- Sep 03, 2015
Christoph Grüninger authored
Boost is no longer needed in dune-istl.
- Sep 01, 2015
Markus Blatt authored
Markus Blatt authored
Markus Blatt authored
Carsten Gräser authored
[release] Merge fix for handling 64 bit IDXTYPEWIDTH in parmetis>3
Markus Blatt authored
- Aug 18, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
Tested with gcc-4.9.3 and clang-3.4. Kinda tricky to make them both happy...
Oliver Sander authored
They do. Well, at least they compile :-) Don't know yet whether they actually work.
Markus Blatt authored
The new modules from the arpack feature branch were never installed and this would have broken installed dune-istl modules. With this commit they now are installed for both CMAke and autotools.
Tobias Malkmus authored
- Aug 17, 2015
Christian Engwer authored
- Aug 16, 2015
Christian Engwer authored
the old code didn't work (at least not with clang). The reason is that constructs like template<typename... Arg1, typename... Arg2> don't work, as the compiler doesn't know where to split the list of arguments. The whole algo_itsteps got reworked to allow for an easier specialization for MultiTypeBlockMatrix. Now the struct is also parametrized by the matrix type. By this we can easily add a specialization.
Christian Engwer authored
Christian Engwer authored
Christian Engwer authored
Christian Engwer authored
Christian Engwer authored
... thus we can always run the multitype examples
Christian Engwer authored
we have to preceed the variadic parameter by T1, in order to fix the deduction. The problem is that (for what ever reason) otherwise the type pack can not be detected properly.
- Aug 15, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
We use the same trick with std::integral_constant as in the MultiTypeBlockVector code.
Christian Engwer authored
Sebastian Westerheide authored
added tests using the new eigenvalue algorithm class templates to compute the spectral (i.e. 2-norm) condition number of the system matrix associated with a 2D Laplace equation discretized using the classical 5-point finite difference scheme
Sebastian Westerheide authored
Check for the ARPACK++ library (needed for the new Dune::ArPackPlusPlus_Algorithms class template)
Sebastian Westerheide authored
initial commit of one class template for performing some iterative eigenvalue algorithms based on power iteration and of one class template for performing some eigenvalue algorithms provided by the ARPACK++ library
Oliver Sander authored
The code still uses boost::fusion, though.
- Aug 13, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
These methods should be there in analogy to all other ISTL matrices. Besides, this patch makes the code use them internally, which makes for a few nice simplifications.
Oliver Sander authored
This removes the dependency on boost::fusion. Using a bit of variadic template magic makes the code a tiny bit simpler, too. Note, though, that this change is not backward-compatible. If you have previously used boost::fusion::at_c<i>(v) to get the i-th entry of the vector v, you now have to change this to std::get<i>(v) Alternatively, you can start using operator[], and write v[std::integral_constant<int,i>()]
- Aug 12, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
Oliver Sander authored
We replace constructs like (if T is a MultiTypeBlockVector) mpl::size<T>::value by T::size() which I find easier to read. Besides, using size() hides the fact that boost::fusion is used for the implementation.
Oliver Sander authored
This method mimicks the behavior of normal vector access with square brackets like, e.g., v[5] = 1. The problem is that the return type is different for each value of the argument in the brackets. Therefore we implement a trick using std::integral_constant. To access the first entry of a MultiTypeBlockVector named v write MultiTypeBlockVector<A,B,C,D> v; std::integral_constant<int,0> _0; v[_0] = ... The name '_0' used here as a static replacement of the integer number zero is arbitrary. Any other variable name can be used. If you don't like the separate variable, you can writee MultiTypeBlockVector<A,B,C,D> v; v[std::integral_constant<int,0>()] = ...
- Aug 11, 2015
Tobias Malkmus authored
- Aug 10, 2015
Dominic Kempf authored
Dominic Kempf authored
It has to be enabled via the property SKIP_RETURN_CODE.
- Aug 09, 2015
Oliver Sander authored
The class already contains a method 'count', which returns the same value. However, all our other vector types use 'size' for the vector size, not 'count'. Additionally, the method is static and DUNE_CONSTEXPR, which is sometimes helpful.
Oliver Sander authored
Both tests mainly test whether all interface methods compile, and whether the resulting code does not crash (it doesn't). A large part of the matrix test has been copied from the file dune/istl/tutorial/example.cc, which is really much more of a test than an example. That test for MultiTypeBlockMatrix seems to trigger a valgrind complaint inside BCRSMatrix. I'll need to investigate this. Both test executables are built even if boost fusion is not found. In that case, both simply return '77'. I am aware that this may not be the official way to handle the boost dependency, but I didn't want to spend to much time on the corresponding cmake way to skip the test, given that my plan is to remove the boost dependency anyway.
Oliver Sander authored
- Aug 05, 2015
Robert K authored
different versions of ParMetis.
- Aug 03, 2015