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[draft][AD] Add some automated differentiation utilities

Open Carsten Gräser requested to merge feature/forward-ad into master
2 unresolved threads

This provide the ADValue<T,maxOrder,dim> class as a primitive for automatic differentiation. It that encapsulates a scalar type T (e.g. T=double) and provides arithmetic operations. Each ADValue is considered as an intermediate result in the evaluation of a scalar dim-variate function but does not store the value only, but the jet of all derivatives up to maxOrder. Currently only maxOrder<=2 is implemented. Additionally, this provides some convenience utilities for using this ADValue:

  • A functions for easy definition of AD-aware nonlinear differentiable functions.
  • Overloads for a few basic functions (abs, sin, cos, log, exp, sqrt, pow).
  • Some glue code to implements dune-functions differentiable functions (for a callback f simply use ADFunction<f>.

Usage example:

using std::sin;
using std::exp;
using std::pow;
using namespace Dune::Indices;

// Define and initialize functions arguments of a tri-variate
// twice differentiable function.
auto x0 = ADValue<double,2,3>(23., 0);
auto x1 = ADValue<double,2,3>(42., 1);
auto x2 = ADValue<double,2,3>(13., 2);

// Evaluate expression
auto y = pow(2, exp(sin(x[0]*x[1])*sin(x[2]) + 3));

// Extract value of function, 1st and 2nd order partial derivatives

Why propose this despite the fact we have AdolC bindings?

  • Disadvantages of AdolC tape-based mode:
    • This relyies on global variables and is not thread safe.
    • It is much slower. For simple expressions I measured, that it is between 10 and 100 times slower than ADValue. When using AD for the derivatives of the energy with a Newton method for the minimal surface equation, assembly is takes about 20 times as long with AdolC compared to ADValue. The latter is essentially as fast as with manually implemented derivatives and evenmore allows for multi-threading (not used in the comparison).
  • AFAIK ADValue can be characterized as tapeless forward mode Taylor polynomial AD.
  • AdolC also has a tape-less forward mode, which is probably similar to ADValue but has some conceptual restrictions:
    • Only 1st order derivatives are available, so this can't be used for Newton's method.
    • You have to decide in advance on the maximal domain dimension and set it using a macro global variable. This influences the memory consumption of all AD-values stored later on.
    • There's also no guarantee about thread-safety.
Edited by Carsten Gräser

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    • As another argument for proposing this is that the implementation is really simple and took me far less time than building the dune-functions-like interface to AdolC or to fix some simple issues in AdolC.

      The core functionality here is just about 350 straight forward loc for ADValues. Each supported nonlinear function need a few additional trivial line.

    • I'd still prefer that ADOL-C would be improved rather than writing yet-another-tapeless-AD code. Understanding and fixing ADOL-C is not difficult for somebody of your expertise, and many more people would benefit from it.

    • I'd still prefer that ADOL-C would be improved rather than writing yet-another-tapeless-AD code.

      I totally agree. But I had a look at the thread-safety issue in AdolC's tapeless mode, and this far from being obvious. I guess that the time I invested there is roughly the same it took to implement ADValue. And the latter is by far faster but probably has a different scope.

      Understanding and fixing ADOL-C is not difficult for somebody of your expertise, and many more people would benefit from it.

      This would maybe apply to the tapeless forward mode. But fixing the mentioned shortcomings requires that the domain dimension is a template parameter of the AD value type. For other reasons, I think that the wrapped type should also be a template parameter and not be fixed to double. Both cannot be implemented for AdolC's adouble in a compatible way. Hence fixing this, would mean to add a new class template like ADvalue to AdolC i.e. to propose to add ADValue.

    • I had a look at AdolC's adtl::adouble. This indeed works quite similar but has a dynamic dimension. There, local allocations are (if enabled) performed using boost::pool<> with a globally set block-size and a non-thread-safe pool.

      In order to be on par with adtl::adouble you can now use ADValue<T,k,dynamicDim> and set the dimension dynamically. In this case we can use either use std::vector<> or boost::pool<> for runtime sized storage. In my tests the preformance of both is essentially on par with their adtl::adouble analouges, such that ADValue<double,1,dynamicDim> could replace adtl::adouble.

      Additionally to this ADValue provides:

      • Templated underlying type instead of fixed double.
      • Second order derivatives (the interface allows for later extension to higher order).
      • Dimension can be a compile time parameter. In my tests this is about twice as fast as adtl::adouble with dynamic size and pool allocation and much faster than the non-pool version or (even worse) the tape based mode.
      • Thread safety:
        • With compile-time size ADValue only works on the stack and is intrinsically safe in the sense that you can use different values in different threads simultaneously.
        • With dynamic size and slow std::vector storage you get the same guarantees.
        • With dynamic size and boost:pool allocation, you are safe as long as you don't share ADValue contexts across threads, i.e., when creating an ADValue in thread A, you must not call any operation on it (not even a copy) in another thread.
    • I also stripped down ADValue from almost all dune-isms.

      @oliver.sander: Upstreaming this to an AD library may indeed make sense. As an AdolC developer, do you think that proposing ADValue for AdolC is reasonable?

      On the other hand this is just a lightweight single-file header-only utility that one may want to use without an AdolC dependency. E.g. since there is no longer a strong performance impact I'd like to use this in the dune-fufem examples and maybe integrate it with Dune::Fufem::Forms, but would like to avoid having a recent AdolC as mandatory dependency.

      Edited by Carsten Gräser
    • Proposing this for inclusion into ADOL-C is certainly reasonable. Andrea is always happy to get ADOL-C improvements. Lots of things in ADOL-C would change/improve if it wasn't for lack of (wo)manpower.

    • OK, I'll give it a try. There's one thing I don't like here: In the dynamic mode this currently stores a static vector of boost::pool's in a thread_local singleton which adds some thread-safety. This design basically results from trying to stay close to the AdolC design.

      A much cleaner version would be to setup something like an ADContext<T, maxOrder, dynamicDim> which creates dynamically sized ADValues of a single size. This ADContext would store the pool such that we can get away without global or thread-local storage and the thread-safety guarantee could be much easier described.

      But this seems to be different to the AdolC philosophy to use global storage such that people don't need to care who actually holds the storage.

    • I wouldn't worry too much about that "philosophy". It may just be historical.

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  • While being fully functional, this is marked as draft, because one may want to improve a few things:

    • As far AdolC this requires glue-code to transfer vectors and matrices to and from the ADValue representation to provide a DifferentiableFunction interface. Currently this is implemented for a few cases only.
    • Ideally, one should be able to parameterize the DerivativeTraits for the DifferentiableFunction wrapper.
    • There's no test.

    One can discuss that this could be added to dune-functions, or, ADValue may even be suitable for dune-common. But currently this is just the result of one afternoon and probably needs some more improvements.

    Possibly further generalizations:

    • Allow to generalize this to dynamic domain dimensions (e.g. by adding support for a dynamic-extent value as dim) (implemented).
    • Allow to customization the stored gradient and Hessian types, to avoid copies when wrapping as DifferentiableFunction.
    Edited by Carsten Gräser
  • Using this to implement a Newton method for the minimal surface equation is as easy as:

    auto phi = Dune::Fufem::AD::ADFunction([](auto g) {
      using std::sqrt;
      return sqrt(1 + g.frobenius_norm2());
    auto Dphi = RangeOperator(derivative(phi));
    auto DDphi = RangeOperator(derivative(derivative(phi)));
    auto u_old = bindToCoefficients(trialFunction(basis), sol);
    auto u = trialFunction(basis);
    auto v = testFunction(basis);
    auto F = integrate(dot(Dphi(grad(u_old)), grad(v)));
    auto DF = integrate(dot(DDphi(grad(u_old))*grad(u), grad(v)));

    and is about 20 times faster than doing the same with AdolC tape-based mode.

    Edited by Carsten Gräser
  • Carsten Gräser changed the description

    changed the description

  • added 1 commit

    • 057ab919 - [AD] Add some automated differentiation utilities

    Compare with previous version

  • Carsten Gräser changed the description

    changed the description

  • added 1 commit

    • f48c2cc4 - [AD] Add support for dynamic dimension

    Compare with previous version

  • added 1 commit

    • 46507b7f - [AD] Split ADValue and add support for boost::pool<>

    Compare with previous version

  • Carsten Gräser changed the description

    changed the description

  • added 1 commit

    • 4e24ae05 - [AD] Split ADValue and add support for boost::pool<>

    Compare with previous version

  • added 1 commit

    • 2ddc2f18 - [AD] Improve handling of dynamic ADValue

    Compare with previous version

  • added 1 commit

    • c6516476 - [AD] Make ADValue robust wrt nesting

    Compare with previous version

18 #include <dune/common/rangeutilities.hh>
22 namespace Dune::Fufem::AD {
26 /**
27 * \brief Special value to indicate a dynamically selected dimension
28 *
29 * This value can be passed as dimension template parameter to `ADValue`
30 * to indicate that the dimension should be selected dynamically.
31 */
32 inline constexpr int dynamicDim = -1;
  • @oliver.sander Maybe interesting for your nonlinear mechanics assembly-code: I also tried the proposed trace less AD within where a local assembler for the Laplacian is generated as the AD-Hessian of the Dirichlet-energy (wrt. a local coefficient vector). To my surprise the local assembler is about 5 times faster (Laplace, YaspGrid<3>, Q1). In general the speedup is larger for small local dimension.

  • Carsten Gräser added 85 commits

    added 85 commits

    • c6516476...27d7517f - 78 commits from branch master
    • 3bc946e5 - [AD] Add some automated differentiation utilities
    • 98e2dd78 - [AD] Add support for dynamic dimension
    • 91f5f32b - [AD] Split ADValue and add support for boost::pool<>
    • c556221a - [AD] Improve handling of dynamic ADValue
    • 7529ec94 - [AD] Make ADValue robust wrt nesting
    • e46134a0 - [ad] Update to recent version in proposal for adolc
    • 78e1b0a6 - [AD] Add some patches to make ADValue work with boost::numeric::interval

    Compare with previous version

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