[Draft] Add new Finite Element Arnold Winther
This MR provides a draft of the Arnold-Winther-element based on the structure in !421. For convenience, it also contains !421, !470 (merged) !481 !48 (merged)o0. This Draft does a lot of things, and explores features that Dune does not have so far, as it provides an non-affine Piola transformed matrix valued FE. Accordingly it takes a number of shortcuts here and there and probably does a few things wrong. It serves mainly as a Draft for a meeting to come.
Merge request reports
@simon.praetorius @carsten.graeser @oliver.sander Here is what I could piece together so far. Unfortunately, I am leaving for vacation now and did not have enough time to test and adapt everything to the current state of !421. Probably this code won't even compile. For a version that compiles check out my module.