- Mar 11, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
[cleanup] Remove code based on old basis and function interfaces See merge request !263
- Mar 07, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
[examples][bugfix] Only use AdolC if it is available See merge request !265
Carsten Gräser authored
[examples] Do not always build examples See merge request !266
Carsten Gräser authored
With the number of examples increasing, the build time can be annoying. This follows the approach taken in dune-functions and excludes the examples from plain `make`. Instead it adds a dedicated target `make build_examples` which is included in `make build_tests`.
Carsten Gräser authored
- Mar 06, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
[forms][bugfix] Fix GeometryType in QuadratureRuleKey exported by Forms::Coefficient See merge request !261
Carsten Gräser authored
Both, the function space basis interface and the virtual function based grid/differentiable function interface have been deprecated for a long time and are now finally removed. As a consequnce all code for supporting this interface can also be removed.
Carsten Gräser authored
Here the old basis/function interfaces are not exposed but only used internally and can be replaced easily.
- Mar 05, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
[doc] Immprove documentation of AffineConstraints class See merge request !262
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
So far a `Forms::Coefficient` exported a `QuadratureRuleKey` with `GeometryType` being `none` with appropriate dimension. This works when assembling linear and bilinear forms, because we always multiply with at least one unary operator which then sets the correct `GeometryType`. However, if we want to use the nullary operator `Forms::Coefficient` standalone, e.g. to simply integrate it (it's a grid function after all), we silently use the wrong `GeometryType`. Luckily we can always derive the correct `GeometryType` from the element this function is bound to allowing for an easy fix.
- Mar 03, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
[examples] Add examples with Hermite-type bases See merge request !238
Carsten Gräser authored
This adds three examples: * 2d Poisson equation with cubic Hermite-basis and weak enforcement of Dirichlet BC (Nitsches method). * 2d Poisson equation with cubic Hermite-basis and strong enforcement of Dirichlet BC utilizing the `FunctionalDescriptor` interface. * 2d biharmonic equation with nonconforming Morley basis and strong enforcement of clamped BC utilizing the `FunctionalDescriptor` interface.
- Feb 25, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
[cmake] Do not add python flags unconditionally See merge request !260
Carsten Gräser authored
This add a patch from !239 and also removes some 2.7 backward compatibility code, since we only support dune versions >= 2.9 which all require Python3.
- Feb 24, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
Add utility function writeBasis() See merge request !259
Carsten Gräser authored
This plots writes all basis functions as vtk sequence for viewing them with paraview. This is _very_ helpful when investigating/debugging a dune-functions basis and affine constraints e.g. for hanging nodes, Dirichlet BC, ... . Ideally this should be part of dune-functions, but the latter does not depend on dune-vtk and furthermore does not know about constraints so far.
Carsten Gräser authored
Add constraints support for dune-functions basis See merge request !258
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
The examples requires a fix that is not contained in 2.10 and makes composed grid functions work with bound unary operators.
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
In order to demonstrate the (hanging-node) constraints work with higher order bases, too, use 2nd order FEM as ansatz space and modify the problem such that the boundary data are not representable exactly in the FE space. As extension space we use 4th order finite elements. By fixing certain DOFs we still get incremental bubbles wrt. to the P2-basis.
- Feb 16, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
This makes the rendering of Latex more consistent with the rest of the documentation and improves readability.
Carsten Gräser authored
Document what exactly `AffineConstraints` is supposed to do and how it is intended to be used and rename `constrainMatrixPattern()` to extendMatrixPattern()` since this in fact enlarges the pattern and never reduces it.
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
This avoids having to construct a boundary patch if we want to process the whole boundary anyway.
Carsten Gräser authored
If we have `markBoundaryPatchDofs()` there should also be `markBoundaryDofs()` to avoid having to construct a `BoundaryPatch` in the trivial cases.
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
* Adjust to updated interface of `AffineConstraints`. * Separate construction of constraints object from computation of its content.
Carsten Gräser authored
Before the class only supported linear constraints. By adding support for constant offsets, this can now be used e.g. for hanging node constraints (linear), Dirichlet constraints (constant), or both at once.
- Feb 15, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
The algorithm basically interpolates fine DOFs from coarse basis functions of neighboring elements. This requires some mechanism to interpolate only hanging fine DOFs and not all. Instead of checking if the fine interpolation point is in within the coarse element, we now check if the interpolated DOF is associated to a subentity of the intersection. In most cases this is equivalent. But for hierarchical bases, the former does probably not lead to the desired result (*). Remark: (*) In principle one would expect that the conforming hierarchical basis consists of the conforming P1-basis plus conforming bubbles. This is the case for both algorithms (except for some numerical issues for the old one). However, it turnes out that there are different possibilities to define the conforming bubbles and it's not clear which one is desired. Ideally we would like to have: * The bubbles are lagrangian, i.e. each one is zero at the interpolation point of the other ones. * The bubbles are non-negative. For hanging nodes you can't have both at once. The old algorithm guarantees the former, the new one the latter property. I'm undecides which one is 'correct'.
Carsten Gräser authored
This demonstrates the usage of hanging node. So far the refinement indicator is a very crude quick and dirty hack.
Carsten Gräser authored
This adds a class `AffineConstraints` for storing contraints for general dune-functions bases and a method `makeContinuityConstraints()` for computing the constraints for the H^1-conforming subspace for classical FE spaces on grid with hanging nodes. This is experimental and the interface may change. Also some features are still missing: * The code is generic and should work with nested bases and subspace bases. But this has not been tested so far. * One may want to generalize `makeContinuityConstraints()` such that one can extend an existing constraints object. This way one could add constraints for different branches in the tree one after the other. * Currently constraints are stored in a simple `std::unordered_map<std::map<Index,Coeff>>` data structure. Maybe this could be more efficient in a vector-based data structure or a sparse matrix. I had a compress method in mind that transforms into a more efficient storage once the contraints are fully build. But in my tests copying into a vector-bases data structure did not improve significantly, probably because the number of entries is relatively small. * The constraints class is called `AffineConstraints` because it is intended to also hold Dirichlet constraints. This feature is currently missing.
- Feb 03, 2025
Carsten Gräser authored
Add utility functions for recursive traversal of matrices and vectors See merge request !257