- Extended the MatrixMarket IO functions for reading and writing vectors with
SIMD field_type as tall-skinny matrices.
- Added public access of the `cholmod_common` object in class `Cholmod`.
- Python bindings have been moved from the `dune-python` module which is now
Note that for `dune-istl` bindings are still very much work in progress.
To activate Python bindings the CMake flag
`DUNE_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS` needs to be turned on (default is off).
Furthermore, flags for either shared library or position independent code
needs to be used.
- Added new utility functions templates `maxBlockLevel`, `minBlockLevel`, `blockLevel` in `dnue/istl/blocklevel.hh` to
automatically determine the block level of possibly nested ISTL vectors & matrices at compile time.
The block level cannot be always uniquely determined for `MultiTypeBlockMatrix`/`MultiTypeBlockVector` since the nesting level
of different block types might differ. Hence, `maxBlockLevel`, `minBlockLevel` always works
but if they yield different results `blockLevel` will not compile.
This condition can be checked with the function template `hasUniqueBlockLevel`.
- The internal setup code of the various SuiteSparse solvers (like `UMFPack`)
has been cleaned up. The effects should be invisible to all regular users.
However, if you have happened to use the `ColCompMatrix` and `ColCompMatrixInitializer`
classes in the past you need to port your code to use `Impl::BCCSMatrix` and
`Impl::BCCSMatrixInitializer` instead. Their interfaces have changed a little bit;
please look at the class documentation for details. The old header `colcompmatrix.hh`
is still there, but backward compatibility is only partial.
- More implementation code of the ILU preconditioners (in `ilu.hh`) has moved
into the `ILU` namespace. With the move, some methods have changed their names
from std-style to CamelCase. The old methods are still there, but they are
deprecated now. The class `MatrixBlockError` has moved from the file `ilu.hh`
to the file `istlexception.hh`, because it is of wider interest.
- Added the routines `flatVectorForEach` and `flatMatrixForEach` that traverse a (blocked) vector or matrix container.
At each entry a functor is called taking the entry and the (flat) index offset.
- `Cholmod` solver can now be used with each blocked matrix/vector type compatible with `flatVectorForEach` and `flatMatrixForEach`.
## Deprecations and removals
- Drop deprecated bindings of direct solver Pardiso.
- Remove deprecated preconditioner implementations `SeqILU0` and `SeqILUn`. Use
`SeqILU` instead, which implements incomplete LU decomposition of any order.
- Remove deprecated methods 'BlockVector::resize' and 'BlockVector::reserve'
with two arguments.
- Rename the exception `ImplicitModeOverflowExhausted` to `ImplicitModeCompressionBufferExhausted`,
to better reflect its meaning. The old exception is still there, but it triggers
a deprecation warning.
- Remove deprecated `SequentialInformation::getSolverCategory()`, use
`category()` instead.
## Known issues
- SuiteSparse's threading tends to conflict with the threading from OpenBLAS. The
author of SuiteSparse reports cases of an
[100 fold slowdown](
for cholmod. See also
[dune-istl #91](
- New `SolverFactory` for generating sequential direct or iterative solvers and
preconditioners from a `ParameterTree` configuration.
- `BDMatrix` objects now have the method `solve`, which implements that
canonical way to solve block-diagonal linear systems.
- The class `VariableBlockVector::CreateIterator` is a true STL output iterator now.
This means that you can use STL algorithms like `std::fill` or `std::copy`
to set the block sizes.
- `MultiTypeBlockVector<Args...>` now inherits the constructors from its
parent type (`std::tuple<Args...>`). This means you can now also construct
`MultiTypeBlockVector`s from values or references of BlockVectors.
- All matrix and vector classes can now be instantiated with number types
directly (A number type is any type for which `Dune::IsNumber<T>::value`
is true). For example, you can now use `BlockVector<double>` instead of
the more cumbersome `BlockVector<FieldVector<double,1> >`. Similarly, you can use
`BCRSMatrix<double>` instead of `BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double,1,1>>`.
The old forms still work, and `FieldVector` and `FieldMatrix` types with
a single entry can still be cast to their `field_type`. Therefore, the
change is completely backward-compatible.
- Added a right-preconditioned flexible restarted GMRes solver
- The UMFPack binding use the long int functions to compute larger systems.
With the \*_dl_\* versions instead of the \*_di_\* versions UMFPACK will not
have a memory limit of just 2 GiB.
- Support for SuiteSparse's CHOLMOD providing a sparse Cholesky
- The interface methods `dot()` and `norm()` of ScalarProduct are now `const`. You will
have to adjust the method signatures in your own scalar product implementations.
- `MultiTypeBlockVector` now implements the interface method `N()`, which
returns the number of vector entries.
- `MultiTypeBlockVector` now implements the interface method `dim()`, which
returns the number of scalar vector entries.
- `MultiTypeBlockVector::count()` is now `const`
- `SeqILU` can now be used with SIMD data types.
## Deprecations and removals
- Deprecated support for SuperLU 4.x. It will be removed after Dune 2.7.
- Deprecated the preconditioner implementations `SeqILU0` and `SeqILUn`.
Use `SeqILU` instead, which implements incomplete LU decomposition
of any order.
- The method `setSolverCategory` of `OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication` is deprecated and
will be removed after Dune 2.7. The solver category can only be set in the constructor.
- The method `getSolverCategory` of `OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication` is deprecated and
will be removed after Dune 2.7. Use `category()` instead.
- The method `MultiTypeBlockVector::count()` has been deprecated, because its name
is inconsistent with the name mandated by the `dune-istl` vector interface.
- The method `MultiTypeBlockMatrix::size()` has been deprecated, because its name
is inconsistent with the name mandated by the `dune-istl` vector interface.
# Release 2.6
- `BDMatrix` objects can now be constructed and assigned from `std::initializer_list`.
- `BDMatrix` and `BTDMatrix` now implement the `setSize` method, which allows to
resize existing matrix objects.
- The solver infrastructure was updated to support SIMD data types (see
current changes in `dune-common`). This allows to solve multiple systems
simultaniously using vectorization.