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Commits on Source (38)
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
- Deprecated support for SuperLU 4.x. It will be removed after Dune 2.7.
- The interface methods `dot()` and `norm()` of ScalarProduct are now `const`. You will
have to adjust the method signatures in your own scalar product implementations.
# Release 2.6
- `BDMatrix` objects can now be constructed and assigned from `std::initializer_list`.
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ namespace Dune
for(size_type i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(size_type j=0; j<m; j++) {
assert(colindex*m+j<cols-1 || (size_type)marker[colindex*m+j]<mat->colstart[colindex*m+j+1]);
assert(colindex*m+j<cols-1 || (size_type)marker[colindex*m+j]<(size_type)mat->colstart[colindex*m+j+1]);
......@@ -123,6 +123,32 @@ namespace Dune
const SmootherArgs& smootherArgs=SmootherArgs(),
const ParallelInformation& pinfo=ParallelInformation());
\brief Constructor an AMG via ParameterTree.
\param fineOperator The operator on the fine level.
\param configuration ParameterTree containing AMG parameters.
\param pinfo Optionally, specify ParallelInformation
ParameterTree Key | Meaning
smootherIterations | The number of iterations to perform.
smootherRelaxation | Common parameter defined [here](@ref ISTL_Factory_Common_Params).
maxLevel | Maximum number of levels allowed in the hierarchy.
coarsenTarget | Maximum number of unknowns on the coarsest level.
prolongationDampingFactor | Damping factor for the prolongation.
alpha | Scaling avlue for marking connections as strong.
beta | Treshold for marking nodes as isolated.
additive | Whether to use additive multigrid.
gamma | 1 for V-cycle, 2 for W-cycle.
preSteps | Number of presmoothing steps.
postSteps | Number of postsmoothing steps.
verbosity | Output verbosity.
See \ref ISTL_Factory for the ParameterTree layout and examples.
AMG(std::shared_ptr<const Operator> fineOperator, const ParameterTree& configuration, const ParallelInformation& pinfo=ParallelInformation());
* @brief Copy constructor.
......@@ -354,6 +380,60 @@ namespace Dune
createHierarchies(criterion, matrixptr, pinfo);
template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
AMG<M,X,S,PI,A>::AMG(std::shared_ptr<const Operator> matrixptr,
const ParameterTree& configuration,
const ParallelInformation& pinfo) :
smoothers_(new Hierarchy<Smoother,A>),
solver_(), rhs_(), lhs_(), update_(), scalarProduct_(), buildHierarchy_(true),
coarsesolverconverged(true), coarseSmoother_(),
if (configuration.hasKey ("smootherIterations"))
smootherArgs_.iterations = configuration.get<int>("smootherIterations");
if (configuration.hasKey ("smootherRelaxation"))
smootherArgs_.relaxationFactor = configuration.get<typename SmootherArgs::RelaxationFactor>("smootherRelaxation");
typedef Amg::RowSum Norm;
typedef Dune::Amg::CoarsenCriterion<Dune::Amg::UnSymmetricCriterion<typename M::matrix_type,Norm> > Criterion;
Criterion criterion (configuration.get<int>("maxLevel"));
if (configuration.hasKey ("coarsenTarget"))
criterion.setCoarsenTarget (configuration.get<int>("coarsenTarget"));
if (configuration.hasKey ("prolongationDampingFactor"))
criterion.setProlongationDampingFactor (configuration.get<double>("prolongationDampingFactor"));
if (configuration.hasKey ("alpha"))
criterion.setAlpha (configuration.get<double> ("alpha"));
if (configuration.hasKey ("beta"))
criterion.setBeta (configuration.get<double> ("beta"));
if (configuration.hasKey ("gamma"))
criterion.setGamma (configuration.get<std::size_t> ("gamma"));
gamma_ = criterion.getGamma();
if (configuration.hasKey ("additive"))
criterion.setAdditive (configuration.get<bool>("additive"));
additive = criterion.getAdditive();
if (configuration.hasKey ("preSteps"))
criterion.setNoPreSmoothSteps (configuration.get<std::size_t> ("preSteps"));
preSteps_ = criterion.getNoPreSmoothSteps ();
if (configuration.hasKey ("postSteps"))
criterion.setNoPostSmoothSteps (configuration.get<std::size_t> ("preSteps"));
postSteps_ = criterion.getNoPostSmoothSteps ();
verbosity_ = configuration.get("verbosity",2);
criterion.setDebugLevel (verbosity_);
createHierarchies(criterion, matrixptr, pinfo);
template <class Matrix,
class Vector>
struct DirectSolverSelector
......@@ -423,7 +503,7 @@ namespace Dune
template<class C>
void AMG<M,X,S,PI,A>::createHierarchies(C& criterion,
const std::shared_ptr<const Operator>& matrixptr,
const PI& pinfo)
const PI& pinfo)
Timer watch;
matrices_ = std::make_shared<OperatorHierarchy>(
......@@ -550,7 +630,7 @@ namespace Dune
for(RowIter row=mat.begin(); row!=mat.end(); ++row) {
bool isDirichlet = true;
bool hasDiagonal = false;
Block diagonal;
Block diagonal{};
for(ColIter col=row->begin(); col!=row->end(); ++col) {
if(row.index()==col.index()) {
diagonal = *col;
......@@ -67,19 +67,22 @@ namespace Dune
template<class X, class Y, class C, class T>
struct SmootherTraits<BlockPreconditioner<X,Y,C,T> >
template<class X, class Y>
struct SmootherTraits<Richardson<X,Y>>
typedef DefaultSmootherArgs<typename T::matrix_type::field_type> Arguments;
typedef DefaultSmootherArgs<typename X::field_type> Arguments;
template<class X, class Y, class C, class T>
struct SmootherTraits<BlockPreconditioner<X,Y,C,T> >
: public SmootherTraits<T>
template<class C, class T>
struct SmootherTraits<NonoverlappingBlockPreconditioner<C,T> >
typedef DefaultSmootherArgs<typename T::matrix_type::field_type> Arguments;
: public SmootherTraits<T>
* @brief Construction Arguments for the default smoothers
......@@ -168,6 +171,49 @@ namespace Dune
template<class X, class Y>
class DefaultConstructionArgs<Richardson<X,Y>>
typedef Richardson<X,Y> T;
typedef typename SmootherTraits<T>::Arguments SmootherArgs;
virtual ~DefaultConstructionArgs()
template <class... Args>
void setMatrix(const Args&...)
void setArgs(const SmootherArgs& args)
template<class T1>
void setComm(T1& comm)
const SequentialInformation& getComm()
return comm_;
const SmootherArgs getArgs() const
return *args_;
const SmootherArgs* args_;
SequentialInformation comm_;
template<class T>
class ConstructionTraits;
......@@ -233,6 +279,21 @@ namespace Dune
* @brief Policy for the construction of the Richardson smoother
template<class X, class Y>
struct ConstructionTraits<Richardson<X,Y> >
typedef DefaultConstructionArgs<Richardson<X,Y> > Arguments;
static inline std::shared_ptr<Richardson<X,Y>> construct(Arguments& args)
return std::make_shared<Richardson<X,Y>>
DUNE_NO_DEPRECATED_BEGIN // for deprecated SeqILU0
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <dune/common/simd/simd.hh>
#include <dune/common/unused.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include "preconditioner.hh"
#include "solver.hh"
......@@ -159,6 +160,27 @@ namespace Dune {
\brief Constructor.
\param A The matrix to operate on.
\param configuration ParameterTree containing preconditioner parameters.
ParameterTree Key | Meaning
iterations | The number of iterations to perform.
relaxation | Common parameter defined [here](@ref ISTL_Factory_Common_Params).
See \ref ISTL_Factory for the ParameterTree layout and examples.
SeqSSOR (const M& A, const ParameterTree& configuration)
: _A_(A)
_n = configuration.get<field_type>("iterations");
_w = configuration.get<field_type>("relaxation");
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
......@@ -249,6 +271,17 @@ namespace Dune {
\copydoc SeqSSOR::SeqSSOR(const M&,const ParameterTree&)
SeqSOR (const M& A, const ParameterTree& configuration)
: _A_(A)
_n = configuration.get<field_type>("iterations");
_w = configuration.get<field_type>("relaxation");
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
......@@ -354,6 +387,17 @@ namespace Dune {
\copydoc SeqSSOR::SeqSSOR(const M&,const ParameterTree&)
SeqGS (const M& A, const ParameterTree& configuration)
: _A_(A)
_n = configuration.get<field_type>("iterations");
_w = configuration.get<field_type>("relaxation");
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
......@@ -440,6 +484,17 @@ namespace Dune {
\copydoc SeqSSOR::SeqSSOR(const M&,const ParameterTree&)
SeqJac (const M& A, const ParameterTree& configuration)
: _A_(A)
_n = configuration.get<field_type>("iterations");
_w = configuration.get<field_type>("relaxation");
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
......@@ -538,7 +593,7 @@ namespace Dune {
Constructor invoking ILU(n).
\param A The matrix to operate on.
\param n The number of iterations to perform.
\param n The order of the ILU decomposition.
\param w The relaxation factor.
\param resort true if a resort of the computed ILU for improved performance should be done.
......@@ -679,6 +734,25 @@ namespace Dune {
\brief Constructor.
\param A The matrix to operate on.
\param configuration ParameterTree containing preconditioner parameters.
ParameterTree Key | Meaning
relaxation | Common parameter defined [here](@ref ISTL_Factory_Common_Params).
See \ref ISTL_Factory for the ParameterTree layout and examples.
SeqILU0 (const M& A, const ParameterTree& configuration)
: ILU(A) // copy A
_w = configuration.get<field_type>("relaxation");
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
......@@ -758,7 +832,7 @@ namespace Dune {
Constructor gets all parameters to operate the prec.
\param A The matrix to operate on.
\param n The number of iterations to perform.
\param n The order of the ILU decomposition.
\param w The relaxation factor.
SeqILUn (const M& A, int n, scalar_field_type w)
......@@ -769,6 +843,17 @@ namespace Dune {
\copydoc SeqSSOR::SeqSSOR(const M&,const ParameterTree&)
SeqILUn (const M& A, const ParameterTree& configuration)
: ILU(A.N(),A.M(),M::row_wise)
_n = configuration.get<field_type>("iterations");
_w = configuration.get<field_type>("relaxation");
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
......@@ -847,6 +932,14 @@ namespace Dune {
\copydoc SeqILU0::SeqILU0(const M&,const ParameterTree&)
Richardson (const ParameterTree& configuration)
_w = configuration.get<field_type>("relaxation");
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
......@@ -6,11 +6,15 @@
#include <iomanip>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/common/shared_ptr.hh>
#include <dune/common/simd/io.hh>
#include <dune/common/simd/simd.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
#include "solvertype.hh"
#include "preconditioner.hh"
......@@ -193,7 +197,7 @@ namespace Dune
constructors, which are then only imported in the actual solver
template<class X, class Y>
template<class X, class Y, class CountType = unsigned int>
class IterativeSolver : public InverseOperator<X,Y>{
using typename InverseOperator<X,Y>::domain_type;
......@@ -266,6 +270,56 @@ namespace Dune
DUNE_THROW(InvalidSolverCategory, "LinearOperator and ScalarProduct must have the same SolverCategory!");
IterativeSolver (std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,Y> > op, std::shared_ptr<Preconditioner<X,X> > prec, const ParameterTree& configuration) :
IterativeSolver (std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,Y> > op, std::shared_ptr<ScalarProduct<X> > sp, std::shared_ptr<Preconditioner<X,X> > prec, const ParameterTree& configuration) :
\brief General constructor to initialize an iterative solver
\param op The operator we solve.
\param sp The scalar product to use, e. g. SeqScalarproduct.
\param prec The preconditioner to apply in each iteration of the loop.
Has to inherit from Preconditioner.
\param reduction The relative defect reduction to achieve when applying
the operator.
\param maxit The maximum number of iteration steps allowed when applying
the operator.
\param verbose The verbosity level.
Verbose levels are:
<li> 0 : print nothing </li>
<li> 1 : print initial and final defect and statistics </li>
<li> 2 : print line for each iteration </li>
IterativeSolver (std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,Y>> op,
std::shared_ptr<ScalarProduct<X>> sp,
std::shared_ptr<Preconditioner<X,Y>> prec,
scalar_real_type reduction, int maxit, int verbose) :
_reduction(reduction), _maxit(maxit), _verbose(verbose),
if(SolverCategory::category(*op) != SolverCategory::category(*prec))
DUNE_THROW(InvalidSolverCategory, "LinearOperator and Preconditioner must have the same SolverCategory!");
if(SolverCategory::category(*op) != SolverCategory::category(*sp))
DUNE_THROW(InvalidSolverCategory, "LinearOperator and ScalarProduct must have the same SolverCategory!");
// #warning actually we want to have this as the default and just implement the second one
// //! \copydoc InverseOperator::apply(X&,Y&,InverseOperatorResult&)
// virtual void apply (X& x, Y& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
......@@ -298,6 +352,120 @@ namespace Dune
return _category;
std::string name() const{
std::string name = className(*this);
return name.substr(0, name.find("<"));
\brief Class for controlling iterative methods
This class provides building blocks for a iterative method. It does all
things that have to do with output, residual checking (NaN, infinite,
convergence) and sets also the fields of InverseOperatorResult.
Instances of this class are meant to create with
IterativeSolver::startIteration and stored as a local variable in the apply
method. If the scope of the apply method is left the destructor of this
class sets all the solver statistics in the InverseOperatorResult and
prints the final output.
During the iteration in every step Iteration::step should be called with
the current iteration count and norm of the residual. It returns true if
convergence is achieved.
class Iteration {
Iteration(const IterativeSolver& parent, InverseOperatorResult& res)
: _i(0)
, _res(res)
, _parent(parent)
, _valid(true)
std::cout << "=== " << << std::endl;
if(_parent._verbose > 1)
Iteration(const Iteration&) = delete;
Iteration(Iteration&& other)
: _def0(other._def0)
, _def(other._def)
, _i(other._i)
, _watch(other._watch)
, _res(other._res)
, _parent(other._parent)
, _valid(other._valid)
other._valid = false;
/*! \brief registers the iteration step, checks for invalid defect norm
and convergence.
\param i The current iteration count
\param def The current norm of the defect
\return true is convergence is achieved
\throw SolverAbort when `def` contains inf or NaN
bool step(CountType i, real_type def){
if (!Simd::allTrue(isFinite(def))) // check for inf or NaN
if (_parent._verbose>0)
std::cout << "=== " << << ": abort due to infinite or NaN defect"
<< std::endl;
DUNE_THROW(SolverAbort, << ": defect=" << Simd::io(def)
<< " is infinite or NaN");
if(i == 0)
_def0 = def;
if(_parent._verbose > 1){
_def = def;
_i = i;
_res.converged = (Simd::allTrue(def<_def0*_parent._reduction) || Simd::max(def)<1E-30); // convergence check
return _res.converged;
void finalize(){
_res.converged = (Simd::allTrue(_def<_def0*_parent._reduction) || Simd::max(_def)<1E-30);
_res.iterations = _i;
_res.reduction = static_cast<double>(Simd::max(_def/_def0));
_res.conv_rate = pow(_res.reduction,1.0/_i);
_res.elapsed = _watch.elapsed();
if (_parent._verbose>0) // final print
std::cout << "=== rate=" << _res.conv_rate
<< ", T=" << _res.elapsed
<< ", TIT=" << _res.elapsed/_res.iterations
<< ", IT=" << _res.iterations << std::endl;
real_type _def0 = 0.0, _def = 0.0;
CountType _i;
Timer _watch;
InverseOperatorResult& _res;
const IterativeSolver& _parent;
bool _valid;
std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,Y>> _op;
std::shared_ptr<Preconditioner<X,Y>> _prec;
This diff is collapsed.