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Export the PYTHON_WHEELHOUS into the config file and cleanup MODULE_DEP_PYTHON_PATH

Simon Praetorius requested to merge issue/cmake-module-dep-python-path into master


The variable MODULE_DEP_PYTHON_PATH was defined based on $ENV{BUILDIR} (that does not necessarily exist) and the <module>_INSTALL_DIRS variable (that might contain multiple directories). This fix exports the directory wher python files are stored in the dune-common-config.cmake file, both in the build-dir and in the install-dir. The latter is set to the DUNE_PYTHON_WHEELHOUS dir, since there that python files are installed into.

Maybe this is also a step to solve the issue in DunePythonVirtualenc.cmake:120ff

# Construct the wheel house installation option string
# First set the path to a Dune wheelhouse that is to be used during installation
# NB: Right now, the same logic is used to retrieve the location of the
#     wheelhouse (which means that you have to use the same CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
#     when *using* installed modules, you used when *installing* them.
#     TODO: Replace this with a better mechanism (like writing the location into
#           dune-commons package config file)

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