//#define COUNT_FLOPS
#warning "FLOP/s counting enabled!"
// system includes
#include <string>
#include "passtraits.hh"
// dune includes
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
// local includes
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/eulerfluxes.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/diffusionflux.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/stepper/advectiondiffusionstepper.hh>
static const int polynomialOrder = POLORDER ;
typedef NSWaves< GridType > ProblemType;
template< class GridPart >
struct Traits
typedef ProblemType InitialDataType;
typedef Dune::NSModel< GridPart, InitialDataType > ModelType;
// choice of diffusion flux (see diffusionflux.hh for methods)
static const Dune :: DGDiffusionFluxIdentifier PrimalDiffusionFluxId
#ifndef FLUX
#define FLUX 1
// ******************************** NUMERICAL FLUX *****************************
#if (FLUX==1)
#warning "FLUX: LLF"
typedef LLFFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==2)
#warning "FLUX: HLL (Dennis)"
typedef HLLNumFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==3)
#warning "FLUX: HLLC (Dennis)"
typedef HLLCNumFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==4)
#warning "FLUX: HLL2C"
typedef HLL2CFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==5)
#warning "FLUX: HLL2"
typedef HLL2Flux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==6)
#warning "FLUX: HLLEM (Mhd)"
typedef HLLEMNumFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#error "Set the flag FLUX! See for details!"
// ****************************** END NUMERICAL FLUX ***************************
static inline std::string advectionFluxName()
#if (FLUX==1)
return "LLF";
#elif (FLUX==2)
return "HLL(Dennis)";
#elif (FLUX==3)
return "HLLC(Dennis)";
#elif (FLUX==4)
return "HLL2C";
#elif (FLUX==5)
return "HLL2";
#elif (FLUX==6)
return "HLLEM(Mhd)";
static inline std::string diffusionFluxName()
#ifdef EULER
return "";
#elif (defined PRIMALDG)
return Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >("dgdiffusionflux.method");
return "LDG";
static inline std::string moduleName()
static inline Dune::GridPtr<GridType>
std::string description( advectionFluxName() + " " + diffusionFluxName() );
// use default implementation
return initialize< GridType > ( description );
static ProblemType* problem()
// choice of explicit or implicit ode solver
return new ProblemType ();
// this should be ok but could lead to a henn-egg problem
typedef AdvectionDiffusionStepper< GridType, ProblemCreator< GridType>, polynomialOrder > StepperType;