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Forked from Core Modules / dune-common
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indexset.hh 30.73 KiB
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
// $Id$

#include <algorithm>
#include <dune/common/arraylist.hh>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/common/unused.hh>
#include <iostream>

#include "localindex.hh"

#include <stdint.h> // for uint32_t

namespace Dune
  /** @addtogroup Common_Parallel
   * @{
   * @file
   * @brief Provides a map between global and local indices.
   * @author Markus Blatt
  // forward declarations

  template<class TG, class TL>
  class IndexPair;

   * @brief Print an index pair.
   * @param os The outputstream to print to.
   * @param pair The index pair to print.
  template<class TG, class TL>
  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& pair);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator==(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator!=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator<(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator<=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator >=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator==(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator!=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator<(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG&);
  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator<=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG&);

  template<class TG, class TL>
  bool operator >=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG&);

  template<typename T>
  struct MPITraits;

   * @brief A pair consisting of a global and local index.
  template<class TG, class TL>
  class IndexPair
    friend std::ostream& operator<<<>(std::ostream&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);
    friend bool operator==<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);
    friend bool operator!=<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);
    friend bool operator< <>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);
    friend bool operator><>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);
    friend bool operator<=<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);
    friend bool operator>=<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const IndexPair<TG,TL>&);
    friend bool operator==<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG &);
    friend bool operator!=<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG &);
    friend bool operator< <>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG &);
    friend bool operator> <>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG &);
    friend bool operator<=<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG &);
    friend bool operator>=<>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>&, const TG &);
    friend struct MPITraits<IndexPair<TG,TL> >;

     * @brief the type of the global index.
     * This type has to provide at least a operator&lt; for sorting.
    typedef TG GlobalIndex;

     * @brief the type of the local index.
     * This class to provide the following functions:
     * \code
     * LocalIndex operator=(int);
     * operator int() const;
     * LocalIndexState state() const;
     * void setState(LocalIndexState);
     * \endcode
    typedef TL LocalIndex;

     * @brief Constructs a new Pair.
     * @param global The global index.
     * @param local The local index.
    IndexPair(const GlobalIndex& global, const LocalIndex& local);

     * @brief Construct a new Pair.
     * @brief Constructs a new Pair.
     * The local index will be 0.
     * @param global The global index.
    IndexPair(const GlobalIndex& global);

     * @brief Get the global index.
     * @return The global index.
    inline const GlobalIndex& global() const;

     * @brief Get the local index.
     * @return The local index.
    inline LocalIndex& local();

     * @brief Get the local index.
     * @return The local index.
    inline const LocalIndex& local() const;

     * @brief Set the local index.
     * @param index The index to set it to.
    inline void setLocal(int index);
    /** @brief The global index. */
    GlobalIndex global_;
    /** @brief The local index. */
    LocalIndex local_;

   * @brief The states the index set can be in.
   * @see ParallelIndexSet::state_
  enum ParallelIndexSetState
     * @brief The default mode.
     * Indicates that the index set is ready to be used.
     * @brief Indicates that the index set is currently being resized.
     * @brief Indicates that all previously deleted indices are now deleted.
     * @brief Indicates that the index set is currently being reordered.

   * @brief Exception indicating that the index set is not in the expected state.
  class InvalidIndexSetState : public InvalidStateException {};

  // Forward declaration
  template<class I> class GlobalLookupIndexSet;

   * @brief Manager class for the mapping between local indices and globally unique indices.
   * The mapping is between a globally unique id and local index. The local index is consecutive
   * and non persistent while the global id might not be consecutive but definitely is persistent.
  template<typename TG, typename TL, int N=100>
  class ParallelIndexSet
    friend class GlobalLookupIndexSet<ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N> >;

     * @brief the type of the global index.
     * This type has to provide at least a operator&lt; for sorting.
    typedef TG GlobalIndex;

     * @brief The type of the local index, e.g. ParallelLocalIndex.
     * This class to provide the following functions:
     * \code
     * LocalIndex operator=(int);
     * operator int() const;
     * LocalIndexState state() const;
     * void setState(LocalIndexState);
     * \endcode
    typedef TL LocalIndex;

     * @brief The type of the pair stored.
    typedef Dune::IndexPair<GlobalIndex,LocalIndex> IndexPair;

    enum {
       * @brief The size of the individual arrays in the underlying ArrayList.
       * The default value is 100.
       * @see ArrayList::size
      arraySize= (N>0) ? N : 1

    /** @brief The iterator over the pairs. */
    class iterator :
      public ArrayList<IndexPair,N>::iterator
      typedef typename ArrayList<IndexPair,N>::iterator
      friend class ParallelIndexSet<GlobalIndex,LocalIndex,N>;
      iterator(ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>& indexSet, const Father& father)
        : Father(father), indexSet_(&indexSet)

      iterator(const iterator& other)
        : Father(other), indexSet_(other.indexSet_)

      iterator& operator==(const iterator& other)
        indexSet_ = other.indexSet_;

       * @brief Mark the index as deleted.
       * The deleted flag will be set in the local index.
       * The index will be removed in the endResize method of the
       * index set.
      inline void markAsDeleted() const throw(InvalidIndexSetState)
#ifndef NDEBUG
        if(indexSet_->state_ != RESIZE)
          DUNE_THROW(InvalidIndexSetState, "Indices can only be removed "
                     <<"while in RESIZE state!");

      /** @brief The index set we are an iterator of. */
      ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>* indexSet_;


    /** @brief The constant iterator over the pairs. */
    typedef typename

     * @brief Constructor.

     * @brief Get the state the index set is in.
     * @return The state of the index set.
    inline const ParallelIndexSetState& state()
      return state_;

     * @brief Indicate that the index set is to be resized.
     * @exception InvalidState If index set was not in
     * ParallelIndexSetState::GROUND mode.
    void beginResize() throw(InvalidIndexSetState);

     * @brief Add an new index to the set.
     * The local index is created by the default constructor.
     * @param global The globally unique id of the index.
     * @exception InvalidState If index set is not in
     * ParallelIndexSetState::RESIZE mode.
    inline void add(const GlobalIndex& global) throw(InvalidIndexSetState);

     * @brief Add an new index to the set.
     * @param global The globally unique id of the index.
     * @param local The local index.
     * @exception InvalidState If index set is not in
     * ParallelIndexSetState::RESIZE mode.
    inline void add(const GlobalIndex& global, const LocalIndex& local)

     * @brief Mark an index as deleted.
     * The index will be deleted during endResize().
     * @param position An iterator at the position we want to delete.
     * @exception InvalidState If index set is not in ParallelIndexSetState::RESIZE mode.
    inline void markAsDeleted(const iterator& position)

     * @brief Indicate that the resizing finishes.
     * @warning Invalidates all pointers stored to the elements of this index set.
     * The local indices will be ordered
     * according to the global indices:
     * Let \f$(g_i,l_i)_{i=0}^N \f$ be the set of all indices then \f$l_i < l_j\f$
     * if and
     * only if \f$g_i < g_j\f$ for arbitrary \f$i \neq j\f$.
     * @exception InvalidState If index set was not in
     * ParallelIndexSetState::RESIZE mode.
    void endResize() throw(InvalidIndexSetState);

     * @brief Find the index pair with a specific global id.
     * This starts a binary search for the entry and therefor has complexity
     * N log(N).
     * @param global The globally unique id of the pair.
     * @return The pair of indices for the id.
     * @warning If the global index is not in the set a wrong or even a
     * null reference might be returned. To be save use the throwing alternative at.
    inline IndexPair&
    operator[](const GlobalIndex& global);

     * @brief Find the index pair with a specific global id.
     * This starts a binary search for the entry and therefor has complexity
     * N log(N).
     * @param global The globally unique id of the pair.
     * @return The pair of indices for the id.
     * @exception RangeError Thrown if the global id is not known.
    inline IndexPair&
    at(const GlobalIndex& global);

     * @brief Find the index pair with a specific global id.
     * This starts a binary search for the entry and therefor has complexity
     * N log(N).
     * @param global The globally unique id of the pair.
     * @return The pair of indices for the id.
     * @warning If the global index is not in the set a wrong or even a
     * null reference might be returned. To be save use the throwing alternative at.
    inline const IndexPair&
    operator[](const GlobalIndex& global) const;

     * @brief Find the index pair with a specific global id.
     * This starts a binary search for the entry and therefor has complexity
     * N log(N).
     * @param global The globally unique id of the pair.
     * @return The pair of indices for the id.
     * @exception RangeError Thrown if the global id is not known.
    inline const IndexPair&
    at(const GlobalIndex& global) const;

     * @brief Get an iterator over the indices positioned at the first index.
     * @return Iterator over the local indices.
    inline iterator begin();

     * @brief Get an iterator over the indices positioned after the last index.
     * @return Iterator over the local indices.
    inline iterator end();

     * @brief Get an iterator over the indices positioned at the first index.
     * @return Iterator over the local indices.
    inline const_iterator begin() const;

     * @brief Get an iterator over the indices positioned after the last index.
     * @return Iterator over the local indices.
    inline const_iterator end() const;

     * @brief Renumbers the local index numbers.
     * After this function returns the indices are
     * consecutively numbered beginning from 0. Let
     * $(g_i,l_i)$, $(g_j,l_j)$ be two arbituary index
     * pairs with $g_i<g_j$ then after renumbering
     * $l_i<l_j$ will hold.
    inline void renumberLocal();

     * @brief Get the internal sequence number.
     * Is initially 0 is incremented for each resize.
     * @return The sequence number.
    inline int seqNo() const;

     * @brief Get the total number (public and nonpublic) indices.
     * @return The total number (public and nonpublic) indices.
    inline size_t size() const;

    /** @brief The index pairs. */
    ArrayList<IndexPair,N> localIndices_;
    /** @brief The new indices for the RESIZE state. */
    ArrayList<IndexPair,N> newIndices_;
    /** @brief The state of the index set. */
    ParallelIndexSetState state_;
    /** @brief Number to keep track of the number of resizes. */
    int seqNo_;
    /** @brief Whether entries were deleted in resize mode. */
    bool deletedEntries_;
     * @brief Merges the _localIndices and newIndices arrays and creates a new
     * localIndices array.
    inline void merge();

   * @brief Print an index set.
   * @param os The outputstream to print to.
   * @param indexSet The index set to print.
  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>& indexSet);

   * @brief Decorates an index set with the possibility to find a global index
   * that is mapped to a specific local.
  template<class I>
  class GlobalLookupIndexSet
     * @brief The type of the index set.
    typedef I ParallelIndexSet;

     * @brief The type of the local index.
    typedef typename ParallelIndexSet::LocalIndex LocalIndex;

     * @brief The type of the global index.
    typedef typename ParallelIndexSet::GlobalIndex GlobalIndex;

     * @brief The iterator over the index pairs.
    typedef typename ParallelIndexSet::const_iterator const_iterator;

    typedef Dune::IndexPair<typename I::GlobalIndex, typename I::LocalIndex> IndexPair;

     * @brief Constructor.
     * @param indexset The index set we want to be able to lookup the corresponding
     * global index of a local index.
     * @param size The number of indices present, i.e. one more than the maximum local index.
    GlobalLookupIndexSet(const ParallelIndexSet& indexset, std::size_t size);

     * @brief Constructor.
     * @param indexset The index set we want to be able to lookup the corresponding
     * global index of a local index.
    GlobalLookupIndexSet(const ParallelIndexSet& indexset);

     * @brief Destructor.

     * @brief Find the index pair with a specific global id.
     * This starts a binary search for the entry and therefor has complexity
     * N log(N). This method is forwarded to the underlying index set.
     * @param global The globally unique id of the pair.
     * @return The pair of indices for the id.
     * @exception RangeError Thrown if the global id is not known.
    inline const IndexPair&
    operator[](const GlobalIndex& global) const;

     * @brief Get the index pair corresponding to a local index.
    inline const IndexPair*
    pair(const std::size_t& local) const;

     * @brief Get an iterator over the indices positioned at the first index.
     * @return Iterator over the local indices.
    inline const_iterator begin() const;

     * @brief Get an iterator over the indices positioned after the last index.
     * @return Iterator over the local indices.
    inline const_iterator end() const;

     * @brief Get the internal sequence number.
     * Is initially 0 is incremented for each resize.
     * @return The sequence number.
    inline int seqNo() const;

     * @brief Get the total number (public and nonpublic) indices.
     * @return The total number (public and nonpublic) indices.
    inline size_t size() const;
     * @brief The index set we lookup in.
    const ParallelIndexSet& indexSet_;

     * @brief The number of indices.
    std::size_t size_;

     * @brief Array with the positions of the corresponding index pair of the index set.
    std::vector<const IndexPair*> indices_;


  template<typename T>
  struct LocalIndexComparator
    static bool compare(const T& t1, const T& t2){
      return false;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  struct IndexSetSortFunctor
    bool operator()(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& i1, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& i2)
      return< || ( &&

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& pair)
    os<<"{global="<<pair.global_<<", local="<<pair.local_<<"}";
    return os;

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>& indexSet)
    typedef typename ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::const_iterator Iterator;
    Iterator end = indexSet.end();
    for(Iterator index = indexSet.begin(); index != end; ++index)
      os<<*index<<" ";
    return os;


  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator==(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& b)
    return a.global_==b.global_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator!=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& b)
    return a.global_!=b.global_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator<(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& b)
    return a.global_<b.global_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& b)
    return a.global_>b.global_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator<=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& b)
    return a.global_<=b.global_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator >=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const IndexPair<TG,TL>& b)
    return a.global_>=b.global_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator==(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const TG& b)
    return a.global_==b;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator!=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const TG& b)
    return a.global_!=b;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator<(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const TG& b)
    return a.global_<b;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator>(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const TG& b)
    return a.global_>b;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator<=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const TG& b)
    return a.global_<=b;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline bool operator >=(const IndexPair<TG,TL>& a, const TG& b)
    return a.global_>=b;

#ifndef DOXYGEN

  template<class TG, class TL>
  IndexPair<TG,TL>::IndexPair(const TG& global, const TL& local)
    : global_(global), local_(local){}

  template<class TG, class TL>
  IndexPair<TG,TL>::IndexPair(const TG& global)
    : global_(global), local_(){}

  template<class TG, class TL>
    : global_(), local_(){}

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline const TG& IndexPair<TG,TL>::global() const {
    return global_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline TL& IndexPair<TG,TL>::local() {
    return local_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline const TL& IndexPair<TG,TL>::local() const {
    return local_;

  template<class TG, class TL>
  inline void IndexPair<TG,TL>::setLocal(int local){

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
    : state_(GROUND), seqNo_(0)

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  void ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::beginResize() throw(InvalidIndexSetState)
    // Checks in unproductive code
#ifndef NDEBUG
                 "IndexSet has to be in GROUND state, when "
                 << "beginResize() is called!");

    state_ = RESIZE;
    deletedEntries_ = false;

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline void ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::add(const GlobalIndex& global)
    // Checks in unproductive code
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if(state_ != RESIZE)
      DUNE_THROW(InvalidIndexSetState, "Indices can only be added "
                 <<"while in RESIZE state!");

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline void ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::add(const TG& global, const TL& local)
    // Checks in unproductive code
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if(state_ != RESIZE)
      DUNE_THROW(InvalidIndexSetState, "Indices can only be added "
                 <<"while in RESIZE state!");

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline void ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::markAsDeleted(const iterator& global)
    // Checks in unproductive code
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if(state_ != RESIZE)
      DUNE_THROW(InvalidIndexSetState, "Indices can only be removed "
                 <<"while in RESIZE state!");
    deletedEntries_ = true;


  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  void ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::endResize() throw(InvalidIndexSetState){
    // Checks in unproductive code
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if(state_ != RESIZE)
      DUNE_THROW(InvalidIndexSetState, "endResize called while not "
                 <<"in RESIZE state!");

    std::sort(newIndices_.begin(), newIndices_.end(), IndexSetSortFunctor<TG,TL>());
    state_ = GROUND;

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline void ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::merge(){
    else if(newIndices_.size()>0 || deletedEntries_)
      ArrayList<IndexPair,N> tempPairs;
      typedef typename ArrayList<IndexPair,N>::iterator iterator;
      typedef typename ArrayList<IndexPair,N>::const_iterator const_iterator;

      iterator old=localIndices_.begin();
      iterator added=newIndices_.begin();
      const const_iterator endold=localIndices_.end();
      const const_iterator endadded=newIndices_.end();

      while(old != endold && added!= endadded)
        if(old->local().state()==DELETED) {
          if(old->global() < added->global() ||
             (old->global() == added->global()
              && LocalIndexComparator<TL>::compare(old->local(),added->local())))

      while(old != endold)
        if(old->local().state()!=DELETED) {

      while(added!= endadded)
      localIndices_ = tempPairs;

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline const IndexPair<TG,TL>&
  ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::at(const TG& global) const
    // perform a binary search
    int low=0, high=localIndices_.size()-1, probe=-1;

      probe = (high + low) / 2;
      if(global <= localIndices_[probe].global())
        high = probe;
        low = probe+1;

      DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "No entries!");

    if( localIndices_[low].global() != global)
      DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "Could not find entry of "<<global);
      return localIndices_[low];

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline const IndexPair<TG,TL>&
  ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::operator[](const TG& global) const
    // perform a binary search
    int low=0, high=localIndices_.size()-1, probe=-1;

      probe = (high + low) / 2;
      if(global <= localIndices_[probe].global())
        high = probe;
        low = probe+1;

    return localIndices_[low];
  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline IndexPair<TG,TL>& ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::at(const TG& global)
    // perform a binary search
    int low=0, high=localIndices_.size()-1, probe=-1;

      probe = (high + low) / 2;
      if(localIndices_[probe].global() >= global)
        high = probe;
        low = probe+1;

      DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "No entries!");

    if( localIndices_[low].global() != global)
      DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "Could not find entry of "<<global);
      return localIndices_[low];

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline IndexPair<TG,TL>& ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::operator[](const TG& global)
    // perform a binary search
    int low=0, high=localIndices_.size()-1, probe=-1;

      probe = (high + low) / 2;
      if(localIndices_[probe].global() >= global)
        high = probe;
        low = probe+1;

    return localIndices_[low];
  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline typename ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::iterator
    return iterator(*this, localIndices_.begin());

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline typename ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::iterator
    return iterator(*this,localIndices_.end());

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline typename ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::const_iterator
  ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::begin() const
    return localIndices_.begin();

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline typename ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::const_iterator
  ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::end() const
    return localIndices_.end();

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  void ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::renumberLocal(){
#ifndef NDEBUG
      DUNE_THROW(InvalidIndexSetState, "IndexSet has to be in "
                 <<"GROUND state for renumberLocal()");

    typedef typename ArrayList<IndexPair,N>::iterator iterator;
    const const_iterator end_ = end();
    uint32_t index=0;

    for(iterator pair=begin(); pair!=end_; index++, ++pair)

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline int ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::seqNo() const
    return seqNo_;

  template<class TG, class TL, int N>
  inline size_t ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::size() const
    return localIndices_.size();

  template<class I>
  GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::GlobalLookupIndexSet(const I& indexset,
                                                std::size_t size)
    : indexSet_(indexset), size_(size),
      indices_(size_, static_cast<const IndexPair*>(0))
    const_iterator end_ = indexSet_.end();

    for(const_iterator pair = indexSet_.begin(); pair!=end_; ++pair) {
      indices_[pair->local()] = &(*pair);

  template<class I>
  GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::GlobalLookupIndexSet(const I& indexset)
    : indexSet_(indexset), size_(0)
    const_iterator end_ = indexSet_.end();
    for(const_iterator pair = indexSet_.begin(); pair!=end_; ++pair)

    indices_.resize(++size_,  0);

    for(const_iterator pair = indexSet_.begin(); pair!=end_; ++pair)
      indices_[pair->local()] = &(*pair);

  template<class I>

  template<class I>
  inline const IndexPair<typename I::GlobalIndex, typename I::LocalIndex>*
  GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::pair(const std::size_t& local) const
    return indices_[local];

  template<class I>
  inline const IndexPair<typename I::GlobalIndex, typename I::LocalIndex>&
  GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::operator[](const GlobalIndex& global) const
    return indexSet_[global];

  template<class I>
  typename I::const_iterator GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::begin() const
    return indexSet_.begin();

  template<class I>
  typename I::const_iterator GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::end() const
    return indexSet_.end();

  template<class I>
  inline size_t GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::size() const
    return size_;

  template<class I>
  inline int GlobalLookupIndexSet<I>::seqNo() const
    return indexSet_.seqNo();

  template<typename TG, typename TL, int N, typename TG1, typename TL1, int N1>
  bool operator==(const ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>& idxset,
                  const ParallelIndexSet<TG1,TL1,N1>& idxset1)
      return false;
    typedef typename ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::const_iterator Iter;
    typedef typename ParallelIndexSet<TG1,TL1,N1>::const_iterator Iter1;
    Iter iter=idxset.begin();
    for(Iter1 iter1=idxset1.begin(); iter1 != idxset1.end(); ++iter, ++iter1) {
        return false;
      typedef typename ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::LocalIndex PI;
      const PI& pi=iter->local(), pi1=iter1->local();

        return false;
    return true;

  template<typename TG, typename TL, int N, typename TG1, typename TL1, int N1>
  bool operator!=(const ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>& idxset,
                  const ParallelIndexSet<TG1,TL1,N1>& idxset1)
    return !(idxset==idxset1);

#endif // DOXYGEN
