pointing one past the last object to hash.
      template<typename It>
      inline void hash_range(std::size_t& seed, It first, It last)
        for (; first != last; ++first)
    } // end namespace Dune
    #endif // HAVE_DUNE_HASH || defined(DOXYGEN)
    #endif // DUNE_COMMON_HASH_HH