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Feature/improved cmake test skipping

Dominic Kempf requested to merge feature/improved-cmake-test-skipping into master

#28 (closed) did not get much attention by fellow developers, so I hope this implementation will draw some attention...

This MR adds a CMAKE_GUARD option to dune_add_test

A list of conditions can be passed to the argument. CMake will evaluate these conditions, and if one of them does not evaluate to TRUE, the test sources will be replaced by a dummy source, that returns 77.

This option should be used instead of guarding the call to dune_add_test with a cmake if-clause. The idea behind it is to always give the user an idea of which tests are available, but have not been run on his system.

Furthermore, the MR makes SKIP_ON_77 enabled by default, no need to specify it manually anymore.

Merge request reports