Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 2.8.0-with-deterministic-amg
- 207-test-failure-on-i386-simd-stuff
- 257-assignement-of-scalar-values-in-densevector
- 387-deprecation-warning-from-dune_enable_all_packages
- assignment_op_loopsimd
- avoid-any-vc-cxx-flags
- bufix/install-cmake-modules-in-different-directories
- bugfix/CXXFLGS_extraction_fails
- bugfix/allowforexistingsetuppy
- bugfix/change-include-for-ci
- bugfix/check-dunepydir-consistency
- bugfix/cmakebuilder-multiple-dunepydir
- bugfix/diagonalmatrix_access
- bugfix/dunepy_fix_path_to_installed_modules
- bugfix/failingGeneratorBarrier
- bugfix/generator
- bugfix/missing-dependecies-for-pip-install-dune-common
- bugfix/packagemetadata
- bugfix/pipelines
- bugfix/pre-install-pip
- Tags 20
- v2.10.0 protected
- releases/opm/2024.04
- v2.9.1 protected
- v2.9.0 protected
- v2.9.0.0 protected
- v2.9.0rc1 protected
- v2.8.0.post2 protected
- v2.8.0-r1 protected
- v2.8.0.post1 protected
- v2.8.0 protected
- 2.8.0rc1
- v2.8.0rc1 protected
- v2.7.1 protected
- v2.7.1-rc1 protected
- v2.7.0 protected
- v2.7.0rc2 protected
- v2.7.0rc1 protected
- v2.5.2 protected
- v2.5.2rc1 protected
- v2.6.0 protected
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