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Commit 42f157e4 authored by Steffen Müthing's avatar Steffen Müthing
Browse files

Merge branch 'feature/fix-gmres-and-minres'

* feature/fix-gmres-and-minres:
  [GMRes] Fix deprecation warning for old constructors
  made the distinction between field_type and real_type which is the same for real numbers but differs for std::complex
  added the old constructors called with the variable recalc_defect to RestartedGMResSolver and set them as deprecated, since they should not be used anymore
  changed the initialization of the arrays in the MinRes solver to remove the compiler warnings
  fixed MinRes with the following changes:
  fixed GMRes

parents 7a48043d a9c29343
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......@@ -841,127 +841,126 @@ namespace Dune {
virtual void apply (X& x, X& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
res.clear(); // clear solver statistics
Timer watch; // start a timer
_prec.pre(x,b); // prepare preconditioner
_op.applyscaleadd(-1,x,b); // overwrite b with defect/residual
// clear solver statistics
// start a timer
Dune::Timer watch;
// prepare preconditioner
// overwrite rhs with defect
real_type def0 = _sp.norm(b); // compute residual norm
// compute residual norm
field_type def0 = _sp.norm(b);
if (def0<1E-30) // convergence check
res.converged = true;
res.iterations = 0; // fill statistics
res.reduction = 0;
res.conv_rate = 0;
if (_verbose>0) // final print
std::cout << "=== rate=" << res.conv_rate << ", T=" << res.elapsed << ", TIT=" << res.elapsed << ", IT=0" << std::endl;
if (_verbose>0) // printing
// printing
if(_verbose > 0) {
std::cout << "=== MINRESSolver" << std::endl;
if (_verbose>1) {
if(_verbose > 1) {
// some local variables
real_type def=def0; // the defect/residual norm
field_type alpha, // recurrence coefficients as computed in the Lanczos alg making up the matrix T
c[2]={0.0, 0.0}, // diagonal entry of Givens rotation
s[2]={0.0, 0.0}; // off-diagonal entries of Givens rotation
real_type beta;
// check for convergence
if(def0 < 1e-30 ) {
res.converged = true;
res.iterations = 0;
res.reduction = 0;
res.conv_rate = 0;
res.elapsed = 0.0;
// final print
if(_verbose > 0)
std::cout << "=== rate=" << res.conv_rate
<< ", T=" << res.elapsed
<< ", TIT=" << res.elapsed
<< ", IT=" << res.iterations
<< std::endl;
field_type T[3]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // recurrence coefficients (column k of Matrix T)
// the defect norm
field_type def = def0;
// recurrence coefficients as computed in Lanczos algorithm
field_type alpha, beta;
// diagonal entries of givens rotation
Dune::array<field_type,2> c{{0.0,0.0}};
// off-diagonal entries of givens rotation
Dune::array<field_type,2> s{{0.0,0.0}};
X z(b.size()), // some temporary vectors
// recurrence coefficients (column k of tridiag matrix T_k)
Dune::array<field_type,3> T{{0.0,0.0,0.0}};
field_type xi[2]={1.0, 0.0};
// the rhs vector of the min problem
Dune::array<field_type,2> xi{{1.0,0.0}};
// initialize
z = 0.0; // clear correction
// some temporary vectors
X z(b), dummy(b);
_prec.apply(z,b); // apply preconditioner z=M^-1*b
// initialize and clear correction
z = 0.0;
beta = std::sqrt(std::abs(,b)));
real_type beta0 = beta;
X p[3]; // the search directions
X q[3]; // Orthonormal basis vectors (in unpreconditioned case)
q[0] = 0.0;
q[1] = b;
q[1] /= beta;
q[2] = 0.0;
field_type beta0 = beta;
// the search directions
Dune::array<X,3> p{{b,b,b}};
p[0] = 0.0;
p[1] = 0.0;
p[2] = 0.0;
// orthonormal basis vectors (in unpreconditioned case)
Dune::array<X,3> q{{b,b,b}};
q[0] = 0.0;
q[1] *= 1.0/beta;
q[2] = 0.0;
z /= beta; // this is w_current
z *= 1.0/beta;
// the loop
int i=1;
for ( ; i<=_maxit; i++)
dummy = z; // remember z_old for the computation of the search direction p in the next iteration
int i = 1;
for( ; i<=_maxit; i++) {
dummy = z;
int i1 = i%3,
i0 = (i1+2)%3,
i2 = (i1+1)%3;
i0 = (i1+2)%3,
i2 = (i1+1)%3;
// Symmetrically Preconditioned Lanczos (Greenbaum p.121)
_op.apply(z,q[i2]); // q[i2] = Az
q[i2].axpy(-beta, q[i0]);
// symmetrically preconditioned Lanczos algorithm (see Greenbaum p.121)
_op.apply(z,q[i2]); // q[i2] = Az
alpha =[i2],z);
q[i2].axpy(-alpha, q[i1]);
z = 0.0;
beta = std::sqrt(std::abs([i2],z)));
q[i2] /= beta;
z /= beta;
q[i2] *= 1.0/beta;
z *= 1.0/beta;
// QR Factorization of recurrence coefficient matrix
// apply previous Givens rotations to last column of T
// apply previous givens rotations to last column of T
T[1] = T[2];
if (i>2)
if(i>2) {
T[0] = s[i%2]*T[1];
T[1] = c[i%2]*T[1];
if (i>1)
if(i>1) {
T[2] = c[(i+1)%2]*alpha - s[(i+1)%2]*T[1];
T[1] = c[(i+1)%2]*T[1] + s[(i+1)%2]*alpha;
T[2] = alpha;
// recompute c, s -> current Givens rotation \TODO use BLAS-routine drotg instead for greater robustness
// cblas_drotg (a, b, c, s);
c[i%2] = 1.0/std::sqrt(T[2]*T[2] + beta*beta);
s[i%2] = beta*c[i%2];
c[i%2] *= T[2];
// apply current Givens rotation to T eliminating the last entry...
// update QR factorization
// to last column of T_k
T[2] = c[i%2]*T[2] + s[i%2]*beta;
// ...and to xi, the right hand side of the least squares problem min_y||beta*xi-T*y||
// and to the rhs xi of the min problem
xi[i%2] = -s[i%2]*xi[(i+1)%2];
xi[(i+1)%2] *= c[i%2];
......@@ -969,53 +968,46 @@ namespace Dune {
p[i2] = dummy;
p[i2] /= T[2];
p[i2] *= 1.0/T[2];
// apply correction/update solution
x.axpy(beta0*xi[(i+1)%2], p[i2]);
// remember beta_old
T[2] = beta;
// update residual - not necessary if in the preconditioned case we are content with the residual norm of the
// preconditioned system as convergence test
// _op.apply(p[i2],dummy);
// b.axpy(-beta0*xi[(i+1)%2],dummy);
// convergence test
real_type defnew = std::abs(beta0*xi[i%2]); // the last entry the QR-transformed least squares RHS is the new residual norm
// check for convergence
// the last entry in the rhs of the min-problem is the residual
field_type defnew = std::abs(beta0*xi[i%2]);
if (_verbose>1) // print
if(_verbose > 1)
def = defnew; // update norm
if (def<def0*_reduction || def<1E-30 || i==_maxit) // convergence check
res.converged = true;
//correct i which is wrong if convergence was not achieved.
def = defnew;
if(def < def0*_reduction || def < 1e-30 || i == _maxit ) {
res.converged = true;
} // end for
if (_verbose==1) // printing for non verbose
if(_verbose == 1)
this->printOutput(std::cout,i,def);; // postprocess preconditioner
res.iterations = i; // fill statistics
res.reduction = def/def0;
res.conv_rate = pow(res.reduction,1.0/i);
res.elapsed = watch.elapsed();
if (_verbose>0) // final print
std::cout << "=== rate=" << res.conv_rate
<< ", T=" << res.elapsed
<< ", TIT=" << res.elapsed/i
<< ", IT=" << i << std::endl;
// postprocess preconditioner;
// fill statistics
res.iterations = i;
res.reduction = def/def0;
res.conv_rate = pow(res.reduction,1.0/i);
res.elapsed = watch.elapsed();
// final print
if(_verbose > 0) {
std::cout << "=== rate=" << res.conv_rate
<< ", T=" << res.elapsed
<< ", TIT=" << res.elapsed/i
<< ", IT=" << i << std::endl;
......@@ -1031,6 +1023,25 @@ namespace Dune {
void generateGivensRotation(field_type& dx, field_type& dy, field_type& cs, field_type& sn)
field_type temp = std::abs(dy);
if(temp < 1e-16) {
cs = 1.0;
sn = 0.0;
else if(temp > std::abs(dx)) {
temp = dx/dy;
sn = 1.0/std::sqrt(1.0 + temp*temp);
cs = temp * sn;
} else {
temp = dy/dx;
cs = 1.0/std::sqrt(1.0 + temp*temp);
sn = temp * cs;
SeqScalarProduct<X> ssp;
LinearOperator<X,X>& _op;
Preconditioner<X,X>& _prec;
......@@ -1047,7 +1058,9 @@ namespace Dune {
Generalized Minimal Residual method as described the SIAM Templates
book (
\todo construct F via rebind and an appropriate field_type
\tparam X trial vector, vector type of the solution
\tparam Y test vector, vector type of the RHS
\tparam F vector type for orthonormal basis of Krylov space
......@@ -1066,19 +1079,36 @@ namespace Dune {
//! \brief The field type of the basis vectors
typedef F basis_type;
template<class L, class P>
DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("recalc_defect is a unused parameter! Use RestartedGMResSolver(L& op, P& prec, real_type reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose) instead")
RestartedGMResSolver (L& op, P& prec, real_type reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose, bool recalc_defect)
: _A(op)
, _W(prec)
, ssp()
, _sp(ssp)
, _restart(restart)
, _reduction(reduction)
, _maxit(maxit)
, _verbose(verbose)
static_assert(static_cast<int>(P::category) == static_cast<int>(L::category),
"P and L must be the same category!");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(L::category) == static_cast<int>(SolverCategory::sequential),
"L must be sequential!");
\brief Set up solver.
\copydoc LoopSolver::LoopSolver(L&,P&,double,int,int)
\param restart number of GMRes cycles before restart
\param recalc_defect recalculate the defect after everey restart or not [default=false]
template<class L, class P>
RestartedGMResSolver (L& op, P& prec, double reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose, bool recalc_defect = false) :
_A_(op), _M(prec),
RestartedGMResSolver (L& op, P& prec, real_type reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose) :
_A(op), _W(prec),
ssp(), _sp(ssp), _restart(restart),
_reduction(reduction), _maxit(maxit), _verbose(verbose),
_reduction(reduction), _maxit(maxit), _verbose(verbose)
static_assert(static_cast<int>(P::category) == static_cast<int>(L::category),
"P and L must be the same category!");
......@@ -1086,19 +1116,34 @@ namespace Dune {
"L must be sequential!");
template<class L, class S, class P>
DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("recalc_defect is a unused parameter! Use RestartedGMResSolver(L& op, S& sp, P& prec, real_type reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose) instead")
RestartedGMResSolver(L& op, S& sp, P& prec, real_type reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose, bool recalc_defect)
: _A(op)
, _W(prec)
, _sp(sp)
, _restart(restart)
, _reduction(reduction)
, _maxit(maxit)
, _verbose(verbose)
static_assert(static_cast<int>(P::category) == static_cast<int>(L::category),
" P and L must have the same category!");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(P::category) == static_cast<int>(S::category),
"P and S must have the same category!");
\brief Set up solver.
\copydoc LoopSolver::LoopSolver(L&,S&,P&,double,int,int)
\param restart number of GMRes cycles before restart
\param recalc_defect recalculate the defect after everey restart or not [default=false]
template<class L, class S, class P>
RestartedGMResSolver (L& op, S& sp, P& prec, double reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose, bool recalc_defect = false) :
_A_(op), _M(prec),
RestartedGMResSolver (L& op, S& sp, P& prec, real_type reduction, int restart, int maxit, int verbose) :
_A(op), _W(prec),
_sp(sp), _restart(restart),
_reduction(reduction), _maxit(maxit), _verbose(verbose),
_reduction(reduction), _maxit(maxit), _verbose(verbose)
static_assert(static_cast<int>(P::category) == static_cast<int>(L::category),
"P and L must have the same category!");
......@@ -1107,7 +1152,7 @@ namespace Dune {
//! \copydoc InverseOperator::apply(X&,Y&,InverseOperatorResult&)
virtual void apply (X& x, X& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
virtual void apply (X& x, Y& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
......@@ -1119,209 +1164,189 @@ namespace Dune {
virtual void apply (X& x, Y& b, double reduction, InverseOperatorResult& res)
int m =_restart;
real_type norm;
real_type norm_old = 0.0;
real_type norm_0;
real_type beta;
int i, j = 1, k;
const double EPSILON = 1e-80;
const int m = _restart;
real_type norm, norm_old = 0.0, norm_0;
int j = 1;
std::vector<field_type> s(m+1), cs(m), sn(m);
// need copy of rhs if GMRes has to be restarted
Y b2(b);
// helper vector
X w(b);
Y w(b);
std::vector< std::vector<field_type> > H(m+1,s);
std::vector<F> v(m+1,b);
// start timer
Timer watch; // start a timer
Dune::Timer watch;
// clear solver statistics
// clear solver statistics and set res.converged to false
if (_recalc_defect)
// norm_0 = norm(M^-1 b)
w = 0.0; _M.apply(w,b); // w = M^-1 b
norm_0 = _sp.norm(w); // use defect of preconditioned residual
// r = _M.solve(b - A * x);
w = b;
_A_.applyscaleadd(-1,x, /* => */ w); // w = b - Ax;
v[0] = 0.0; _M.apply(v[0],w); // r = M^-1 w
beta = _sp.norm(v[0]);
// norm_0 = norm(b-Ax)
_A_.applyscaleadd(-1,x, /* => */ b); // b = b - Ax;
v[0] = 0.0; _M.apply(v[0],b); // r = M^-1 b
beta = _sp.norm(v[0]);
norm_0 = beta; // use defect of preconditioned residual
// avoid division by zero
if (norm_0 == 0.0)
norm_0 = 1.0;
norm = norm_old = beta;
// calculate defect and overwrite rhs with it
_A.applyscaleadd(-1.0,x,b); // b -= Ax
// calculate preconditioned defect
v[0] = 0.0; _W.apply(v[0],b); // r = W^-1 b
norm_0 = _sp.norm(v[0]);
norm = norm_0;
norm_old = norm;
// print header
if (_verbose > 0)
std::cout << "=== RestartedGMResSolver" << std::endl;
if (_verbose > 1)
if(_verbose > 0)
std::cout << "=== RestartedGMResSolver" << std::endl;
if(_verbose > 1) {
// check convergence
if (norm <= reduction * norm_0) {; // postprocess preconditioner
res.converged = true;
if (_verbose > 0) // final print
if(norm_0 < EPSILON) {;
res.converged = true;
if(_verbose > 0) // final print
while (j <= _maxit && res.converged != true) {
v[0] *= (1.0 / beta);
for (i=1; i<=m; i++) s[i] = 0.0;
s[0] = beta;
int end=std::min(m, _maxit-j+1);
for (i = 0; i < end && res.converged != true; i++, j++) {
while(j <= _maxit && res.converged != true) {
int i = 0;
v[0] *= 1.0/norm;
s[0] = norm;
for(i=1; i<m+1; i++)
s[i] = 0.0;
for(i=0; i < m && j <= _maxit && res.converged != true; i++, j++) {
w = 0.0;
v[i+1] = 0.0; // use v[i+1] as temporary vector
_A_.apply(v[i], /* => */ v[i+1]);
_M.apply(w, v[i+1]);
for (k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
H[k][i] =, v[k]);
// w -= H[k][i] * v[k];
w.axpy(-H[k][i], v[k]);
// use v[i+1] as temporary vector
v[i+1] = 0.0;
// do Arnoldi algorithm
for(int k=0; k<i+1; k++) {
H[k][i] =,v[k]);
// w -= H[k][i] * v[k]
H[i+1][i] = _sp.norm(w);
if (H[i+1][i] == 0.0)
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError,"breakdown in GMRes - |w| "
<< " == 0.0 after " << j << " iterations");
// v[i+1] = w * (1.0 / H[i+1][i]);
v[i+1] = w; v[i+1] *= (1.0 / H[i+1][i]);
if(std::abs(H[i+1][i]) < EPSILON)
"breakdown in GMRes - |w| == 0.0 after " << j << " iterations");
for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
applyPlaneRotation(H[k][i], H[k+1][i], cs[k], sn[k]);
// normalize new vector
v[i+1] = w; v[i+1] *= 1.0/H[i+1][i];
generatePlaneRotation(H[i][i], H[i+1][i], cs[i], sn[i]);
applyPlaneRotation(H[i][i], H[i+1][i], cs[i], sn[i]);
applyPlaneRotation(s[i], s[i+1], cs[i], sn[i]);
// update QR factorization
for(int k=0; k<i; k++)
// compute new givens rotation
// finish updating QR factorization
// norm of the defect is the last component the vector s
norm = std::abs(s[i+1]);
if (_verbose > 1) // print
// print current iteration statistics
if(_verbose > 1) {
norm_old = norm;
if (norm < reduction * norm_0) {
// check convergence
if(norm < reduction * norm_0)
res.converged = true;
if (_recalc_defect)
// update x
update(x, i - 1, H, s, v);
// update residuum
// r = M^-1 (b - A * x);
w = b; _A_.applyscaleadd(-1,x, /* => */ w);
_M.apply(v[0], w);
beta = _sp.norm(v[0]);
norm = beta;
// calc update vector
w = 0;
update(w, i - 1, H, s, v);
// update x
x += w;
// r = M^-1 (b - A * x);
// update defect
_A_.applyscaleadd(-1,w, /* => */ b);
// r = M^-1 (b - A * x);
v[0] = 0.0; _M.apply(v[0],b); // r = M^-1 b
beta = _sp.norm(v[0]);
norm = beta;
res.converged = false;
norm_old = norm;
if (norm < reduction * norm_0) {
// fill statistics
res.converged = true;
} // end for
// calculate update vector
w = 0.0;
// and current iterate
x += w;
// restart GMRes if convergence was not achieved,
// i.e. linear defect has not reached desired reduction
// and if j < _maxit
if( res.converged != true && j <= _maxit ) {
if(_verbose > 0)
std::cout << "=== GMRes::restart" << std::endl;
// get saved rhs
b = b2;
// calculate new defect
_A.applyscaleadd(-1.0,x,b); // b -= Ax;
// calculate preconditioned defect
v[0] = 0.0;
norm = _sp.norm(v[0]);
norm_old = norm;
if (res.converged != true && _verbose > 0)
std::cout << "=== GMRes::restart\n";
} //end while; // postprocess preconditioner
// postprocess preconditioner;
res.iterations = j;
res.reduction = norm / norm_0;
res.conv_rate = pow(res.reduction,1.0/j);
// save solver statistics
res.iterations = j-1; // it has to be j-1!!!
res.reduction = norm/norm_0;
res.conv_rate = pow(res.reduction,1.0/(j-1));
res.elapsed = watch.elapsed();
if (_verbose>0)
print_result (const InverseOperatorResult & res) const
int j = res.iterations>0 ? res.iterations : 1;
private :
void print_result(const InverseOperatorResult& res) const {
int k = res.iterations>0 ? res.iterations : 1;
std::cout << "=== rate=" << res.conv_rate
<< ", T=" << res.elapsed
<< ", TIT=" << res.elapsed/j
<< ", TIT=" << res.elapsed/k
<< ", IT=" << res.iterations
<< std::endl;
static void
update(X &x, int k,
const std::vector< std::vector<field_type> > & h,
const std::vector<field_type> & s, const std::vector<F> &v)
void update(X& w, int i,
const std::vector<std::vector<field_type> >& H,
const std::vector<field_type>& s,
const std::vector<X>& v) {
// solution vector of the upper triangular system
std::vector<field_type> y(s);
// Backsolve:
for (int i = k; i >= 0; i--) {
y[i] /= h[i][i];
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
y[j] -= h[j][i] * y[i];
// backsolve
for(int a=i-1; a>=0; a--) {
field_type rhs(s[a]);
for(int b=a+1; b<i; b++)
rhs -= H[a][b]*y[b];
y[a] = rhs/H[a][a];
for (int j = 0; j <= k; j++)
// x += v[j] * y[j];
// compute update on the fly
// w += y[a]*v[a]
generatePlaneRotation(field_type &dx, field_type &dy, field_type &cs, field_type &sn)
if (dy == 0.0) {
field_type temp = std::abs(dy);
if (std::abs(dy) < 1e-15 ) {
cs = 1.0;
sn = 0.0;
} else if (std::abs(dy) > std::abs(dx)) {
field_type temp = dx / dy;
} else if (temp > std::abs(dx)) {
temp = dx / dy;
sn = 1.0 / std::sqrt( 1.0 + temp*temp );
cs = temp * sn;
} else {
field_type temp = dy / dx;
temp = dy / dx;
cs = 1.0 / std::sqrt( 1.0 + temp*temp );
sn = temp * cs;
......@@ -1336,15 +1361,14 @@ namespace Dune {
dx = temp;
LinearOperator<X,X>& _A_;
Preconditioner<X,X>& _M;
LinearOperator<X,Y>& _A;
Preconditioner<X,Y>& _W;
SeqScalarProduct<X> ssp;
ScalarProduct<X>& _sp;
int _restart;
double _reduction;
real_type _reduction;
int _maxit;
int _verbose;
bool _recalc_defect;
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