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    \title{Iterative Solver Template Library\thanks{Part of the
        Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) which is
        available from the site
    Peter Bastian, Markus Blatt\\
    Institut f\"ur parallele und verteilte Systeme (IPVS),\\
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
    Universit\"at Stuttgart, Universit\"atsstr. 38, D-70569 Stuttgart, \\
    email: \texttt{}, \texttt{}}
    This document describes the rationale behind and use of the Iterative
    Solver Template Library (ISTL) which provides a set of C++
    templates to represent vectors, (sparse) matrices and some generic
    algorithms based on these. The most prominent features of the
    matrix/vector classes is that they support a recursive block structure
    in a bottom up way. The classes can be used, e.~g., to efficiently implement
    block preconditioners for $hp$-finite elements.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    The numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) frequently requires the
    solution of large and sparse linear systems. Naturally,
    there are many libraries available on the internet for doing sparse matrix/vector
    computations. A comprehensive overview is given in \cite{LALinks}. 
    widely availably Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) standard has
    been extended to cover als sparse matrices \cite{BLASTForum}. BLAS
    divides the available functions into level 1 (vector operations),
    level 2 (vector/matrix operations) and level 3 (matrix/matrix
    operations). BLAS for sparse matrices contains only level 1 and 2
    functionality and is quite different to the standard for dense
    matrices. The standard uses procedural programming style and offers
    only a FORTRAN and C interface. As a consequence, the interface is
    ``coarse grained'', meaning that ``small'' functions such as access to
    individual matrix elements is relatively slow. 
    Generic programming techniqes in C++ offer the possibility to combine
    flexibility and reuse (``efficiency of the programmer'') with fast
    execution (``efficieny of the program'') as has been demonstrated with
    the Standard Template Library (STL), \cite{Stroustrup} or the Blitz++
    library for multidimensional arrays \cite{Blitz}. A variety of
    template programming techniques such as traits, template metaprograms,
    expression templates or the Barton-Nackman trick are used in the
    implementations, see \cite{BN,Veldhui99} for an introduction.
    Application of these ideas to matrix/vector operations is available
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    with the Matrix Template Library (MTL), \cite{MTL,MTL_SciTools98}. The Iterative
    Template Library (ITL), \cite{ITL}, implements iterative solvers for
    linear systems (mostly Krylov subspace methods) in a generic way based
    on MTL. The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE),
    \cite{Dune,DuneWeb}, applies the STL ideas to finite element
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    Why bother with yet another OO-implementation of (sparse) linear
    algebra when libraries, most notably the MTL, are available? The most
    important reason is that the functionality in existing libraries has
    not been designed specifically with advanced finite element methods in
    mind. Sparse matrices in finite element computations have a lot of
    structure. Here are some examples:
    \item Certain discretizations for systems of PDEs or higher order
      methods result in matrices where individual entries are replaced by
      small blocks, say of size $2\times 2$ or $4\times 4$, see
      Fig. \ref{fig:festructure}(a).  Dense blocks of different sizes
      e.~g. arise in $hp$ Discontinuous Galerkin discretization methods,
      see Fig. \ref{fig:festructure}(b). Straightforward
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
      iterative methods solve these small blocks exactly, see
    \item Equation-wise ordering for systems results in matrices having an
      $n\times n$ block structure where $n$ corresponds to the number of
      variables in the PDE and the blocks themselves are large, see Fig.
      \ref{fig:festructure}(d). As an
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
      example we mention the Stokes system. Iterative solvers such as the
      SIMPLE or Uzawa algorithm use this structure.
    \item Other discretizations, e.~g. those of reaction/diffusion
      systems,  produce sparse matrices whose blocks are
      sparse matrices of small dense blocks, see fig. \ref{fig:festructure}(c).
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \item Other structures that can be exploited are the level structure
      arising from hierarchic meshes, a p-hierarchic
      structure (e.~g.~decomposition in linear and quadratic part),
      geometric structure from decomposition in subdomains or topological
      structure where unknowns are associated with nodes, edges, faces or
      elements of a mesh.
      \epsfig{file=blockstructure, scale=0.485}
      \caption{Block structure of matrices arising in the finite element method}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    It is very important to note that this structure is typically known at
    compile-time and this knowledge should be exploited to produce
    efficient code. Moreover, block structuredness is recursive,
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    i.~e.~matrices are build from blocks which can themselves be build from
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    The Matrix Template Library also offers the possibility to partition a
    matrix into blocks. However, their concept is top-down, i.~e.~an
    already existing matrix is enriched by additional information to
    implement the block structure. This is done at run-time and might thus
    be less efficient and requires additional memory. In contrast the
    bottom-up composition of block matrices from blocks can save memory.
    We would like to stress that the library to be presented in this paper
    is not nearly as broad in scope as the MTL.
    The interface of our vector classes is designed according to what they
    represent from a mathematical point of view. The vector classes are
    representations of vector spaces.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \subsection{Vector spaces}
    In mathemetics vectors are elements of a vector space. A vector space
    $V(\K)$, defined over a field $\K$, is a set of elements with two
    operations: (i) vector space addition $+ : V\times V \to V$ and (ii) scalar
    multiplication $* : \K\times V \to V$. These operations obey certain formal
    rules, see your favourite textbook on linear algebra,
    e.~g. \cite{LaBook}. In addition a 
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    vector space may be normed, i.~e.~there is a function (obeying certain
    rules) $\|.\| : V \to \R$ which measures distance in the vector
    space. Even more specialized vector spaces have a scalar product which
    is a function $\cdot : V\times V \to \K$. 
    How do you construct a vector space? The easiest way is to take a
    field, such as $\K=\R$ or $\K=\C$ and take a tensor product:
    V = \K^n = \underbrace{\K\times\K\times\ldots\times\K}_{\text{$n$ times}}.
    $n\in\N$ is called the dimension of the vector space. There are also
    infinite-dimensional vector spaceswhich are, however, not of interest
    in the context here. The idea of tensor products can be generalized.
    If we have vector spaces $V_1(\K),\ldots,V_n(\K)$ we can construct a
    new vector space by setting
    V(\K) = V_1\times V_2 \times \ldots \times V_n.
    The $V_i$ can be \textit{any} vector space over the field $\K$. The
    dimension of $V$ is the sum of the dimensions of the $V_i$. For a
    mathematician every finite-dimensional vector space is isomorphic to
    the $\R^k$ for an appropriate $k$, but in our applications it is
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    important to know the difference between $(\R^2)^7$ and
    $\R^{14}$. Having these remarks about vector spaces in mind we can now
    turn to the class design.
    \subsection{Vector classes}
    ISTL provides the following classes to make up vector spaces:
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    The \lstinline!template<class K, int n> FieldVector<K,n>! class
    template is used to represent a vector space
    $V=\K^n$ where the field is given by the type
    \lstinline!K!.  \lstinline!K! may be \lstinline!double!, \lstinline!float!,
    \lstinline!complex<double>! or any other numeric type.
    The dimension given by the template parameter
    \lstinline!n! is assumed to be small. Members of this class are
    implemented with template metaprograms to avoid tiny loops.
    Example: Use \lstinline!FieldVector<double,2>! to define vectors with
    a fixed dimension 2.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    The \lstinline!template<class B> BlockVector<B>! class template builds
    a vector space $V=B^n$ where the ``block type'' $B$ is given by the
    template parameter \lstinline!B!. \lstinline!B! may be any other class
    implementing the vector interface. The number of blocks $n$ is given
    at run-time. Example: 
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    BlockVector<FieldVector<double,2> >
    can be used to define vectors of variable size where each block in turn
    consists of two \lstinline!double! values.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    The \lstinline!template<class B> VariableBlockVector<B>! class
    can be used to construct a vector space having a two-level
    block structure of the form
    $V=B^{n_1}\times B^{n_2}\times\ldots \times B^{n_m}$, i.e. it consists
    of $m$ blocks $i=1,\ldots,m$ and each block in turn consists of $n_i$ blocks
    given by the type \lstinline!B!. In principle this structure could be
    built also with the previous classes but the implementation here is
    more efficient. It allocates memory in one big array for all
    components and for certain operations it is more efficient to
    interpret the vector space as $V=B^{\sum_{i=1}^{m} n_i}$.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \subsection{Vectors are containers}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    Vectors are containers over the base type \lstinline!K! or
    \lstinline!B! in the sense of the Standard Template Library. Random
    access is provided via \lstinline!operator[](int i)! where the indices
    are in the range $0,\ldots,n-1$ with the number of blocks $n$ given by
    the \lstinline!N! method. Here is a code fragment for illustration:
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    typedef Dune::FieldVector<std::complex<double>,2> BType;
    Dune::BlockVector<BType> v(20);
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    v[1] = 3.14;
    v[3][0] = 2.56;
    v[3][1] = std::complex<double>(1,-1);
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    Note how one \lstinline!operator[]()! is used for each level of block
    Sequential access to container elements is provided via
    iterators. Here is a generic function accessing all the elements of a
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    template<class V> void f (V& v)
      typedef typename V::Iterator iterator;
      for (iterator i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        *i = i.index();
      typedef typename V::ConstIterator const_iterator;
      for (const_iterator i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        std::cout << (*i).two_norm() << std::endl;
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    The \lstinline!Iterator! class provides read/write access while the
    \lstinline!ConstIterator! provides read-only access. The type names
    are accessed via the \lstinline!::!-operator from the scope of the
    vector class.
    A uniform naming scheme enables writing of generic algorithms. The
    following types are provided in the scope of any vector class:
    A full list of all members of a vector class is given in Table
    \ref{Tab:VectorMembers}. The norms are the same as defined for the
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    sparse BLAS standard \cite{BLASTForum}. The ``real'' variants avoid
    the evaluation of a square root for each component in case of complex
    vectors. The \lstinline!allocator_type! member type is explained below
    in the section on memory management.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \textbf{expression} & \textbf{return type} & \textbf{note}\\
    \texttt{X::field\_type} & T & T is assignable\\
    \texttt{X::block\_type} & T & T is assignable\\
    \texttt{X::allocator\_type} & T & see mem.~mgt.\\
    \texttt{X::blocklevel} & \texttt{int} & block levels inside\\
    \texttt{X::Iterator} & T & read/write access\\
    \texttt{X::ConstIterator} & T & read-only access\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \texttt{X::X()} & & empty vector \\
    \texttt{X::X(X\&)} & & deep copy\\
    \texttt{X::}$\sim$\texttt{X()} & & free memory\\
    \texttt{X::operator=(X\&)} & \texttt{X\&} & \\
    \texttt{X::operator=(field\_type\&)} & \texttt{X\&} & from scalar\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{X::operator[](int)} & \texttt{block\_type\&} & \\
    \texttt{X::operator[](int)} & \texttt{const block\_type\&} & \\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{X::begin()} & \texttt{Iterator} & \\
    \texttt{X::end()} & \texttt{Iterator} & \\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{X::rbegin()} & \texttt{Iterator} & for reverse iteration \\
    \texttt{X::rend()} & \texttt{Iterator} & \\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{X::find(int)} & \texttt{Iterator} & \\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{X::operator+=(X\&)} & \texttt{X\&} & $x = x+y$\\
    \texttt{X::operator-=(X\&)} & \texttt{X\&} & $x = x-y$\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{X::operator*=(field\_type\&)} & \texttt{X\&} & $x = \alpha x$\\
    \texttt{X::operator/=(field\_type\&)} & \texttt{X\&} & $x = \alpha^{-1} x$\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{X::axpy(field\_type\&,X\&)} & \texttt{X\&} & $x = x+\alpha y$\\
    \texttt{X::operator*(X\&)} & \texttt{field\_type} & $x\cdot y$\\
    \texttt{X::one\_norm()} & \texttt{double} & $\sum_i\sqrt{Re(x_i)^2+Im(x_i)^2}$\\
    \texttt{X::one\_norm\_real()} & \texttt{double} &$\sum_i(|Re(x_i)|+|Im(x_i)|)$\\
    \texttt{X::two\_norm()} & \texttt{double} &$\sqrt{\sum_i(Re(x_i)^2+Im(x_i)^2)}$\\
    \texttt{X::two\_norm2()} & \texttt{double} &$\sum_i (Re(x_i)^2+Im(x_i)^2)$\\
    \texttt{X::infinity\_norm()} & \texttt{double} &$\max_i\sqrt{Re(x_i)^2+Im(x_i)^2}$\\
    \texttt{X::infinity\_norm\_real()} & \texttt{double} &$\max_i(|Re(x_i)|+|Im(x_i)|)$\\
    \texttt{X::N()} & \texttt{int} & number of blocks\\
    \texttt{X::dim()} & \texttt{int} & dimension of space\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \caption{Members of a class \lstinline!X! conforming to the vector interface.}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \subsection[Memory model]{Object memory model and memory management}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    The memory model for all ISTL objects is deep copy as in the Standard
    Template Library and in contrast to the Matrix Template
    Library. Therefore, references must be used to avoid excessive copying
    of objects. On the other hand temporary vectors with appropriate
    structure can be generated simply with the copy constructor.
    \subsection{Vector creation}
    \subsection{Linear mappings}
    \subsection{Matrix classes}
    For a matrix representing a linear map (or homomorphism) $A: V \mapsto
    W$ from vector space $V$ to vector space $W$ the recursive block
    structure of the matrix rows and columns immediately follows
     from the recursive block structure of the vectors representing
    the domain and range of the mapping, respectively. As a natural
    consequence we designed the following matrix classes:
    the \lstinline!template<class K, int n> FieldMatrix<K,n,m>! class
    template is used to represent a linear map $M: V_1 \to V_2$ where
    $V_1=\K^n$ and $V_2=\K^m$ are vector spaces over the field given by
    template parameter \lstinline!K!. \lstinline!K! may be \lstinline!double!, \lstinline!float!,
    \lstinline!complex<double>! or any other numeric type.
    The dimensions of the two vector spaces  given by the template parameters
    \lstinline!n! and \lstinline!m! are assumed to be small. The matrix is
    stored as a dense matrix.
    Example: Use \lstinline!FieldMatrix<double,2,3>! to define a linear
    map from a vector space over doubles with dimension $2$ to one with
    dimension $3$.
    The \lstinline!template<class B> BCRSMatrix! class template represents
    a sparse matrix where the ``block type'' $B$ is given by the template
    parameter \lstinline!B!. \lstinline!B! may be any other class
    implementing the matrix interface.  The matrix class uses
    a compressed row storage scheme.
    The \lstinline!template<class B> VariableBCRSMatrix<B>! class can be
    used to construct a linear map between two vector spaces having a two-level
    block structure $V=B^{n_1}\times B^{n_2}\times\ldots \times B^{n_m}$
    and $W=B^{m_1}\times B^{m_2}\times\ldots \times B^{m_k}$. Both are
    represented by the 
    \lstinline!template<class B> VariableBlockVector<B>! class,
    see~\ref{class:varblockvec}. This is not implemented yet.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \subsection[Matrix containers]{Matrices are containers of containers}
    Matrices are containers over the matrix rows. The matrix rows are
    containers over the type  \lstinline!K! or
    \lstinline!B! in the sense of the Standard Template Library. Random
    access is provided via \lstinline!operator[](int i)! on the matrix to
    the matrix rows and on the matrix rows to the matrix columns (if
    present). Note that except for \lstinline!FieldMatrix!, which is a
    dense matrix,  
    \lstinline!operator[]! on the matrix row triggers a binary search for
    the column.
    For sequential access use 
    \lstinline!RowIterator! and \lstinline!ColIterator! for read/write
    access or  
    \lstinline!ConstRowIterator! and \lstinline!ConstColIterator! for
    readonly access to rows and columns, respectively. Here is a small example 
    that prints the sparsity pattern of a matrix of type \lstinline!M!:
    typedef typename M::ConstRowIterator RowI;
    typedef typename M::ConstColIterator ColI;
    for(RowI row = matrix.begin(); row != matrix.end(); ++row){
      std::cout << "row "<<row.index()<<": "
      for(ColI col = row->begin(); col != row->end(); ++col)
        std::cout<<col.index()<<" ";
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \subsection{Precision control}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    As with the vector interface a uniform naming convention enables
    generic algorithms. See Table \ref{Tab:MatrixMembers} for a
    complete list of names.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \textbf{expression} & \textbf{return type} & \textbf{note}\\
    \texttt{M::field\_type} & T & T is assignable\\
    \texttt{M::block\_type} & T & T is assignable\\
    \texttt{M::row\_type} & T & a T is assignable\\
    \texttt{M::allocator\_type} & T & see mem.~mgt.\\
    \texttt{M::blocklevel} & \texttt{int} & block levels inside\\
    \texttt{M::RowIterator} & T & over rows\\
    \texttt{M::ColIterator} & T & over columns\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{M::ConstRowIterator} & T & over rows\\
    \texttt{M::ConstColIterator} & T & over columns\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{M::M()} & & empty matrix \\
    \texttt{M::M(M\&)} & & deep copy\\
    \texttt{M::}$\sim$\texttt{M()} & & free memory\\
    \texttt{M::operator=(M\&)} & \texttt{M\&} & \\
    \texttt{M::operator=(field\_type\&)} & \texttt{M\&} & from scalar\\
    \texttt{M::operator[](int)} & \texttt{row\_type\&} & \\
    \texttt{M::operator[](int)} & \texttt{const row\_type\&} & \\
    \texttt{M::begin()} & \texttt{RowIterator} & \\
    \texttt{M::end()} & \texttt{RowIterator} & \\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \texttt{M::rbegin()} & \texttt{RowIterator} & reverse iteration\\
    \texttt{M::rend()} & \texttt{RowIterator} & \\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \texttt{M::operator*=(field\_type\&)} & \texttt{M\&} & $A = \alpha A$\\
    \texttt{M::operator/=(field\_type\&)} & \texttt{M\&} & $A = \alpha^{-1} A$\\
    \texttt{M::umv(X\& x,Y\& y)}    &  & $y = y + Ax$\\
    \texttt{M::mmv(X\& x,Y\& y)}    &  & $y = y - Ax$\\
    \texttt{M::usmv(field\_type\&,X\& x,Y\& y)}   &  & $y = y + \alpha Ax$\\
    \texttt{M::umtv(X\& x,Y\& y)}   &  & $y = y + A^Tx$\\
    \texttt{M::mmtv(X\& x,Y\& y)}   &  & $y = y - A^Tx$\\
    \texttt{M::usmtv(field\_type\&,X\& x,Y\& y)}  &  & $y = y + \alpha A^Tx$\\
    \texttt{M::umhv(X\& x,Y\& y)}   &  & $y = y + A^Hx$\\
    \texttt{M::mmhv(X\& x,Y\& y)}   &  & $y = y - A^Hx$\\
    \texttt{M::usmhv(field\_type\&,X\& x,Y\& y)}  &  & $y = y + \alpha A^Hx$\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{M::solve(X\& x,Y\& b)}   &  & $x = A^{-1}b$\\
    \texttt{M::inverse(M\& B)} & & $B=A^{-1}$\\
    \texttt{M::leftmultiply(M\& B)} & \texttt{M\&} & $A = BA$\\
    \texttt{M::frobenius\_norm()} & \texttt{double} & see text\\
    \texttt{M::frobenius\_norm2()} & \texttt{double} &see text\\
    \texttt{X::infinity\_norm()} & \texttt{double} & see text\\
    \texttt{X::infinity\_norm\_real()} & \texttt{double} &see text\\
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \texttt{M::N()} & \texttt{int} & row blocks\\
    \texttt{M::M()} & \texttt{int} & col blocks\\
    \texttt{M::exists(int i, int j)} & \texttt{bool} &\\
    \caption{Members of a class \lstinline!M! conforming to the matrix
      interface. \lstinline!X! and \lstinline!Y! are any vector classes.}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \subsection{Matrix creation}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    \subsection{Block recursion}
    The basic feature of the concept described by the matrix and vector
    classes, is their recursive block structure. Let $A$ be a
    matrix with blocklevel $l>1$ then each block $A_{ij}$ can be treated
    as (or actually is) a matrix itself. This recursiveness can be
    exploited in generic algorithm using the defined
    \lstinline!block_level! of the matrix and vector classes.
    Most preconditioner can be modified to honor this recursive
    structure for a specific number of block levels $k$. They then work as
    normal on the offdiagonal blocks, treating them as traditional matrix
    entries. For the diagonal values a special procedure applies:  If
    $k>1$ the diagonal is treated as a matrix itself and the preconditioner
    is applied recursively on the matrix representing the diagonal value
    $D=A_{ii}$ with blocklevel $k-1$. For the case that $k=1$ the diagonal
    is treated as a 
    matrix entry resulting in a linear solve or an identity operation
    depending on the algorithm. 
    \subsection{Triangular solves}
    In the formulation of most iterative methods upper and lower
    triangular and diagonal solves play an important role. 
    ISTL provides block recursive versions of these generic 
    building blocks using template metaprogramming, see Table
    \ref{Tab:TriangularSolves} for a listing of these methods. In the table matrix
    $A$ is decomposed into $A=L+D+U$, where $L$ is a strictly lower block
    triangular, $D$ is a block diagonal and $U$ is a strictly upper block
    triangular matrix. An arbitrary block recursion level can be given by an
    additional parameter. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to $1$.
    \textbf{function} & \textbf{computation}\\
    \texttt{bltsolve(A,v,d)}  & $v=(L+D)^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{bltsolve(A,v,d,$\omega$)}  & $v=\omega(L+D)^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{ubltsolve(A,v,d)}  & $v=L^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{ubltsolve(A,v,d,$\omega$)}  & $v=\omega L^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{butsolve(A,v,d)}  & $v=(D+U)^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{butsolve(A,v,d,$\omega$)}  & $v=\omega(D+U)^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{ubutsolve(A,v,d)}  & $v=U^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{ubutsolve(A,v,d,$\omega$)}  & $v=\omega U^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{bdsolve(A,v,d)}  & $v=D^{-1}d$\\
    \texttt{bdsolve(A,v,d,$\omega$)}  & $v=\omega D^{-1}d$\\
    \caption{Functions available for block triangular and block diagonal
      solves. The matrix $A$ is decomposed into $A=L+D+U$ where $L$ is
      strictly lower block triangular, $D$ is block diagonal and $U$ is
      strictly upper block triangular. Standard is one level of block
      recursion, arbitrary level can be given by additional parameter.}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \subsection{Simple iterative solvers}
    Using the same block recursive template metaprogramming technique,
    kernels for the defect formulations of simple iterative solvers are
    available in ISTL. The number of block recursion
    levels can again be given as an additional argument. See
    Table \ref{Tab:IterativeSolvers} for a list of these kernels.
    \textbf{function} & \textbf{computation}\\
    \texttt{dbjac(A,x,b,$\omega$)}  & $x=x+\omega D^{-1}(b-Ax)$ \\
    \texttt{dbgs(A,x,b,$\omega$)}   & $x = x + \omega (L+D)^{-1}(b-Ax)$\\
    \texttt{bsorf(A,x,b,$\omega$)}  & $x^{k+1}_i = x^k_i + \omega
    A_{ii}^{-1}\left [
      b_i - \sum\limits_{j<i} A_{ij}x^{k+1}_j - \sum\limits_{j\geq i}
      A_{ij}x^{k}_j\right ]$\\
    \texttt{bsorb(A,x,b,$\omega$)}  & $x^{k+1}_i = x^k_i + \omega
    A_{ii}^{-1}\left [
      b_i - \sum\limits_{j\leq i} A_{ij}x^{k}_j - \sum\limits_{j>i}
      A_{ij}x^{k+1}_j\right ]$\\
    \caption{Kernels for iterative solvers. 
      The matrix $A$ is decomposed into $A=L+D+U$ where $L$ is
      strictly lower block triangular, $D$ is block diagonal and $U$ is
      strictly upper block triangular. Standard is one level of block
      recursion, arbitrary level can be given by additional parameter.}
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    \subsection{Sparse LU decomposition}
    \section{Solver Interface}
    The solvers in ISTL do not work on matrices directly. Instead we use
    an abstract Operator concept. Thus we can even model and solve linear
    maps that are not stored as matrices (e.~g. on the fly computed linear
    The base class
    \lstinline!template<class X, class Y> LinearOperator! represents
    linear maps. The 
    template parameter \lstinline!X! is the type of the domain and
    \lstinline!Y! is the type of the range of the operator.  A linear
    operator provides the methods \lstinline!apply(const X& x, Y& y)! and 
    apply \lstinline!applyscaledadd(const X& x, Y& y)! performing the
    operations $y = A(x)$ and $y = y + \alpha A(x)$, respectively.
    The subclass 
    \lstinline!template<class M, class X, class Y> AssembledLinearOperator!
    represents linear operators that have a matrix
    representation. Conversion from any matrix into a linear operator is
    done by the class 
    \lstinline!template<class M, class X, class Y> MatrixAdapter!.
    For convergence tests and the stopping criteria Krylow methods need to
    compute scalar products and norms on the underlying vector spaces. The
    base class \lstinline!template<class X> Scalarproduct! provides
    methods \lstinline!field_type dot(const X& x, const X&y)! and
    \lstinline!double norm(const X& x)! to calculate these. For
    sequential programs use 
    \lstinline!template<class X> SeqScalarProduct! which simply maps this
    to functions of the vector implementations.
    The \lstinline!template<class X, class Y> Preconditioner! provides the
    abstract base class for all precondioners in ISTL. The method
    \lstinline!void pre(X& x, Y& b)! has to be called before applying the
    preconditioner. Here \lstinline!x! is the left hand side and
    \lstinline!b! is the right hand side of the operator equation. The
    method may, e.~g. scale the system, allocate memory or compute an (I)LU
    decomposition. The method \lstinline!void apply(X& v, const Y&)!
    applies one step of the preconditioner to the system $A(\vec v)=\vec d$.
    Here \lstinline!b! should contain the current defect and
    \lstinline!v! should be $0$. Upon exit of the method \lstinline!v!
    contains the computed update to
    the current guess, i.~e. $\vec v = M^{-1} \vec
    d$ where $M$ is the approximate inverse of the operator $A$
    characterizing the preconditioner. The method \lstinline!void post(X& x)!
    should be called after all computations to give the precondtioner the
    chance to clean allocated resources. 
    See Table \ref{tab:precond} for a list of available
        \textbf{class} & \textbf{implements}&\textbf{s/p}& \textbf{recursive}\\\hline\hline
        \lstinline!SeqJac! & Jacobi method& s & x\\
        \lstinline!SeqSOR! & successive overrelaxation (SOR) & s& x\\
        \lstinline!SeqSSOR! & symmetric SSOR & s&x\\
        \lstinline!SeqILU! & incomplete LU decomposition (ILU)& s&\\
        \lstinline!SeqILUN! & ILU decpmposition of order N &s&\\
        \lstinline!Pamg::AMG! & algebraic multigrid method &s/p&\\
        \lstinline!BlockPreconditioner!& Additive overlapping Schwarz&p&\\\hline
    They have the template parameters \lstinline!M!
    representing the type of the matrix they work on, \lstinline!X!
    representing the type of the domain, \lstinline!Y! representing the
    type of the range of the linear system. The block recursive
    preconditioner are marked with ``x'' in the last column. For them the
    recursion depth is specified via an additional template parameter
    \lstinline!int l!. The column labeled ``s/p''
    specifies whether they support {\bf s}equential and/or {\bf p}arallel
    All solvers are subclasses of the abstract base class
    \lstinline!template<class X, class Y> InverseOperator! representing
    the inverse of an operator from the domain of type \lstinline!X! to
    the range of type \lstinline!Y!. The actual solve of the system
    $A(\vec x)=\vec b$ is done in the method 
    \lstinline!void apply(X& x, Y& b, InverseOperatorResult& r)!. In the
    \lstinline!InverseOperatorResult! some statistics about the solution
    process, e.~g. iteration count, achieved defect reduction, etc., are
    All solvers only use methods of instances of
    \lstinline!LinearOperator!, \lstinline!ScalarProduct! and
    \lstinline!Preconditioner!. These are provided in the constructor.
    See Table \ref{tab:solvers} for a list of available solvers. All
    solvers are template classes with a template parameter \lstinline!X!
    providing them with the vector implementation used.
      \caption{ISTL Solvers}
        \lstinline!LoopSolver!& only apply precoditioner multiple time\\
        \lstinline!GradientSolver!& preconditioned radient method\\
        \lstinline!CGSolver!&preconditioned conjugate gradient method\\
        \lstinline!BiCGStab!&preconditioned biconjugate gradient stabilized method\\\hline
    \subsection{Parallel Solvers}
    Instead of using parallel data structures (matrices and vectors) that
    (implicitly) know the data distribution and communication patterns
    like in PETSc \cite{petsc-web-page,petsc-user-ref} we decided to
    decouple the parallelization from the data structures used. Basically
    we provide an abstract consistency model on top of our linear
    algebra. This is hidden in the parallel implementations of the interfaces
    of \lstinline!LinearOperator!,
    \lstinline!Scalarproduct! and \lstinline!Preconditioner!, which assure
    consistency of the data (by communication) for the \lstinline!InverseOperator!
    implementation. Therefore the same Krylow method algorithms work in
    parallel and sequential mode. 
    Based on the idea proposed in \cite{dddalg} we implemented parallel overlapping
    Schwarz preconditioners with inexact (sequential) subdomain solvers and a
    parallel algebraic multigrid preconditioner
    together with appropriate implementations of
    \lstinline!LinearOperator! and
    \lstinline!Scalarproduct!. Nonoverlapping versions are currently being
    worked on.
    Note that using this approach it easy two switch form the currently
    implemented MPI version to new parallel programming paradigms that
    might be needed on new platforms.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    We evaluated the performance of our implementation on a Pentium 4 Mobile
    2.4 GHz with a measured memory bandwidth of 1084 MB/s for the daypy
    operation ($x = y + \alpha z$) in Tables
      \caption{Performance Tests}
        \subtable[scalar product]{\label{tab:perf_sp}
              $N$ & 500 & 5000 & 50000 & 500000 & 5000000 \\
              MFLOPS & 896 & 775 & 167 & 160 & 164 \\
        \subtable[daxpy operation $y = y + \alpha x$]{\label{tab:perf_daxpy}
             500 & 5000 & 50000 & 500000 & 5000000 \\
            936 & 910 & 108 & 103 & 107 \\
        \subtable[Matrix-vector product, %\lstinline!BCRSMatrix!,
        5-point stencil, $b$: block size]{\label{tab:perf_mvp}
            $N,b$ & 100,1 & 10000,1 & 1000000,1 & 1000000,2 & 1000000,3\\
            MFLOPS & 388 & 140 & 136 & 230 & 260\\
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
        \subtable[Damped Gau\ss{}--Seidel]{\label{tab:perf_gs}
              & \mbox{C } & ISTL\\
              time / it. [s] & 0.17 & 0.18\\
    The code was comiled with the GNU C++ 
    compiler version 4.0 with -O3 optimization. In the tables $N$ is the
    number of 
    unknown blocks (equals the number of unknows for the scalar cases in
    Tables \ref{tab:perf_sp}, \ref{tab:perf_daxpy}, \ref{tab:perf_gs}).
    The performance for the scalarproduct,
    see Table \ref{tab:perf_sp},
    and the daxpy operation, see Table \ref{tab:perf_daxpy}  is nearly
    optimal and for large $N$ the limiting factor is clearly the memory
    bandwidth. Table \ref{tab:perf_mvp} shows that we take advantage of
    cache reusage for matrices of dense blocks with block size $b>1$.
    In Table
    \ref{tab:perf_gs} we compared the generic implementation of
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
    the Gau\ss{}--Seidel solver in ISTL with a specialized C
    implementation. The measured times per iteration show that there is
    now lack of computational efficiency due to the generic implementation. 
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    % bibtex bibliography
    % some links
    % (based on MTL, mostly Krylov)
    % LINEAR ALGEBRA ON THE WEB (May 2004) by Jack Dongarra