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Forked from Core Modules / dune-common
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interface.hh 14.99 KiB
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
// $Id$


#include "remoteindices.hh"
#include <dune/common/enumset.hh>

namespace Dune
  /** @addtogroup Common_Parallel
   * @{
   * @file
   * @brief Provides classes for building the communication
   * interface between remote indices.
   * @author Markus Blatt

  /** @} */
   * @brief Base class of all classes representing a communication
   * interface.
   * It provides an generic utility method for building the interface
   * for a set of remote indices.
  class InterfaceBuilder
    class RemotexIndicesStateError : public Exception

    virtual ~InterfaceBuilder()

     * @brief Not for public use.

     * @brief Builds the interface between remote processes.
     * The types T1 and T2 are classes representing a set of
     * enumeration values of type InterfaceBuilder::Attribute. They have to provide
     * a (static) method
     * \code
     * bool contains(Attribute flag) const;
     * \endcode
     * for checking whether the set contains a specfic flag.
     * This functionality is for example provided the classes
     * EnumItem, EnumRange and Combine.
     * If the template parameter send is true the sending side of
     * the interface will be built, otherwise the information for
     * receiving will be built.
     * If the template parameter send is true we create interface for sending
     * in a forward communication.
     * @param remoteIndices The indices known to remote processes.
     * @param sourceFlags The set of flags marking source indices.
     * @param destFlags The setof flags markig destination indices.
     * @param functor A functor for callbacks. It should provide the
     * following methods:
     * \code
     * // Reserve memory for the interface to processor proc. The interface
     * // has to hold size entries
     * void reserve(int proc, int size);
     * // Add an entry to the interface
     * // We will send/receive size entries at index local to process proc
     * void add(int proc, int local);
     * \endcode
    template<class R, class T1, class T2, class Op, bool send>
    void buildInterface (const R& remoteIndices,
                         const T1& sourceFlags, const T2& destFlags,
                         Op& functor) const;

   * @brief Information describing an interface.
   * This class is used for temporary gathering information
   * about the interface needed for actually building it. It
   * is used be class Interface as functor for InterfaceBuilder::build.
  class InterfaceInformation


     * @brief Get the number of entries in the interface.
    size_t size() const
      return size_;
     * @brief Get the local index for an entry.
     * @param i The  index of the entry.
    std::size_t& operator[](size_t i)
      return indices_[i];
     * @brief Get the local index for an entry.
     * @param i The  index of the entry.
    std::size_t operator[](size_t i) const
      return indices_[i];
     * @brief Reserve space for a number of entries.
     * @param size The maximum number of entries to hold.
    void reserve(size_t size)
      indices_ = new std::size_t[size];
      maxSize_ = size;

     * brief Frees allocated memory.
    void free()
        delete[] indices_;
      maxSize_ = 0;
     * @brief Add a new index to the interface.
    void add(std::size_t index)

      : size_(0), maxSize_(0), indices_(0)

    virtual ~InterfaceInformation()

    bool operator!=(const InterfaceInformation& o) const
      return !operator==(o);

    bool operator==(const InterfaceInformation& o) const
        return false;
      for(std::size_t i=0; i< size_; ++i)
          return false;
      return true;

     * @brief The number of entries in the interface.
    size_t size_;
     * @brief The maximum number of indices we can hold.
    size_t maxSize_;
     * @brief The local indices of the interface.
    std::size_t* indices_;

  /** @addtogroup Common_Parallel
   * @{

   * @brief Communication interface between remote and local indices.
   * Describes the communication interface between
   * indices on the local process and those on remote processes.
  class Interface : public InterfaceBuilder

    typedef InterfaceInformation Information;

    typedef std::map<int,std::pair<Information,Information> > InformationMap;

     * @brief Builds the interface.
     * The types T1 and T2 are classes representing a set of
     * enumeration values of type Interface::Attribute. They have to provide
     * a (static) method
     * \code
     * bool contains(Attribute flag) const;
     * \endcode
     * for checking whether the set contains a specfic flag.
     * This functionality is for example provided the classes
     * EnumItem, EnumRange and Combine.
     * @param remoteIndices The indices known to remote processes.
     * @param sourceFlags The set of flags marking indices we send from.
     * @param destFlags The set of flags marking indices we receive for.
    template<typename R, typename T1, typename T2>
    void build(const R& remoteIndices, const T1& sourceFlags,
               const T2& destFlags);

     * @brief Frees memory allocated during the build.
    void free();

     * @brief Get the MPI Communicator.
    MPI_Comm communicator() const;

     * @brief Get information about the interfaces.
     * @return Map of the interfaces.
     * The key of the map is the process number and the value
     * is the information pair (first the send and then the receive
     * information).
    const InformationMap& interfaces() const;

    Interface(MPI_Comm comm)
      : communicator_(comm), interfaces_()

      : communicator_(MPI_COMM_NULL), interfaces_()

     * @brief Print the interface to std::out for debugging.
    void print() const;

    bool operator!=(const Interface& o) const
      return ! operator==(o);

    bool operator==(const Interface& o) const
        return false;
        return false;
      typedef InformationMap::const_iterator MIter;
      for(MIter m=interfaces_.begin(), om=o.interfaces_.begin();
          m!=interfaces_.end(); ++m, ++om)
          return false;
          return false;
          return false;
      return true;

     * @brief Destructor.
    virtual ~Interface();

    void strip();

     * @brief Get information about the interfaces.
     * @return Map of the interfaces.
     * The key of the map is the process number and the value
     * is the information pair (first the send and then the receive
     * information).
    InformationMap& interfaces();

    /** @brief The MPI communicator we use. */
    MPI_Comm communicator_;

     * @brief Information about the interfaces.
     * The key of the map is the process number and the value
     * is the information pair (first the send and then the receive
     * information).
    InformationMap interfaces_;

    template<bool send>
    class InformationBuilder
      InformationBuilder(InformationMap& interfaces)
        : interfaces_(interfaces)

      void reserve(int proc, int size)
      void add(int proc, std::size_t local)
        if(send) {

      InformationMap& interfaces_;

  template<class R, class T1, class T2, class Op, bool send>
  void InterfaceBuilder::buildInterface(const R& remoteIndices, const T1& sourceFlags, const T2& destFlags, Op& interfaceInformation) const

      DUNE_THROW(RemotexIndicesStateError,"RemoteIndices is not in sync with the index set. Call RemoteIndices::rebuild first!");
    // Allocate the memory for the data type construction.
    typedef R RemoteIndices;
    typedef typename RemoteIndices::RemoteIndexMap::const_iterator const_iterator;
    typedef typename RemoteIndices::ParallelIndexSet::const_iterator LocalIterator;

    const const_iterator end=remoteIndices.end();

    int rank;

    MPI_Comm_rank(remoteIndices.communicator(), &rank);

    // Allocate memory for the type construction.
    for(const_iterator process=remoteIndices.begin(); process != end; ++process) {
      // Messure the number of indices send to the remote process first
      int size=0;
      typedef typename RemoteIndices::RemoteIndexList::const_iterator RemoteIterator;
      const RemoteIterator remoteEnd = send ? process->second.first->end() :
      RemoteIterator remote = send ? process->second.first->begin() : process->second.second->begin();

      while(remote!=remoteEnd) {
        if( send ?  destFlags.contains(remote->attribute()) :
            sourceFlags.contains(remote->attribute())) {

          // do we send the index?
          if( send ? sourceFlags.contains(remote->localIndexPair().local().attribute()) :
      interfaceInformation.reserve(process->first, size);

    // compare the local and remote indices and set up the types

    for(const_iterator process=remoteIndices.begin(); process != end; ++process) {
      typedef typename RemoteIndices::RemoteIndexList::const_iterator RemoteIterator;
      const RemoteIterator remoteEnd = send ? process->second.first->end() :
      RemoteIterator remote = send ? process->second.first->begin() : process->second.second->begin();

      while(remote!=remoteEnd) {
        if( send ?  destFlags.contains(remote->attribute()) :
            sourceFlags.contains(remote->attribute())) {
          // do we send the index?
          if( send ? sourceFlags.contains(remote->localIndexPair().local().attribute()) :

  inline MPI_Comm Interface::communicator() const
    return communicator_;


  inline const std::map<int,std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation> >& Interface::interfaces() const
    return interfaces_;

  inline std::map<int,std::pair<InterfaceInformation,InterfaceInformation> >& Interface::interfaces()
    return interfaces_;

  inline void Interface::print() const
    typedef InformationMap::const_iterator const_iterator;
    const const_iterator end=interfaces_.end();
    int rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(communicator(), &rank);

    for(const_iterator infoPair=interfaces_.begin(); infoPair!=end; ++infoPair) {
        std::cout<<rank<<": send for process "<<infoPair->first<<": ";
        const InterfaceInformation& info(infoPair->second.first);
        for(size_t i=0; i < info.size(); i++)
          std::cout<<info[i]<<" ";
      } {

        std::cout<<rank<<": receive for process "<<infoPair->first<<": ";
        const InterfaceInformation& info(infoPair->second.second);
        for(size_t i=0; i < info.size(); i++)
          std::cout<<info[i]<<" ";


  template<typename R, typename T1, typename T2>
  inline void Interface::build(const R& remoteIndices, const T1& sourceFlags,
                               const T2& destFlags)


    // Build the send interface
    InformationBuilder<true> sendInformation(interfaces_);
    this->template buildInterface<R,T1,T2,InformationBuilder<true>,true>(remoteIndices, sourceFlags,
                                                                         destFlags, sendInformation);

    // Build the receive interface
    InformationBuilder<false> recvInformation(interfaces_);
    this->template buildInterface<R,T1,T2,InformationBuilder<false>,false>(remoteIndices,sourceFlags,
                                                                           destFlags, recvInformation);
  inline void Interface::strip()
    typedef InformationMap::iterator const_iterator;
    for(const_iterator interfacePair = interfaces_.begin(); interfacePair != interfaces_.end();)
      if(interfacePair->second.first.size()==0 && interfacePair->second.second.size()==0) {
        const_iterator toerase=interfacePair++;

  inline void Interface::free()
    typedef InformationMap::iterator iterator;
    typedef InformationMap::const_iterator const_iterator;
    const const_iterator end = interfaces_.end();
    for(iterator interfacePair = interfaces_.begin(); interfacePair != end; ++interfacePair) {

  inline Interface::~Interface()
  /** @} */

namespace std
  inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Dune::Interface& interface)
    typedef Dune::Interface::InformationMap InfoMap;
    typedef InfoMap::const_iterator Iter;
    for(Iter i=interface.interfaces().begin(), end = interface.interfaces().end();
        i!=end; ++i)
      os<<i->first<<": [ source=[";
      for(std::size_t j=0; j < i->second.first.size(); ++j)
        os<<i->second.first[j]<<" ";
      os<<"] size="<<i->second.first.size()<<", target=[";
      for(std::size_t j=0; j < i->second.second.size(); ++j)
        os<<i->second.second[j]<<" ";
      os<<"] size="<<i->second.second.size()<<"\n";
    return os;
} // end namespace std
#endif // HAVE_MPI
