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[cleanup]Simplify ISTLMatrixBackend entry access by multi-indices

Merged Carsten Gräser requested to merge feature/cleanup-istlmatrixbackend into master
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@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ namespace Dune::Fufem {
template<class M, class E=typename M::field_type>
class ISTLMatrixBackend
namespace Impl {
// The following is essentially a copy of Dune::Functions::hybridIndexAccess
// But since matrices do not provide size(), we have to use N() instead.
@@ -49,92 +49,112 @@ class ISTLMatrixBackend
template<class Result, class RowIndex, class ColIndex>
struct MatrixMultiIndexResolver
// Call f(matrix[i][j]) and return the result.
// This works with dynamic indices i,j, even for a multi-type matrix.
// However, it requires that f() has a unique return type.
template<class Matrix, class RowIndex, class ColIndex, class F>
decltype(auto) visitMatrixEntry(Matrix&& matrix, const RowIndex& i, const ColIndex& j, F&& f)
MatrixMultiIndexResolver(const RowIndex& rowIndex, const ColIndex& colIndex) :
template<class C>
using isReturnable =
std::is_convertible<C&, Result>::value or
template<class C>
auto& toScalar(C&& c) {
return std::forward<C>(c);
using namespace Dune::Functions;
return hybridRowIndexAccess(matrix, i, [&](auto&& matrix_i) -> decltype(auto) {
return hybridIndexAccess(matrix_i, j, f);
// Catch the cases where a FieldMatrix<K, 1, 1> was supplied
auto& toScalar(FieldMatrix<std::decay_t<Result>, 1, 1>& c) {
return c[0][0];
auto& toScalar(const FieldMatrix<std::decay_t<Result>, 1, 1>& c) {
return c[0][0];
template<class C,
typename std::enable_if<not isReturnable<C>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<IsSingleRowMatrix<C>::value, int>::type = 0>
Result operator()(C&& c)
// Call f(matrix[i0][j0]...[in][jm]), by recursively resolving row- and column-multi-indices.
// Whenenver a SingleRowMatrix or SingleColumnMatrix is encountered, a zero row- or column-index
// is inserted, respectively. The recursion ends, whenever f(matrixEntry) can be called.
// This works with dynamic indices i,j, even for a multi-type matrix.
// However, it requires that f() has a unique return type.
template<class Matrix, class RowIndex, class ColIndex, class F>
static decltype(auto) visitMatrixEntryRecursive(Matrix& matrix, const RowIndex& iii, const ColIndex& jjj, F&& f)
using namespace Dune::Indices;
using namespace Dune::Functions::Imp;
static constexpr bool isSingleRow = IsSingleRowMatrix<Matrix>::value;
static constexpr bool isSingleCol = IsSingleColumnMatrix<Matrix>::value;
auto splitIndex = [] (auto&& multiIndex) { return std::make_tuple(multiIndex[_0], shiftedDynamicMultiIndex<1>(multiIndex)) ;};
if constexpr (std::is_invocable_v<F, Matrix&>)
using namespace Dune::Indices;
using namespace Dune::Functions;
auto&& subRowIndex = rowIndex_;
auto&& subColIndex = Dune::Functions::Imp::shiftedDynamicMultiIndex<1>(colIndex_);
auto&& subIndexResolver = MatrixMultiIndexResolver<Result, decltype(subRowIndex), decltype(subColIndex)>(subRowIndex, subColIndex);
return static_cast<Result>((hybridRowIndexAccess(c, _0, [&](auto&& ci) -> decltype(auto) {
return static_cast<Result>((hybridIndexAccess(ci, colIndex_[_0], subIndexResolver)));
return f(matrix);
template<class C,
typename std::enable_if<not isReturnable<C>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<IsSingleColumnMatrix<C>::value, int>::type = 0>
Result operator()(C&& c)
else if constexpr (isSingleRow)
using namespace Dune::Indices;
using namespace Dune::Functions;
auto&& subRowIndex = Dune::Functions::Imp::shiftedDynamicMultiIndex<1>(rowIndex_);
auto&& subColIndex = colIndex_;
auto&& subIndexResolver = MatrixMultiIndexResolver<Result, decltype(subRowIndex), decltype(subColIndex)>(subRowIndex, subColIndex);
return static_cast<Result>((hybridRowIndexAccess(c, rowIndex_[_0], [&](auto&& ci) -> decltype(auto) {
return static_cast<Result>((hybridIndexAccess(ci, _0, subIndexResolver)));
auto [j, jj] = splitIndex(jjj);
// We have to capture jj explicitly by value, because capturing structured bindings
// by reference is not allowed before C++20
return visitMatrixEntry(matrix, _0, j, [&, jj=jj](auto&& matrix_0j) -> decltype(auto) {
return visitMatrixEntryRecursive(matrix_0j, iii, jj, f);
template<class C,
typename std::enable_if<not isReturnable<C>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<not IsSingleRowMatrix<C>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<not IsSingleColumnMatrix<C>::value, int>::type = 0>
Result operator()(C&& c)
else if constexpr (isSingleCol)
using namespace Dune::Indices;
using namespace Dune::Functions;
auto&& subRowIndex = Dune::Functions::Imp::shiftedDynamicMultiIndex<1>(rowIndex_);
auto&& subColIndex = Dune::Functions::Imp::shiftedDynamicMultiIndex<1>(colIndex_);
auto&& subIndexResolver = MatrixMultiIndexResolver<Result, decltype(subRowIndex), decltype(subColIndex)>(subRowIndex, subColIndex);
return static_cast<Result>((hybridRowIndexAccess(c, rowIndex_[_0], [&](auto&& ci) -> decltype(auto) {
return static_cast<Result>((hybridIndexAccess(ci, colIndex_[_0], subIndexResolver)));
auto [i, ii] = splitIndex(iii);
// We have to capture ii explicitly by value, because capturing structured bindings
// by reference is not allowed before C++20
return visitMatrixEntry(matrix, i, _0, [&, ii=ii](auto&& matrix_i0) -> decltype(auto) {
return visitMatrixEntryRecursive(matrix_i0, ii, jjj, f);
template<class C,
typename std::enable_if<isReturnable<C>::value, int>::type = 0>
Result operator()(C&& c)
return static_cast<Result>(toScalar(std::forward<C>(c)));
auto [i, ii] = splitIndex(iii);
auto [j, jj] = splitIndex(jjj);
// We have to capture ii and jj explicitly by value, because capturing structured bindings
// by reference is not allowed before C++20
return visitMatrixEntry(matrix, i, j, [&, ii=ii, jj=jj](auto&& matrix_ij) -> decltype(auto) {
return visitMatrixEntryRecursive(matrix_ij, ii, jj, f);
} // namespace Impl
template<class M, class E=typename M::field_type>
class ISTLMatrixBackend
template<class Result>
struct ToScalar;
template<class R>
struct ToScalar<R&>
template<class Matrix,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<Matrix&, R&>, int> = 0>
R& operator()(Matrix& matrix) {
return matrix;
R& operator()(Dune::FieldMatrix<R, 1, 1>& matrix) {
return matrix[0][0];
template<class R>
struct ToScalar<const R&>
template<class Matrix,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<Matrix&, const R&>, int> = 0>
const R& operator()(Matrix& matrix) {
return matrix;
const RowIndex& rowIndex_;
const ColIndex& colIndex_;
const R& operator()(const Dune::FieldMatrix<R, 1, 1>& matrix) {
return matrix[0][0];
@@ -157,15 +177,13 @@ public:
template<class RowMultiIndex, class ColMultiIndex>
const Entry& operator()(const RowMultiIndex& row, const ColMultiIndex& col) const
MatrixMultiIndexResolver<const Entry&, RowMultiIndex, ColMultiIndex> i(row, col);
return i(*matrix_);
return Impl::visitMatrixEntryRecursive(*matrix_, row, col, ToScalar<const Entry&>());
template<class RowMultiIndex, class ColMultiIndex>
Entry& operator()(const RowMultiIndex& row, const ColMultiIndex& col)
MatrixMultiIndexResolver<Entry&, RowMultiIndex, ColMultiIndex> i(row, col);
return i(*matrix_);
return Impl::visitMatrixEntryRecursive(*matrix_, row, col, ToScalar<Entry&>());