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  1. Jan 18, 2023
  2. Jan 17, 2023
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Capture structured bindings by value · 9630ef9c
      Carsten Gräser authored
      Capturing structured bindings by reference is not allowed
      before C++20. Here we can instead capture by value as a work around,
      because the shifted indices are thin wrappers.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      [test]Extend test of istlMatrixBackend · 63427735
      Carsten Gräser authored
      This removed some trivial tests and instead introduces
      some more systematic tests with more complicated matrix
      types and bases. Since the `MatrixBuilder` has not been
      specialized for some of the tested matrix types, the
      corresponding matrices must be created manually.
  3. Jan 16, 2023
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      [cleanup]Simplify ISTLMatrixBackend entry access by multi-indices · a435e04f
      Carsten Gräser authored
      This cleans up the entry access by a pair of row- and column-multi-indices
      as follows:
      * Factor out a generic utility function `visitMatrixEntry()` for
        accessing the `(i,j)`-th entry of a matrix with dynamic indices.
        By combining `hybridIndexAccess()` and `hybridRowIndexAccess()` this
        also works with multi-type matrices.
      * Factor out a generic utility function `visitMatrixEntryRecursive()` for
        recursively accessing matrix entries with dynamic row- and column-multi-indices.
        The action to apply to the resolved matrix entry is customizable.
      * Use `visitMatrixEntryRecursive()` to return matrix entries.
      This is a significant simplification of the old `MultiIndexResolver`-code
      and far more readable. It is also more generic, and forms the foundation
      of possible extensions to other methods that need multi-index-access,
      like, e.g., `matrixEntryExists(i,j)` or `addToMatrixEntry(i,j)`.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Merge branch 'split-istlbackend' into 'master' · da1d2f09
      Carsten Gräser authored
      Split header assemblers/istlbackend.hh
      See merge request !148
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Split header assemblers/istlbackend.hh · 3c782f15
      Carsten Gräser authored
      The header contained several independent classes. They are now
      split into separate headers in the new directory `backends/`.
      The old header is deprecated but includes the new one for compatibility.
  4. Jan 12, 2023
  5. Jan 11, 2023
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Remove AlienElementLocalBasisFunction · 9672c771
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Remove `AlienElementLocalBasisFunction` and corresponding header.
        This is overly complicated and can be implemented simpler
        using the new `CachedFunction`.
      * Replace use of `AlienElementLocalBasisFunction` in dofconstraints.hh
        in favor of a direct implementation.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Modernize gradientassemblertest · c2f10586
      Carsten Gräser authored
      Switch from old `BasisGridFunction` to Dune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction`
      in the test, to avoid deprecation warning.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Remove unused CachedComponentWrapper::evaluate() · e9c179a9
      Carsten Gräser authored
      In all placed where this class is used, the downstream code
      uses `operator()`.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Stop using CachedComponentWrapper in gradientassembler.hh · 5b08b68c
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Use CachedFunction instead.
      * Remove now unused classes `LocalBasisDerivativeFunction`
        and `LocalBasisJacobianFunction` and corresponding headers.
        They are not used anywhere.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Add CachedFunction · 7a7d2450
      Carsten Gräser authored
      This is a simple wrapper for caching function evaluations. Together
      with very simple application specific lambda functions this provides
      the same functionality as `CachedComponentWrapper` with a far simpler
      implementation without CRTP, traits-classes, ... .
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `PortableGreyMap` · 1291d087
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Let the function implement the dune-functions interface
      * Require dune-functions in `exportGreyMap()` member function
      * Adjust ``
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `PortablePixelMap` · 7c18b2bc
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Let the function implement the dune-functions interface
      * Require dune-functions in `exportPixelMap()` member function
      * Adjust ``
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `NewPFEAssembler` · b8a6fe93
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions
      * Adjust ``
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Provide access to wrapped GlobalBasis in DuneFunctionsBasis<GlobalBasis> · d229e777
      Carsten Gräser authored
      This allows to e.g. use `Dune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction`
      with a wrapped basis without storing a separate copy of it.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `VariableCoefficientViscosityAssembler` · b60a7f56
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions
      * Adjust ``
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `FunctionIntegrator` · a3ef5853
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions
      * One now has to pass a dune-functions basis to
      * The function range type must be passed manually as
        template parameter to `FunctionIntegrator::integrateDiscreteFunction()`.
      * Adjust test
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      [test]Update subgridxyfunctionalassemblertest · 49e06d86
      Carsten Gräser authored
      Adjust test to recent changes in `L2FunctionalAssembler`, `H1FunctionalAssembler`,
      `SubgridL2FunctionalAssembler`, and `SubgridH1FunctionalAssembler`:
      * Test with functions implementing the new interface.
      * Pass suitable `QuadratureRuleKey`s to constructors.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `SubgridH1FunctionalAssembler` · 099b0ff7
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions
      * Modernize constructor: You now have to pass a `QuadratureRuleKey`
        describing how to integrade the passed function instead of
        a raw quadrature rule order for the whole integrant.
      * Reduce magic:
        * This no longer works like a simple `H1FunctionalAssembler`
          if you pass Subgrid `GridFunction`s. In this use case
          use a plain `H1FunctionalAssembler` instead.
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `SubgridL2FunctionalAssembler` · 243a9db5
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions
      * Reduce magic:
        * This no longer works like a simple `L2FunctionalAssembler`
          if you pass Subgrid `GridFunction`s. In this use case
          use a plain `L2FunctionalAssembler` instead.
        * The `QuadratureRuleKey` is no longer determined from the passed
          function automatically. Instead the manually passed `QuadratureRuleKey`
          is now always used.
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Remove deprecated constructor of SubgridL2FunctionalAssembler · 9fcbfcba
      Carsten Gräser authored
      Remove the deprecated constructor taking a raw quadrature order,
      the now unused member storing this order, and all code paths evaluating it.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `H1FunctionalAssembler` · fb049768
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions
      * Modernize constructor: You now have to pass a `QuadratureRuleKey`
        describing how to integrade the passed function instead of
        a raw quadrature rule order for the whole integrant.
      * Adjust test
      * Disable test for dune-functions older than 2.9, because
        `derivative(DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction)` is used in the
        test but not implemented in before dune-functions-2.9.
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `L2FunctionalAssembler` · c2bd2dc8
      Carsten Gräser authored
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`,
      but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Reverse dependency of basisgridfunction.hh and vintagebasisgridfunction.hh · 918ba8b6
      Carsten Gräser authored
      This moves the `Local(Derivative)Evaluator` implementations from
      `basisgridfunction.hh` to `vintagebasisgridfunction.hh`. Hence
      the former now includes the latter. This was the other way around before.
      By this change one can include `vintagebasisgridfunction.hh` without
      seeing deprecation warnings because `dune/common/function.hh` is implicitly
      included. Furthermore it allows to remove `basisgridfunction.hh` before
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Switch function interface in `GeneralizedLaplaceAssembler` · 9514ec94
      Carsten Gräser authored
      * Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions
      * Adjust test
      * Also test with scalar- and matrix-valued dune-functions grid functions as coefficients
      * Disable test with `Dune::Functions::ComposedGridFunction` for dune-functions-2.8
      After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`
      as diffusivity coefficient, but have to use either the `std::function` or the
      `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Add some utilitilies for unified treatment of grid functions · 151195f0
      Carsten Gräser authored
      All utilities in this header are for transitional purposes to
      migrate dune-fufem from the `Dune::VirtualFunction`-based to a
      `std::function`-based interface, while keeping some compatibility.
      Unfortunately the dune-functions utilities (e.g. `makeGridViewFunction()`)
      cannot directly be used, because the old dune-fufem assemblers do not
      know a `GridView`, but only a `Grid`, while the dune-functions grid-function
      concept always required an `EntitySet` that typically represents a `GridView`.
      The work-around provided by this header works as follows:
      * Provide a utility `Dune::Fufem::Impl::localFunctionForGrid<Grid>(f)`
        that creates a local function suitable for a given `Grid` type - either by
        forwarding to `localFunction(f)` or by providing a wrapper.
      * To avoid implementing the wrapper again, `Dune::Functions::AnalyticGridViewFunction`
        is reused with a dummy `Dune::Fufem::Impl::AllEntityGridView` that contains all
        entities (but does not allow iteration or to obtain an index set).
      * Since the `GridView` type may differ, depending on which code path
        is used to create the grid function, we cannot directly store the
        global grid function in a `Dune::Functions::GridFunction` type-erasure
        wrapper. Instead we have to store the local function in a
        `Dune::Functions::LocalFunction` that only depends on the entity type.
        Since creating precise type of the latter from the `Grid` and `Range`
        is a little cumbersome, this is simplified by the alias
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Merge branch 'remove-deprecated-headers' into 'master' · 3299eead
      Carsten Gräser authored
      Remove deprecated headers
      See merge request !147
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
    • Carsten Gräser's avatar
      Remove empty header · b5afdb85
      Carsten Gräser authored
  6. Jan 05, 2023
  7. Jan 04, 2023