"make test" fails when tests are skipped
With CMake skipped tests are treated as failures:
33/50 Test #33: parametertreelocaletest ..........***Skipped 0.00 sec
Start 34: parametertreetest
98% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 50
The following tests FAILED:
33 - parametertreelocaletest (Not Run)
There is a bug report for CMake about this, but it doesn't look like anything has been done so far. It seems quite against the idea of marking tests as "skipped" to have "make test" fail.
In particular I want to build an automatically updated image of the 3.0-git DUNE core modules for an internal CI system, but would like to not use versions that do not pass the test suite. That is, I would like to only use the updated image if "make test" succeeds, but don't care about skipped tests.
Would it be worth working around this CMake bug in dune_add_test