- Jan 18, 2023
Carsten Gräser authored
[cleanup]Simplify ISTLMatrixBackend entry access by multi-indices See merge request !149
- Jan 17, 2023
Carsten Gräser authored
Capturing structured bindings by reference is not allowed before C++20. Here we can instead capture by value as a work around, because the shifted indices are thin wrappers.
Carsten Gräser authored
This removed some trivial tests and instead introduces some more systematic tests with more complicated matrix types and bases. Since the `MatrixBuilder` has not been specialized for some of the tested matrix types, the corresponding matrices must be created manually.
- Jan 16, 2023
Carsten Gräser authored
This cleans up the entry access by a pair of row- and column-multi-indices as follows: * Factor out a generic utility function `visitMatrixEntry()` for accessing the `(i,j)`-th entry of a matrix with dynamic indices. By combining `hybridIndexAccess()` and `hybridRowIndexAccess()` this also works with multi-type matrices. * Factor out a generic utility function `visitMatrixEntryRecursive()` for recursively accessing matrix entries with dynamic row- and column-multi-indices. The action to apply to the resolved matrix entry is customizable. * Use `visitMatrixEntryRecursive()` to return matrix entries. This is a significant simplification of the old `MultiIndexResolver`-code and far more readable. It is also more generic, and forms the foundation of possible extensions to other methods that need multi-index-access, like, e.g., `matrixEntryExists(i,j)` or `addToMatrixEntry(i,j)`.
Carsten Gräser authored
Split header assemblers/istlbackend.hh See merge request !148
Carsten Gräser authored
The header contained several independent classes. They are now split into separate headers in the new directory `backends/`. The old header is deprecated but includes the new one for compatibility.
- Jan 12, 2023
Carsten Gräser authored
Stop using Dune::VirtualFunction interface See merge request fufem/dune-fufem!146
- Jan 11, 2023
Carsten Gräser authored
* Remove `AlienElementLocalBasisFunction` and corresponding header. This is overly complicated and can be implemented simpler using the new `CachedFunction`. * Replace use of `AlienElementLocalBasisFunction` in dofconstraints.hh in favor of a direct implementation.
Carsten Gräser authored
Switch from old `BasisGridFunction` to Dune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction` in the test, to avoid deprecation warning.
Carsten Gräser authored
In all placed where this class is used, the downstream code uses `operator()`.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Use CachedFunction instead. * Remove now unused classes `LocalBasisDerivativeFunction` and `LocalBasisJacobianFunction` and corresponding headers. They are not used anywhere.
Carsten Gräser authored
This is a simple wrapper for caching function evaluations. Together with very simple application specific lambda functions this provides the same functionality as `CachedComponentWrapper` with a far simpler implementation without CRTP, traits-classes, ... .
Carsten Gräser authored
* Let the function implement the dune-functions interface * Require dune-functions in `exportGreyMap()` member function * Adjust `pgmtest.cc` After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Let the function implement the dune-functions interface * Require dune-functions in `exportPixelMap()` member function * Adjust `ppmtest.cc` After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions * Adjust `newpfeassemblertest.cc` After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
This allows to e.g. use `Dune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction` with a wrapped basis without storing a separate copy of it.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions * Adjust `secondorderassemblertest.cc` After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions * One now has to pass a dune-functions basis to `FunctionIntegrator::integrateDiscreteFunction()` * The function range type must be passed manually as template parameter to `FunctionIntegrator::integrateDiscreteFunction()`. * Adjust test After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
Adjust test to recent changes in `L2FunctionalAssembler`, `H1FunctionalAssembler`, `SubgridL2FunctionalAssembler`, and `SubgridH1FunctionalAssembler`: * Test with functions implementing the new interface. * Pass suitable `QuadratureRuleKey`s to constructors.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions * Modernize constructor: You now have to pass a `QuadratureRuleKey` describing how to integrade the passed function instead of a raw quadrature rule order for the whole integrant. * Reduce magic: * This no longer works like a simple `H1FunctionalAssembler` if you pass Subgrid `GridFunction`s. In this use case use a plain `H1FunctionalAssembler` instead. After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions * Reduce magic: * This no longer works like a simple `L2FunctionalAssembler` if you pass Subgrid `GridFunction`s. In this use case use a plain `L2FunctionalAssembler` instead. * The `QuadratureRuleKey` is no longer determined from the passed function automatically. Instead the manually passed `QuadratureRuleKey` is now always used. After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
Remove the deprecated constructor taking a raw quadrature order, the now unused member storing this order, and all code paths evaluating it.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions * Modernize constructor: You now have to pass a `QuadratureRuleKey` describing how to integrade the passed function instead of a raw quadrature rule order for the whole integrant. * Adjust test * Disable test for dune-functions older than 2.9, because `derivative(DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction)` is used in the test but not implemented in before dune-functions-2.9. After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction`, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
This moves the `Local(Derivative)Evaluator` implementations from `basisgridfunction.hh` to `vintagebasisgridfunction.hh`. Hence the former now includes the latter. This was the other way around before. By this change one can include `vintagebasisgridfunction.hh` without seeing deprecation warnings because `dune/common/function.hh` is implicitly included. Furthermore it allows to remove `basisgridfunction.hh` before `vintagebasisgridfunction.hh`.
Carsten Gräser authored
* Switch to dune-functions interface for grid functions * Adjust test * Also test with scalar- and matrix-valued dune-functions grid functions as coefficients * Disable test with `Dune::Functions::ComposedGridFunction` for dune-functions-2.8 After this patch you can no longer pass a `Dune::VirtualFunction` or `VirtualGridFunction` as diffusivity coefficient, but have to use either the `std::function` or the `Dune::Functions::GridViewFunction` interface.
Carsten Gräser authored
All utilities in this header are for transitional purposes to migrate dune-fufem from the `Dune::VirtualFunction`-based to a `std::function`-based interface, while keeping some compatibility. Unfortunately the dune-functions utilities (e.g. `makeGridViewFunction()`) cannot directly be used, because the old dune-fufem assemblers do not know a `GridView`, but only a `Grid`, while the dune-functions grid-function concept always required an `EntitySet` that typically represents a `GridView`. The work-around provided by this header works as follows: * Provide a utility `Dune::Fufem::Impl::localFunctionForGrid<Grid>(f)` that creates a local function suitable for a given `Grid` type - either by forwarding to `localFunction(f)` or by providing a wrapper. * To avoid implementing the wrapper again, `Dune::Functions::AnalyticGridViewFunction` is reused with a dummy `Dune::Fufem::Impl::AllEntityGridView` that contains all entities (but does not allow iteration or to obtain an index set). * Since the `GridView` type may differ, depending on which code path is used to create the grid function, we cannot directly store the global grid function in a `Dune::Functions::GridFunction` type-erasure wrapper. Instead we have to store the local function in a `Dune::Functions::LocalFunction` that only depends on the entity type. Since creating precise type of the latter from the `Grid` and `Range` is a little cumbersome, this is simplified by the alias `Dune::Fufem::Impl::LocalFunctionInterfaceForGrid<Grid,Range>`.
Carsten Gräser authored
Remove deprecated headers See merge request !147
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
- Jan 05, 2023
Carsten Gräser authored
[ci]Use dune-matrix-vector from new location See merge request !144
Carsten Gräser authored
- Jan 04, 2023
Carsten Gräser authored
[cleanup]Avoid deprecated interfaces from the core modules See merge request agnumpde/dune-fufem!143
Carsten Gräser authored
Here we derived from `BoundarySegment` and additionally from `VirtualFunction`. I cannot see any reason for the latter. Hence we can remove this as base class to avoid a deprecation warning.
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Using `MCMGMapper::update()` without a grid view argument is deprecated.
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Deprecate header dune/fufem/concept.hh See merge request agnumpde/dune-fufem!142