For a full explanation of the DUNE installation process please read
the installation notes [0]. The following introduction is meant for
the impatient.
Getting started
Suppose you have downloaded all DUNE modules of interest to you and
extracted then in one common directory. See [1] for a list of
available modules.
To compile the modules Dune has to check several components of
your system and whether prerequisites within the modules are met. For
the ease of users we have designed a custom build system on top of the
automake tools. Run
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol all
to commence those tests and build all modules you have
downloaded. Don't worry about messages telling you that libraries are
missing: they are only needed for grid-self-checks we need for
You can customize the build to your specific needs by using an options file
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=/path_to/file.opts
An example of an options file is
# use a special compiler (g++ version 3.4) and install to a custom
# directory, default is /usr/local/bin
CONFIGURE_FLAGS="CXX=g++-3.4 --prefix='/tmp/Hu Hu'"
# Set the default target of make to install. Now the call above will
# not just build the DUNE modules but also install it
If you did not tell dunecontrol to install with an options file you
need to run
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol make install
to install Dune (you may need root-permissions for the install
part depending on the prefix set)
A more comprehensive introduction to the build system can be found in [2].
The DUNE library and headers are licensed under version 2 of the GNU
General Public License, with a special exception for linking and
compiling against DUNE, the so-called "runtime exception." The
license is intended to be similiar to the GNU Lesser General Public
License, which by itself isn't suitable for a template library.
The exact wording of the exception reads as follows:
As a special exception, you may use the DUNE source files as part
of a software library or application without restriction.
Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or
inline functions from one or more of the DUNE source files, or you
compile one or more of the DUNE source files and link them with
other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause
the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
Public License.
This licence clones the one of the libstc++ library. For further
implications please see the licence page of libstdc++ [3]. For the
complete text of the GNU GPL see the COPYING file in this directory.