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  • Ansgar Burchardt's avatar
    Ansgar Burchardt committed
    // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file in module root
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
    // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
    // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    #include <cmath>
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    #include <complex>
    #include <iostream>
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    #include <dune/common/ftraits.hh>
    #include <dune/common/iteratorfacades.hh>
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    #include "istlexception.hh"
    #include "bvector.hh"
    #include <dune/istl/blocklevel.hh>
    Oliver Sander's avatar
    Oliver Sander committed
    /** \file
     * \brief ???
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    namespace Dune {
                  @addtogroup ISTL_SPMV
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          \brief A Vector of blocks with different blocksizes.
              implements a vector consisting of a number of blocks (to
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
              be given at run-time) which themselves consist of a number
              of blocks (also given at run-time) of the given type B.
              VariableBlockVector is a container of containers!
      template<class B, class A=std::allocator<B> >
      class VariableBlockVector : public Imp::block_vector_unmanaged<B,typename A::size_type>
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
                                  // this derivation gives us all the blas level 1 and norms
                                  // on the large array. However, access operators have to be
                                  // overwritten.
        typedef Imp::BlockVectorWindow<B,A> window_type;
        // data-structure holding the windows (but not the actual data)
        using VectorWindows = std::vector<window_type, typename A::template rebind<window_type>::other>;
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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        //===== type definitions and constants
        //! export the type representing the field
        using field_type = typename Imp::BlockTraits<B>::field_type;
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        //! export the allocator type
        typedef A allocator_type;
        /** \brief Export type used for references to container entries
         * \note This is not B&, but an internal proxy class!
        typedef window_type& reference;
        /** \brief Export type used for const references to container entries
         * \note This is not B&, but an internal proxy class!
        typedef const window_type& const_reference;
        //! The size type for the index access
        typedef typename A::size_type size_type;
        /** \brief Type of the elements of the outer vector, i.e., dynamic vectors of B
         * Note that this is *not* the type referred to by the iterators and random access operators,
         * which return proxy objects.
        typedef BlockVector<B,A> value_type;
        /** \brief Same as value_type, here for historical reasons
    Peter Bastian's avatar
    Peter Bastian committed
        typedef BlockVector<B,A> block_type;
        //===== constructors and such
        /** constructor without arguments makes empty vector,
                object cannot be used yet
        VariableBlockVector () : Imp::block_vector_unmanaged<B,size_type>()
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        /** make vector with given number of blocks, but size of each block is not yet known,
                object cannot be used yet
        explicit VariableBlockVector (size_type _nblocks) : Imp::block_vector_unmanaged<B,size_type>()
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          // we can allocate the windows now
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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        /** make vector with given number of blocks each having a constant size,
                object is fully usable then.
                \param _nblocks Number of blocks
                \param m Number of elements in each block
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        VariableBlockVector (size_type _nblocks, size_type m) : Imp::block_vector_unmanaged<B,size_type>()
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          // and we can allocate the big array in the base class
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          // set the windows into the big array
          for (size_type i=0; i<_nblocks; ++i)
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          // and the vector is usable
          initialized = true;
        //! copy constructor, has copy semantics
        VariableBlockVector (const VariableBlockVector& a) :
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          // and we must set the windows
          if(block.size()>0) {
            block[0].set(block[0].getsize(),this->p);           // first block
            for (size_type i=1; i<block.size(); ++i)                         // and the rest
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          // and we have a usable vector
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
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        void swap(VariableBlockVector& other) {
          std::swap(storage_, other.storage_);
          std::swap(block, other.block);
          std::swap(initialized, other.initialized);
        // move constructor:
        VariableBlockVector(VariableBlockVector&& tmp) {
        // move assignment
        VariableBlockVector& operator=(VariableBlockVector&& tmp) {
          return *this;
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        //! same effect as constructor with same argument
        void resize (size_type _nblocks)
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          // we can allocate the windows now
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          // and the vector not fully usable
          initialized = false;
        //! same effect as constructor with same argument
        void resize (size_type _nblocks, size_type m)
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          // and we can allocate the big array in the base class
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          // set the windows into the big array
          for (size_type i=0; i<block.size(); ++i)
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          // and the vector is usable
          initialized = true;
        //! assignment
        VariableBlockVector& operator= (const VariableBlockVector& a)
          if (&a!=this)     // check if this and a are different objects
            storage_ = a.storage_;
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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            // copy block structure, might be different although
            // sizes are the same !
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              block[0].set(a.block[0].getsize(),this->p);                 // first block
              for (size_type i=1; i<block.size(); ++i)                               // and the rest
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            // and we have a usable vector
            initialized = a.initialized;;
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          // and we have a usable vector
          initialized = true;
          return *this;     // Return reference to make constructions like a=b=c; work.
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        //===== assignment from scalar
        //! assign from scalar
        VariableBlockVector& operator= (const field_type& k)
          (static_cast<Imp::block_vector_unmanaged<B,size_type>&>(*this)) = k;
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          return *this;
        //===== the creation interface
        class CreateIterator;
    #ifndef DOXYGEN
        // The window_type does not hand out a reference to its size,
        // so in order to provide a valid iterator, we need a workaround
        // to make assignment possible. This proxy enables just that by
        // implicitly converting to the stored size for read access and
        // tunneling assignment to the accessor method of the window.
        struct SizeProxy
          operator size_type() const
            return target->getsize();
          SizeProxy& operator=(size_type size)
            return *this;
          friend class CreateIterator;
          SizeProxy(window_type& t)
            : target(&t)
          window_type* target;
    #endif // DOXYGEN
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        //! Iterator class for sequential creation of blocks
        class CreateIterator
          //! iterator category
          using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag;
          //! value type
          using value_type = size_type;
           * \brief difference type (unused)
           * This type is required by the C++ standard, but not used for
           * output iterators.
          using difference_type = void;
          //! pointer type
          using pointer = size_type*;
          //! reference type
          using reference = SizeProxy;
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          //! constructor
          CreateIterator (VariableBlockVector& _v, int _i, bool _isEnd) :
            isEnd(_isEnd) {}
          ~CreateIterator() {
            // When the iterator gets destructed, we allocate the memory
            // for the VariableBlockVector if
            // 1. the current iterator was not created as enditerator
            // 2. we're at the last block
            // 3. the vector hasn't been initialized earlier
            if (not isEnd && i==v.block.size() && not v.initialized)
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          //! prefix increment
          CreateIterator& operator++()
            // go to next block
            return *this;
          /** \brief postfix increment operator */
          CreateIterator operator++ (int)
            CreateIterator tmp(*this);
            return tmp;
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          //! inequality
          bool operator!= (const CreateIterator& it) const
            return (i!=it.i) || (&v!=&it.v);
          //! equality
          bool operator== (const CreateIterator& it) const
            return (i==it.i) && (&v==&it.v);
          //! dereferencing
          size_type index () const
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            return i;
          //! set size of current block
          void setblocksize (size_type _k)
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          VariableBlockVector& v;     // my vector
          size_type i;                      // current block to be defined
          const bool isEnd; // flag if this object was created as the end iterator.
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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        // CreateIterator wants to set all the arrays ...
        friend class CreateIterator;
        //! get initial create iterator
        CreateIterator createbegin ()
          if (initialized) DUNE_THROW(ISTLError,"no CreateIterator in initialized state");
          return CreateIterator(*this,0, false);
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        //! get create iterator pointing to one after the last block
        CreateIterator createend ()
          return CreateIterator(*this, block.size(), true);
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        //===== access to components
        // has to be overwritten from base class because it must
        // return access to the windows
        //! random access to blocks
        window_type& operator[] (size_type i)
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          if (i>=block.size()) DUNE_THROW(ISTLError,"index out of range");
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          return block[i];
        //! same for read only access
        const window_type& operator[] (size_type i) const
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          if (i<0 || i>=block.size()) DUNE_THROW(ISTLError,"index out of range");
    Peter Bastian's avatar
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          return block[i];
        using Iterator = typename VectorWindows::iterator;
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        //! begin Iterator
        Iterator begin ()
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        //! end Iterator
        Iterator end ()
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        //! @returns an iterator that is positioned before
        //! the end iterator of the vector, i.e. at the last entry.
        Iterator beforeEnd ()
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        //! @returns an iterator that is positioned before
        //! the first entry of the vector.
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
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        /** \brief Export the iterator type using std naming rules */
        using iterator = Iterator;
        using ConstIterator = typename VectorWindows::const_iterator;
        /** \brief Export the const iterator type using std naming rules */
        using const_iterator = ConstIterator;
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        //! begin ConstIterator
        ConstIterator begin () const
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        //! end ConstIterator
        ConstIterator end () const
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        //! @returns an iterator that is positioned before
        //! the end iterator of the vector. i.e. at the last element.
        ConstIterator beforeEnd() const
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    Peter Bastian's avatar
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        //! @returns an iterator that is positioned before
        //! the first entry of the vector.
        ConstIterator beforeBegin () const
          return --block.begin();
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        //! end ConstIterator
        ConstIterator rend () const
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        //! random access returning iterator (end if not contained)
        Iterator find (size_type i)
            auto tmp = block.begin();
            tmp+=std::min(i, block.size());
            return tmp;
        //! random access returning iterator (end if not contained)
        ConstIterator find (size_type i) const
          auto tmp = block.begin();
          tmp+=std::min(i, block.size());
          return tmp;
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        //===== sizes
        //! number of blocks in the vector (are of variable size here)
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        /** Number of blocks in the vector
         * Returns the same value as method N(), because the vector is dense
        size_type size () const
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        void allocate() {
          if (this->initialized)
            DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Attempt to re-allocate already initialized VariableBlockVector");
          // calculate space needed:
          size_type storageNeeded = 0;
          for(size_type i = 0; i < block.size(); i++)
            storageNeeded += block[i].size();
          // and we set the window pointers
          block[0].setptr(this->p); // pointer to first block
          for (size_type j=1; j<block.size(); ++j) // and the rest
          // and the vector is ready
          this->initialized = true;
        void syncBaseArray() noexcept
          this->p =;
          this->n = storage_.size();
        VectorWindows block; // vector of blocks pointing to the array in the base class
        std::vector<B, A> storage_;
        bool initialized = false; // true if vector has been initialized
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      /** @addtogroup DenseMatVec
      template<class B, class A>
      struct FieldTraits< VariableBlockVector<B, A> >
        typedef typename FieldTraits<B>::field_type field_type;
        typedef typename FieldTraits<B>::real_type real_type;
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      /** @} end documentation */
    } // end namespace