Deprecation warning from dune_enable_all_packages
The use of dune_enable_all_packages triggers a deprecation warning which cannot be fixed downstream since it originates from dune-common.
CMake Deprecation Warning at dune-common/cmake/modules/DuneAddLibrary.cmake:200 (message):
The function dune_add_library(<lib> ...) now requires to provide NO_EXPORT
or EXPORT_NAME. We recommend to choose an export name with a camel title
case matching your library name (e.g., Common, ISTL, and MultiDomainGrid
will be exported as Dune::Common, Dune::ISTL, and Dune::MultiDomainGrid)
* Calls to `dune_add_library(<lib> ...)` without export specification will be supported until Dune 2.11
* Consumption of unscoped targets `<lib>` will be supported until Dune 2.12
Call Stack (most recent call first):
dune-common/cmake/modules/DuneAddLibrary.cmake:148 (dune_add_library_normal)
dune-common/cmake/modules/DuneEnableAllPackages.cmake:275 (dune_add_library)
CMakeLists.txt:56 (dune_enable_all_packages)
CMake Deprecation Warning at dune-common/cmake/modules/DuneAddLibrary.cmake:200 (message):
The function dune_add_library(<lib> ...) now requires to provide NO_EXPORT
or EXPORT_NAME. We recommend to choose an export name with a camel title
case matching your library name (e.g., Common, ISTL, and MultiDomainGrid
will be exported as Dune::Common, Dune::ISTL, and Dune::MultiDomainGrid)
* Calls to `dune_add_library(<lib> ...)` without export specification will be supported until Dune 2.11
* Consumption of unscoped targets `<lib>` will be supported until Dune 2.12
Call Stack (most recent call first):
dune-common/cmake/modules/DuneAddLibrary.cmake:148 (dune_add_library_normal)
dune-common/cmake/modules/DuneEnableAllPackages.cmake:275 (dune_add_library)
CMakeLists.txt:56 (dune_enable_all_packages)