- Jan 26, 2016
Is ConstVolatileTraits still used anywhere? I would propose to deprecate it and replace it with std::is_volatile, std::is_const, std::remove_cv, etc.
They can be replaced by std::is_base_of, std::is_const and std::is_volatile, respectively.
Now that we require a C++11-compliant compiler, we can use the std type traits to construct our own.
- Jan 19, 2016
Marco Agnese authored
- Dec 17, 2015
Christoph Grüninger authored
Slightly improve warning
Marco Agnese authored
Marco Agnese authored
- Dec 16, 2015
Christian Engwer authored
Christian Engwer authored
- Dec 10, 2015
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
- Dec 09, 2015
Elias Pipping authored
Previously, the following piece of code would compile and only only predictable fail at runtime with assertions enabled. Dune::FieldMatrix<double, 2, 3> A; // populate A Dune::FieldMatrix<double, 3, 2> B_bad; // populate B_bad A.rightmultiply(B_bad); It now fails to compile.
Elias Pipping authored
Previously, the following piece of code would compile but then enter a loop, typically leading to a segmentation fault Dune::FieldMatrix<double, 2, 3> A; // populate A Dune::DynamicMatrix<double> B_good(3, 3); // populate B_good A.rightmultiply(B_good); This would also happen for the following illegal extension of the above code Dune::FieldMatrix<double, 3, 2> B_bad; // populate B_bad A.rightmultiply(B_bad); The former now works as expected while the latter fails an assertion.
- Dec 07, 2015
Lars Lubkoll authored
Lars Lubkoll authored
- Dec 06, 2015
Lars Lubkoll authored
added void_t (incl. voider-hack for gcc), and template aliases real_t and field_t for convenient access of T::real_type, T::field_type
Lars Lubkoll authored
Lars Lubkoll authored
added void_t (incl. voider-hack for gcc), and template aliases real_t and field_t for convenient access of T::real_type, T::field_type
- Nov 26, 2015
Marco Agnese authored
Marco Agnese authored
Marco Agnese authored
- Nov 25, 2015
Elias Pipping authored
Elias Pipping authored
Elias Pipping authored
Elias Pipping authored
Elias Pipping authored
Elias Pipping authored
Elias Pipping authored
Elias Pipping authored