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[bugfix][Python] Make refineStepsForHalf a dynamic property if the grid implements it.

Merged Robert K requested to merge feature/dynamic-refstepshalf into master
@@ -268,7 +268,15 @@ namespace Dune
return reader< Grid >( args, PriorityTag< 42 >() );
namespace detail {
// Variable template that checks if a grid has refineStepsForHalf or not
template<typename, typename = void>
struct has_refine_steps_for_half : public std::false_type{};
// specialization for grids that have
template<typename T>
struct has_refine_steps_for_half<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T&>().refineStepsForHalf() )> > : public std::true_type {};
// registerHierarchicalGrid
// ------------------------
@@ -442,10 +450,17 @@ namespace Dune
cls.def_property_readonly( "maxLevel", [] ( const Grid &self ) -> int { return self.maxLevel(); } );
cls.def_property_readonly_static( "dimension", [] ( pybind11::object ) { return int(Grid::dimension); } );
cls.def_property_readonly_static( "dimensionworld", [] ( pybind11::object ) { return int(Grid::dimensionworld); } );
// evaluate this information at grid creation time since this changes for
// ALUGrid conform when used as simplex grid.
const int refineStepsForHalf = DGFGridInfo< Grid >::refineStepsForHalf();
cls.def_property_readonly_static( "refineStepsForHalf", [refineStepsForHalf] ( pybind11::object ) { return refineStepsForHalf; } );
// if the grid implements a method refineStepsForHalf then use that to evaluate needed refine steps
if constexpr ( detail::has_refine_steps_for_half< Grid >::value )
cls.def_property_readonly( "refineStepsForHalf", [] ( const Grid& self ) -> int { return self.refineStepsForHalf(); } );
// default implementation based on DGFGridInfo
cls.def_property_readonly_static( "refineStepsForHalf", [] ( pybind11::object ) { return int(DGFGridInfo< Grid >::refineStepsForHalf()); } );
// export grid capabilities