- Dec 18, 2020
Andreas Dedner authored
don't need shared libs to install dune modules so adapted packagedata accordingly - this solves the issue of having to prescibe some relative rpath
Andreas Dedner authored
Also do not require setup.py/pyproject.toml to be added to git
Add relative CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH. added CMAKE_BUILD_PATH to the rpath of python modules as well added missing package include add CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH to setup.py cmake flags to avoid issue with missing rpath entries for CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH Do not add suggestions any more.
Reset LD_LIBARY_PATH when call deactivate. Fix dynamic_lookup.
Andreas Dedner authored
Andreas Dedner authored
add option to `dunepackaging` script to only build sdist but not upload exti with code 0 in dunepackaging.py -c so it can be used with dunecontrol
Andreas Dedner authored
also set the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` [bugfix] used the wrong way to access the path to a sourced script - was working by chance
make setup-dunepy.py work again without an installed dune-common remove unused default cmake options for building dune-py Add git checkout setup.py pyproject.toml to dunepackaging -c.
Remove dynamic lookup stuff for macos. Replace ProjectAuthorEmail by ProjectMaintainerEmail.
Andreas Dedner authored
make it possible to use setup.py without having an installed dune-common python package. This requires having the PYTHONPATH set as it is now done in dune-common/bin/dunepackaging.py [bugfix] previous commit [bugfix] previous commit set the correct 'prefix' in the pc files if SKBUILD is set, i.e., a wheel is being build using scikit-build
Andreas Dedner authored
to automate generation of metadata for setup.py for other modules [bug fix] previous commit move files around a bit to be able to use the metaData extraction from dunepackaging.py use more of the cmake variables in python/setup.py.in fix an issue in dunepackaging.py for modules without a python package - remove CMakeCache.txt file in dune-py - check that pyproject.toml file contains all dune module dependencies mentioned in dune.module to check consistency [bug fix] previous commit add dune modules from pyproject.toml to install_requires in setup.py [bug fix] previous commit added files generated when calling python setup.py sdist to git ignore list Update bin/dunepackaging.py. Add path to dunepackaging if dune-common. Append version number devDATE to -git versions and add suggestions if they have a pypi package.
Remove __pycache__. Add CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH=TRUE. experiment with extracting required meta data for generating setup.py from - dune.module file - pkg_resource This version does not require an extra project.py file but does assume that the python module for which setup.py is to be generated is installed. Also dune.common must be available: - dune.common.module.Description class is used to parse dune.module file - pkg_resource is used to extract additional metadata information (as provided by python/setup.py.in) requiring the module to be installed. This data is 'description' ('Summary'), 'url' ('home-page'), 'author', and the install_requires. At the moment this will fail e.g. for dune-localfunctions which has no python package. We could decide to add the required information to dune.module and use replacements in python/setup.py.in instead. Parse meta data from dune.module and setup.py.in. add a try except around trying to open python/setup.py.in
Build shared libraries with .so suffix on Mac. Install pybind11 modules. Generate dependencies of dune-py on-demand. fixed a few issues with generating dune-py on a linux machine
- Dec 09, 2020
Andreas Dedner authored
Add support for --module=mod to bin/setup-dunepy.py See merge request core/dune-common!902
This adds an optional parameter `--module=mod` to `setup-dunepy.py`. If this parameter is passed, only `mod` and its dependencies are used as dependencies of the newly created dune-py module. This allows to do ``` dunecontrol --opts=my.opts --module=foo all setup-dunepy.py --opts=my.opts --module=foo install ``` which would otherwise fail if `setup-dunepy.py` tries to process found modules that have not been build by `dunecontrol`. If the option is not passed all found modules are used as dependencies as before.
- Nov 25, 2020
Robert K authored
[bugfix][Python] indentation of compilation call. See merge request core/dune-common!899
Robert K authored
- Nov 19, 2020
Andreas Dedner authored
use a unique_ptr to avoid memory leak See merge request core/dune-common!898
- Nov 18, 2020
Andreas Dedner authored
- Nov 15, 2020
Andreas Dedner authored
switch to newer pybind11 version (2.6.1 from Nov 2020) See merge request core/dune-common!895
Andreas Dedner authored
use relative path for add_subdirectory in python generator See merge request core/dune-common!896
- Nov 14, 2020
Simon Praetorius authored
require at least MPI >= 3.0 See merge request core/dune-common!891
Simon Praetorius authored
- Nov 13, 2020
Christian Engwer authored
remove ambiguity when multiplying Float128 with __float128 See merge request core/dune-common!846
Andreas Dedner authored
- Nov 06, 2020
Simon Praetorius authored
Remove the ENABLE_SCOTCH_METIS and ENABLE_SCOTCH_PRMETIS flags from the cmake find modules See merge request core/dune-common!887
Simon Praetorius authored
- Nov 05, 2020
Christian Engwer authored
Add wrapper representing the transposed of a matrix See merge request core/dune-common!889
- Nov 04, 2020
Carsten Gräser authored
Carsten Gräser authored
Currently the wrapper only implements ```cpp auto c = a*transpose(b); ``` if `a` is a `FieldMatrix* of appropriate size. This is optimal even for sparse `b` because it only relies on calling `b.mv(a[i], c[i])` for the rows of `a`. More functionality may be added later on. Since the created object only stores a reference to the wrapped matrix, it cannot be modified and should not be stored but used directly. The classical application is doing a local-to-global transformation of the Jacobians of a local finite element. ```cpp auto jacobian = referenceJacobian * transpose(geometry.inverseJacobianTransposed(xLocal)); ```
- Oct 31, 2020
Christoph Grüninger authored
Feature/cmake with link interface See merge request core/dune-common!875
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored